Finding Aid
Bertram Brockhouse fonds. – 1950-1997. – 4.7 m of textual records, graphic material, and moving images. Note: Preparation of the finding aid was supported by a grant from the Friends of the Center for History of Physics, American Institute of Physics.
Series 1:
Correspondence. – 1950-1984; 1961-1983 predominant. – 1 m of textual records and graphic material. – Title based on content of series.
Note: Brockhouse kept his correspondence predominantly in chronological order with some alphabetically arranged subject files. This arrangement has been partially retained; however, within each year letters have been placed in alphabetical sequence. Number of letters above one are recorded. Chronological sequence (Boxes 1-4); Alphabetical sequence (Boxes 4-5). There is also correspondence in other series.
Box 1
Chronological sequence:
H. Grayson-Smith, 3 ls. from, 1950, with encl. Brockhouse ts., “On the Variation of the Superconducting Transition Temperature with the Atomic Weight”, with comments by Grayson-Smith. Also 1 p. of notes.
Pergamon Press Inc., l. from, 1957
Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd (W. McAlpin) memo, 11 April 1960. See also the remainder of this series plus Series 4, McMaster University, for correspondence with AEC.
L. from a physicist in Cortina, Italy, 7 Aug. 1960
Brush Beryllium Company
F.3 1961, incoming letters
American Physical Society (Karl K. Darrow; 2)
Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. (R.A. Viapond)
Lyle B. Borst (New York University; 3)
Raymond Bowers (Cornell U.)
A.J.F. Boyle (Physical Laboratories, Manchester)
Brookhaven National Laboratory (Lester Corliss, Vance L. Sailor; 2)
Giuseppe Caglioti (Comitato Nazionale per L’Energia Nucleare)
Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP) (J.N.L. Gauvin)
Canadian Journal of Physics (M.W. Johnson)
U. of Cambridge, Crystallography Laboratory (W. Cochran, A. Cowley; 2)
D.W. J. Cruickshank
Allen B. DuMont Laboratories Inc. (Andre F. Block)
Peter [Egelstaff]
Bruce Forsyth
Erwin R. Gaerttner (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
General Electric Co. (R.J. Diefendorf), encl. shipping notice
Andrew Gold (Iowa State U.)
John B. Goodenough (MIT)
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation (James F. Mathias)
D.G. Henshaw to Frank C. White, c.c. to Brockhouse
IBM, Watson Research Laboratory (P.J. Price)
International Atomic Energy Agency (Bronislaw Buras; 2)
Ronald G. Johnson (2)
E. Leonard Jossem (Ohio State U.)
J.J.J. Kokkedde
Walter Kohn (U. of California, San Diego)
I. Lefkowitz (U. of Cambridge)
National Lead Company, Titanium Division (invoice)
National Radiac, Inc. (Wilber L. Meier)
National Research Council, Canada (J.A. Morrison; 3)
Phillips Petroleum Co., Atomic Energy Division (G.W. Griffing)
David Pines (U. of Illinois)
Physics in Canada (G.G. Shepherd)
T. Riste (Kjeller Research Establishment)
T. Sakudo (U. of Ottawa)
Semi-Elements Inc. (Joseph V. Fisher)
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation re Alec T. Stewart, also l. from Stewart
Charles S. Smith (Case Institute of Technology; 2)
P. Szabó (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (H.S. Hoff)
University Chemical Laboratory (F.B. Vipping)
G.M. Volkoff (U. of British Columbia; 2)
S.H. Vosko
Richard J. Weiss (Ordnance Material Research Office), encl. graph, notes, 2 photographs
Westinghouse Electric Corp. (Alex Maradudin)
John L. Yarnell (U. of California)
Paul F. Zweifel (U. of Michigan; 3)
F.4 1961, outgoing
American Machine & Foundry Company (Victor E. Ragosine)
American Physical Society (Karl K. Darrow; 2)
Argonne National Laboratory (N.S. Satya Murthy, K.S. Singwi; 5)
Associated Electrical Industries Ltd. (K. Kirth)
Atomic Energy Commission (D.K. Stevens, B.B. Baschkin; 2). Note: L. to Stevens written at the behest of C.G. Shull
Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. (A.H. Wilson)
Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, U.K. (G.E. Bacon, Gerald Dolling, P.A. Egelstaff, B.T.M. Willis, P.K. Iyengar, C.G.E. Low; 7)
Arthur Bienenstock (Harvard U.)
Myer Bloom (U. of British Columbia)
Lyle B. Borst (New York University; 4)
Raymond Bowers (Cornell U.; 4)
L.O. Brockway (U. of Michigan)
Brookhaven National Laboratory (Lester Corliss, Horace Danner, B.C. Frazer, T.A. Kaplan, Brice Rustad, Vance L. Sailor; 8)
Giuseppe Caglioti (Comitato Nazionale per L’Energia Nucleare; 3)
U. of Cambridge, Crystallographic Laboratory, Cavendish Laboratory (R.A. Cowley, I. Lefkowtiz, W. Cochran, W.H. Taylor; 6)
Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP) (J.N.L. Gauvin)
Canadian Journal of Physics (M.W. Johns)
Centre d’Étude de l’Énergie Nucléaire (S. Hautclear)
Centre d’Études Nucléaires (E.G. Bertaut)
Sow-Hsin Chen
D.W. J. Cruickshank
R. J. Elliott (U. of California)
Fisher Scientific Company (Paul A. Schweibinz)
Erwin R. Gaerttner (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
General Electric Co. (R.J. Diefendorf, Hsiung Hsu, Bowen Leonard; 6)
Andrew Gold (Iowa State U.)
Grand Hotel
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation (James F. Mathias)
John Handschy
John R. Hoffman (Kaman Nuclear)
Hendrick Hudson Hotel
International Atomic Energy Agency (Bronislaw Buras, A.W. McReynolds; 11)
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (Seishi Kikuchi, M. Sakamoto, Yutaka Takagi; 11) See also International Conference on Magnetism and Crystallography, Kyoto, Japan, Box 6, F.2
International Calorimetry Conference (J.E. Kunzler)
Ronald G. Johnson (2)
S.K. Joshi (Allahabad U.)
E. Leonard Jossem (Ohio State U.; 4)
Osvald Knop (Nova Scotia Technical College)
Walter Kohn (U. of California; 2)
J.J.J. Kokkedee
J.A. Krumhansl (Cornell U.)
Gottfried Landwehr (U. of Illinois)
Lawrence Radiation Laboratory (I.R. Jones, Donald H. White; 2)
Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory (Norris Nereson, J.L. Yarnell; 4)
W. Low (Hebrew U.)
J.M. Luttinger (Columbia U.)
K.C. Mann (U. of British Columbia), encl. l. for Dean G.M. Shrum
R. Maurer (U. of Illinois)
Niels I. Meyer (Stanford U.)
McMaster University (S.H. Vosko, P. Szabo, M.W. Johns, H.E. Duckworth; 9)
Monterey Peninsula Convention Bureau
National Bureau of Standards (C.O. Muehlhause)
National Research Council, Canada (J.A. Morrison)
National Science Foundation (re proposal by C.G. Shull, et al)
New York Academy of Sciences (E.T. Miner)
North-Holland Publishing Co. (W.H. Wimmers)
Nuclear Data Corp.
Nuclear Science and Engineering (Everitt P. Blizard; 2)
Richard K. Osborn (U. of Michigan)
Phillips Petroleum Company, Atomic Energy Division (R.M. Brugger; George W. Griffing)
Physical Review Letters (S. Pasternack, S.A. Goudsmit; 2)
Physics in Canada (G.G. Shepherd; 2)
David Pines (U. of Illinois)
Noel K. Pope (Royal Military College)
P.J. Price (Watson Research Laboratory, Columbia U.)
G. Quittner
R.C.A. Laboratories, Princeton, N.J. (Sol E. Harrison; 2)
T. Riste (Kjeller Research Establishment)
T. Sakuda (U. of Ottawa)
S. Simons (Queen Mary College; 2)
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
Charles S. Smith (Case Institute of Technology; 2)
A.T. Stewart (U. of North Carolina; 4)
G. Tavenier (Belgonucleaire)
Rohn Truell (Brown U.)
G.M. Volkoff (U. of British Columbia)
S.H. Vosko
Robert E. Warner (U. of Rochester)
Hiroshi Watanabe (Tohoku U.)
W.H. Watson (U. of Toronto)
J.L.T. Waugh (U. of Hawaii)
R.J. Weiss (Ordnance Materials Research Office)
Westinghouse Electric Corp., Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory (W.W. Clendenin)
Westinghouse Research Laboratories (G. Shirane; 2)
Yasuada Yamada (MIT)
M.L. Yeater (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
Paul Zweifel (U. of Michigan)
F.5 1962, Incoming
Hassan I.M. Abo-Hilal (U.A.R. Atomic Energy Establishment; 2)
Academic Paperbacks (Alan R. Liss)
N.M. Ahmed
American Physical Society (Karl K. Darrow; J. Samuel Smart; 3)
James Robert Anderson (Iowa U.)
Argonne National Laboratory (Donald Connor)
Atomic Energy Establishment, India (P.K. Iyengar, R. Ramana)
Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. (B.A. Dasannacharya, G. Dolling, L.G. Elliott, J.O. Ferguson, J.W. Greenwood, A.H. Wilson, A.D.B Woods, encl. abstracts; 13)
Atomic Energy Commission, Denmark (Laurence Passell)
Atomic Energy Commission Depository Library for the United States at the Gmelin Institute (B.B. Baschkin)
Battelle Memorial Institute (F.J. Milford, M. Lawrence Glasser; 2)
L. N. (Leo) Becka (Universidad of Buenos Aires; 5)
Bob [ ], re his Guggenheim award
Giuseppe Caglioti (Comitato Nazionale per L’Energia Nucleare)
U. of Cambridge, Crystallography Laboratory (W. Cochran; 6)
Canadian Association of Physicists (Robert H. Hay)
Canadian Journal of Physics (H.E. Duckworth)
Centre d’Étude de l’Énergie Nucléaire (M. Neve de Mevergnies)
C.E. Challice (U. of Alberta)
W.B. Daniels (Princeton U.; 2)
B. Dayal (Banaras Hindu U.)
General Electric Co. (Walter A. Harrison)
A.V. Gold (Iowa State), encl. graphs and figures
Institute of Physics and the Physical Society (A.H. Wilson, H.R. Lang; 2) re award of the Duddell Medal and Prize for 1963
International Atomic Energy Agency (G.M. Hartcup; 3)
Interscience Tracts in Physics and Astronomy (R.E. Marshak), encl. information
Johnson & Associates (John S. Jorgensen), encl. purchase requisition
Ron Johnson (2)
E.L. Jossem (Ohio U.; 2)
F.6 C. Kittel (U. of California)
Osvald Knop (Nova Scotia Technical College; 3)
Walter Kohn (U. of California, San Diego; 2), encl. l. from Frederick Seitz
Macmillan Company of Canada Ltd. (G. Lloyd Elmer)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (B.L. Averbach; 2). Re the Robert S. Williams lectures by Brockhouse
Thomas Nagylaki
National Lead Company (W.B. Anderson), encl. shipping order, invoices
National Research Council, Canada (Andrew Gold, Boris Storheff)
National Science Foundation (Royal E. Rostenbach)
J.G. Nohr
Pergamon Press Ltd. (Robert Maxwell)
Phillips Petroleum Co. (Richard E. Schmunk, R.M. Brugger; 3)
Phoenix Publications (Leonard Greenbaum; 3)
Physical Review (S. Pasternack); Brockhouse’s review of submitted paper is attached
N.K. Pope (Royal Military College)
A.M. Portis (U. of California)
Prentice-Hall, Inc. (J.C. Carson)
Radio Corporation of America (Sol E. Harrison; Benjamin Abeles; Edgar Steigmeier; 3); Brockhouse’s draft reply in pencil is on the Abeles letter
Radionics Ltd. (Stanley H. Ungar, Edward S. Zieba; 3)
M. Sakamoto (Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute)
Scientific American (Dennis Flanagan)
C.G. Shull (MIT)
F.L. Shapiro (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
R.C. Srivastava (Indian Institute of Technology)
Alec [Stewart] (U. of North Carolina)
H Stiller. (Kernforschungsanlage Jülich)
P.L. Taylor (Case Institute of Technology)
Texas Nuclear Corp. (Joseph T. Peoples), encl. brochure
Union Carbide Corp., Parma Research Center (David Redfield, Glen Wagoner; 5), encl. Brockhouse lecture poster
United State Department of Commerce (Estal D. West, encl. photographs of graphs and tables, Arthur Bienenstock, Robert S. Carter; 3)
Philip R. Wallace (2)
Peter J. Warter (Princeton U.; 4)
Hiroshi Watanabe (Research Institute for Iron, Steel and Other Metals; 4)
Westinghouse Electric Corp. (Alex Maradudin)
F.7 Outgoing, 1962
Academic Press
K.D. Alexopoulous (U. of Athens)
American Physical Society (Karl K. Darrow, Eugene H. Kone, encl. brief biography and popular description of his work; 7)
T. Arase
K.R. Atkins (U. of Pennsylvania)
Atomic Energy Establishment, India (R. Ramana, I.M. Abo-Hilal; 2)
Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. (L.G. Elliott, N.R. Geary, J.W. Greenwood, A.H. Wilson, A.D.B. Woods; 11)
Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, U.K. (C.G.E. Low, E. Bretscher, P.A. Egelstaff; 3)
Battelle Memorial Institute (M.L. Glasser, F.J. Milford; 2)
L. N. (Leo) Becka (Universidad of Buenos Aires and Puerto Rico Nuclear Centre; 7)
Bell Telephone Laboratories (D.W. Berreman)
Belmont Smelting & Refining Works, Inc.
Brookhaven National Laboratory (B.C. Frazer, V.L. Sailor; 2)
Giuseppe Caglioti (Comitato Nazionale per L’Energia Nucleare; 3)
Cambridge University Press
Canadian Association of Physicists (J.N.L. Gauvin)
Carr Lane Manufacturing Co.
Centre d’Étude de l’Énergie Nucléaire (W. Van Dingenen; M. Neve de Mevergnies)
U. of Cambridge, Crystallographic Laboratory, Cavendish Laboratory (W. Cochran; 6)
D. Cribier
R.J. Elliot (U. of Oxford)
John Fluke & Co.
A.V. Gold (Iowa State; 3)
General Electric Co. (R.J. Diefendorf, W.A. Harrison, B.R. Leonard; 3)
Russell T. Gilman Inc.
I.B.M. (J. Samuel Smart)
Institute of Physics and the Physical Society (A.H. Wilson, A.C. Stickland; 2)
International Atomic Energy Agency (A.W. McReynolds; H. Seligman, G.M. Hartcup, B. Buras; 10)
International Journal of the Physics and Chemistry of Solids (Harvey Brooks)
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (Y. Kamaguchi, M. Sakamoto; 3)
R.G. Johnson (U. of Liverpool)
William B. Johnson & Associates Inc.
Joseph S. Jones
E.L. Jossem (Ohio State)
Djordje M. Jovic
Journal of Chemical Physics (J.W. Stout)
T.A. Kaplan (MIT; 2)
C. Kittell (U. of California)
Osvald Knop (Nova Scotia Technical College; 2)
W. Kohn (U. of California)
J.A. Krumhansl (Cornell U.)
W. Low [Hebrew U.]
Moshe Kuznietz (Israel Institute of Technology)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (B.L. Averbach). Re the Robert S. Williams lectures by Brockhouse
R.E. Marshak (U. of Rochester)
McGraw-Hill Book Co.
McMaster Carr Supply Co.
Materials Research Corp. (J. Freeman)
Metal Research Ltd. (2)
J.G. Mohr
Y. Nakagawa (3)
National Lead Co. (W.B. Anderson; 4)
National Research Council, Canada (J.A. Morrison)
National Science Foundation (Howard W. Etzel)
Norton Co. of Canada (Ted Porter)
Nuclear-Chicago Corp. (L.M. Danckert)
Nucleonics (Hobart Ellis Jr.; 2)
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Gian P. Felcher; 2)
Pergamon Press Ltd. (Robert Maxwell)
Phillips Petroleum Co. (R.M. Brugger, Gary D. Marshall; 4)
Phoenix Publications (Leonard Greenbaum; 2)
Physical Review (S.A. Goudsmit, S Pasternack; 4)
Physics Letter (D. ter Haar)
Platt Bros. & Co.
N.K. Pope (Royal Military College)
Prentice-Hall Inc. (2)
Radio Corporation of America (Benjamin Abeles)
Radionics Ltd.
I.V.V. Raghavacharyulu (Annamali U.)
C.V. Raman
Reactor Centrum Nederland (J. Bergsma, J.A. Goedkoop; 3)
Barrie S.H. Royce (Princeton U.)
B.W. Sargent (Queen’s U.)
Scientific American (Dennis Flanagan)
C.G. Shull (MIT; 2)
F. Seitz (U. of Illinois)
Semi-Elements Inc.
R. Smoluchowski
Gordon Squires (New York U.)
R.C. Srivastava (Indian Institute of Technology; 2)
A.T. Stewart (U. of North Carolina)
H. Stiller (Kernforschungsanlage Jülich)
Texas Nuclear Corp. (Ira Morgan)
Troyke Mfg. Co.
Margaret Underwood (U. of Michigan)
Union Carbide Corp., Parma Research Centre (David Redfield, encl. abstract, G. Wagoner; 4)
United States Naval Research Laboratory (H.B. Rosenstock)
G.M. Volkoff (U. of British Columbia; 2)
P.R. Wallace (McGill U.)
W.E. Wallace (U. of Pittsburgh)
Ivan Waller (Uppsala)
Peter J. Warter, Jr. (Princeton U.), encl. abstract
H. Watanabe (Research Institute for Iron, Steel and Other Metals; 4)
J.T.L. Waugh (U. of Hawaii)
Westinghouse Electric Corp. (A. Clark Beiler, A. Maradudin; 2)
White Metal Rolling & Stamping Corp.
John B. Wiley & Sons Inc.
Paul Zweifel (U. of Michigan)
F.8 1963 incoming
Addison Wesley Publishing (Robert D. Naiva; 2)
K. Alexopoulos (U. of Athens)
American Physical Society (Karl K. Darrow; 3)
L.A. Artsimovich (U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences)
Atomic Energy Establishment, India (P.K. Iyengar; B.A. Dasannacharya, R. Ramanna, A.P. Roy; 4)
Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. (L.G. Elliott, J.O. Ferguson, A.D.B Woods, W. McAlpin, I.M. Thorson; 13)
Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, U.K. (Graeme Low, A.J.E. Foreman; 2)
Thor A. Bak
L. N. (Leo) Becka (Universidad of Buenos Aires)
Bell Telephone Laboratories (Melvin Lax)
E.F. Bertaut (Institut Fourier)
John Bertram and Sons Co. Ltd. (W.E. Durrant)
Bombay, U. of (re P.K. Iyengar)
Brookhaven National Laboratory (Harry Palevsky, George H. Vineyard; 2)
Brown Boggs Foundry (P.J. Brown)
J. Douglas Brown (Princeton U.; 2)
Buhl International Conference on Materials (E.R. Schatz)
Giuseppe Caglioti (Comitato Nationalze per L’Engergia Nucleare; 2)
University of Cambridge Crystallographic Laboratory, Cavendish Laboratory (R.A. Cowley, W. Cochran; 7)
Canada India Reactor Project (Anantha [B.A. Dasannacharya])
Centre d’Étude de l’Énergie Nucléaire (R. Strumane, S. Hautecler, H. Stiller, S. Amelinckx; 6)
Centre National de la Researche Scientifique (P. Jacquinot)
Sow-Hsin Chen; encl. abstract
Chubb-Mosler and Taylor Sales Ltd. (D.M. Bailey)
J. Corbeau (Collège de France)
Diamond Drill Carbon Co. (2)
Electronic Associate of Canada Ltd.
Elliott Machine Tools
Robert Gayley (State U. of New York at Buffalo)
General Atomic (F.W. Simpson; 2)
Peter Gibbs (U. of Utah)
Institute of Physics and the Physical Society (H.R. Lang, A.C. Stickland; 7)
International Conference on Magnetism (L.F. Bates)
International Conference on the Mössbauer Effect (G.K. Wertheim)
Interscience Monographs (R.E. Marshak)
E.H. Jacobsen (U. of Rochester)
Johnson & Associates (Wm. B. Johnson, John S. Jorgensen; 3)
E.L. Jossem (Ohio State U.; 3)
James F. Kirn (Virginia Institute for Scientific Research; 2)
George Kelk Ltd. (H.E. Parkes)
Walter Kohn (U. of California, San Diego)
James A. Krumhansl (Cornell U.)
Karl-Erik Larsson (Royal Institute of Technology)
J. Laval (Collège de France)
Kathleen Lonsdale (University College London)
A.R. Mackintosh (Iowa State U.)
W.L. McLean (Rutgers; 2)
N.H. March
Metals Research Ltd. (2)
National Research Council, Canada (J.D. Babbitt, D.L. Martin, G. Herzberg; 6, encl. 2 ls. from S.G. Korneev)
National Science Foundation (William N. Ellis)
National Steel Car Corp.
Nuklearni Inštitut, Jožef Stefan (R. Blinc; 2)
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (David McElroy)
W. Opechowski (U. of British Columbia; 2)
I. Pelah (Euratom)
Philippine Atomic Energy Commision (Jose O. Juliano)
Phillips Petroleum Company (Dick Schmunk)
Physical Review (S. Pasternack; 2)
Platt Bros. & Co.
N.K. Pope (Royal Military College of Canada)
B.M. Powell (Queen Mary College; 2)
Reactor Centrum Nederland (Jitze Bergsma)
W.H. Robinson (Carnegie Institute)
Frederick Seitz (U. of Illinois)
Charles S. Smith (Case Institute of Technology)
Solid-State Communications (W.M. Lomer)
R. Stedman (Aktiebolaget Atomenergi)
Steel Fabricating & Welding Ltd.
United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (R.D. Lowde, encl. graph, R.M. Brugger, P.A. Egelstaff; 3)
U.S. Department of Commerce (Robert S. Carter; 2) Note: one letter contains some notes by Brockhouse on the verso
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (Herbert B. Rosenstock)
J. Van Kranendonk (U. of Toronto)
E.W. Vogt to W. Kohn
A.H. Weber (Saint Louis U.)
Hiroshi Watanabe (Research Institute for Iron, Steel and Other Metals)
John L. Yarnell (U. of California, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory)
F.9 1963, outgoing
K. Alexopoulous (U. of Athens)
American Institute of Physics
American Physical Society (K.K. Darrow, J.S. Smart; 3)
Atomic Energy Establishment, India (B.A. Dasannacharya, P.K. Iyengar; 5)
Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. (Gerald Dolling, L.G. Elliott, W. McAlpin, A.D.B. Woods; 11, encl. statement on the NRU reactor)
Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, U.K. (M.F. Collins, R.D. Lowde, P.A. Egelstaff, R.M. Brugger, W.M. Lomer, G.G.E. Low; 6)
Thor B. Bak (U. of Copenhagen; 5)
L.N. Becka (Universidad of Buenos Aires)
Bell Telephone Laboratories (Melvin Lax)
Berater für Messtechnik
E.F. Bertaut (Institut Fourier)
John Bertram & Sons Co. Ltd.
Brookhaven National Laboratory (H. Palevsky, G.H. Vineyard; 2)
Brooks and Perkins Inc.
J. Douglas Brown (Princeton U.)
Buhl International Conference on Materials (E.R. Schatz)
Giuseppe Caglioti (Comitato Nationalze per L’Engergia Nucleare)
Canadian Universities Foundation
University of Cambridge Crystallographic Laboratory, Cavendish Laboratory (W.H. Taylor, W. Cochran, R.A. Cowley; 10, plus one incoming letter)
Centre d’Étude de l’Énergie Nucléaire (R. Strumane, S. Hautecler, H. Stiller, S. Amelinckx; 11)
Thomas Cook & Sons
J. Corbeau
Vernon Crawford (Georgia Institute of Technology; 3)
B.W. Currie (U. of Saskatchewan)
Diamond Drill Co.; 2
Direct Winters Transport
Elliot Canada Ltd. (copies also sent to 10 other companies)
Euratom C.E.N, Italy (I. Pelah)
P. Gibbs (U. of Utah)
Shaul Gornostausky
J.W. Guthridge (Georgia Institute of Technology)
W.B. Harrison (Georgia Institute of Technology); encl. abstract
Institute of Physics and the Physical Society (A.C. Stickland, H.R. Lang; 7), encl. abstract
International Conference on the Mössbauer Effect (G.K. Wertheim)
International Machine and Tool Corp.
E.H. Jacobsen (U. of Rochester)
William B. Johnson & Associates
E.L. Jossem (Ohio State U.; 3)
Walter Kohn (U. of California)
K-E. Larrson (Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden)
S. Lundqvist (Chalmers U.; Cambridge U.; 2)
Macmillan Co. of Canada
McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc.
Metals Research Ltd.; 2
N.R. Mitra (Bhagalpur U.)
L.T. Muus (Aarhus U.)
Thomas Nagylaki
National Bureau of Standards, U.S. (Robert S. Carter; 3, encl. abstract)
National Research Council, Canada (D.L. Martin, J.D. Babbitt; 6)
National Steel Car Corp.
Nuklearni Inštitut, Jožef Stefan (Robert Blinc; 2)
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (David L. McElroy)
W. Opechowski (U. of British Columbia)
Paramount Gear Works
Pergamon Press
Philippine Atomic Energy Commission (Jose O. Juliano)
Phillips Petroleum Co. (R.E. Schmunk)
P.I.C. Design Corp.
Physical Review (S. Pasternack, S.A. Goudsmit; 2) encl. referee report
K. Pope (Royal Military College)
B.M. Powell (U. of London; 2)
Reactor Centrum Nederland (J. Bergsma)
Renold Chains Canada Ltd.
J.R. Richardson (McGill U.)
W.H. Robinson (Carnegie Institute)
R. Stedman (A/B Atomenergi)
E.V. Troushin (Scientific Committee for Solid State Physics)
R.T. Sharp (McGill U.)
J.P.G. Shepherd (Imperial College)
R. Smoluchowski (Princeton U.), also incoming letter
Steel Fabricating and Welding Ltd.
N. Umakantha (Karnatak U.)
J. Van Kranendonk (U. of Toronto)
Virginia Institute for Scientific Research (James F. Kirn; 2)
P.R. Wallace (McGill U.)
P.J. Warter, Jr. (Princeton U.; 2)
A.H. Weber (Saint Louis U.)
H. Watanabe (Research Institute for Iron, Steel and other Metals)
B. Widom (Cornell U.)
J.L. Yarnell (Los Alamos)
F.10 1964, incoming
Academic Press Inc.
Addison Wesley Publishing Co.; 5
K.D. Alexopoulos (U. of Athens; 2)
American Nuclear Society, San Diego Section
American Physical Society (V.W. Smith)
T. Arase (Columbia U.), encl. l. from John S. Brown
Argonne National Laboratory
Atomic Energy Commission, Denmark (P. Radhakrishna)
Atomic Energy Establishment, India (B.A. Dasannacharya, encl. abstract, P.K. Iyengar, A.P. Roy; 8)
Atomic Energy Commission, Israel (E. Wiener)
Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. (W. Cochran, J.O. Ferguson, L.G. Elliott, J.F. Steljes, I.M. Thorson, A.D.B. Woods; 13)
Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, U.K. (Malcom F. Collins, W. Marshall; 3)
B.L. Averbach (M.I.T.)
Thor A. Bak (U. of Copenhagen)
S.H. Bauer (Cornell U.)
Bell Telephone Laboratories (A.M. Clogston, H.L. Frisch, encl. mongraph ts.; 2)
Austin Bernabei (Manhattan College)
Albéric Boivin (U. Laval)
U. of Bombay; 2
Brush Beryllium Co.; 4
N.M. Butt (U. of Birmingham)
Giuseppe Caglioti (Comitato Nationalze per L’Engergia Nucleare)
University of Cambridge Crystallographic Laboratory, Cavendish Laboratory (W. Cochran; 3)
Canadian Journal of Physics (L.G. Elliott)
Carriere Technical Industries Ltd.
Centre d’Étude de l’Énergie Nucléaire (S. Hautecler, H. Stiller, Robert Strumane; 7)
Chapman Electronic Agency
Civil Service Commission, U.K. (Frederick Brundrett, encl. mimeo)
Sow-Hsin [Chen]
Ping L. Chung, encl. resume
Commission on College Physics (E.L. Jossem, Vincent E. Parker; 2)
J.A. Cowan (U. of Waterloo)
C.P. Clare Canada Ltd.
Allan Crawford Associates Ltd.
Vernon Crawford (Georgia Institute; 2)
Crown Assets Disposal Corp.
G.C. Danielson (Iowa State)
W.B. Daniels (Princeton U.; 2)
J.M. Dent & Sons
W.B. Diamand
P.A. Egelstaff, encl.l.
General Atomic (J.R. Beyster, J.A. Young; 2)
A.V. Gold (Iowa State)
F.11 1964, incoming
W.B. Harrison (Georgia Institute)
Harshaw Chemical Co.
H.S. Hoff; 2
Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science (Arun Kumar Pant)
International Atomic Energy Agency (G.R. Keepin; 2)
International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (J.G. Daunt; 2)
Interprovincial Corrosion Control Company; 3
A. Isihara (State U. of New York; 2)
E.H. Jacobsen (U. of Rochester)
Journal of the American Chemical Society (S.H. Bauer)
Journal of Chemical Physics (J.W. Stout)
C. Kittel (U. of California)
David Lazarus (U. of Illinois)
James D. Leslie (U. of Waterloo)
Max-Planck-Institut (Alfred Scholz)
Pergamon Press (Robert Maxwell)
C.W. McCombie (U. of Aberdeen)
Metaloglass, Inc.
D.J. Montgomery (Michigan State U.)
Ralph Myers (U. of Maryland)
National Academy of Sciences, U.S. (Frederick Seitz)
National Research Council, Canada (J.D. Babbitt, I.B. McDiarmid, F.L.W. McKim; 4)
National Science Foundation, U.S. (Howard W. Etzel)
North-Holland Publishing Co.; 3
Nuclear-Chicago Corp., encl. invoice
Nuclear Science and Engineering (Everitt P. Blizard, Dixon Callihan; 2)
P.D. Padalia
K.N. Pathak
R.M. Pearce (U. of Victoria)
Pergamon Press
Physical Review (A. Herschman, Evelyn Roecklein; 3)
Pratt & Whitney Aircraft
Erling Pytte (U. of California)
Radionics Ltd.
Reinhold Book Division
Research Crystal Inc.
Rohitashur (?)
E.E. Salpeter (Cornell U.)
W.B. Saunders Co.
Scientific American (Dennis Flanagan; 3)
Frederick Seitz (U. of Illinois)
Blanche E. Snell; 2
R. Stevenson (McGill U.)
A.T. Stewart (U. of North Carolina; 2)
H. Stiller
Eric Svensson, encl. results
Tech-Systems Inc.; 2
Texas Nuclear Corp.
Bruce Torrie; 2
N. Umakantha (Karnatak U.)
United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (R.D. Lowde, W. Marshall, P.A. Egelstaff, David Long Price; 6)
W.M. Vaidya (Karnatak U.)
John Vanderkooy
Gabriel Weinreich (U. of Michigan)
B. Widom (Cornell U.; 3 + encl.)
G.M. Volkoff (U. of British Columbia)
F.12 1964, outgoing
Addison Wesley Publishing Co.
K.D. Alexopoulos (U. of Athens; 2)
American Men of Science
American Nuclear Society, San Diego Section; 2
Argonne National Laboratory (K.S. Singwi)
Atomic Energy Establishment, India (B.A. Dasannacharya, P.K. Iyengar, K. Usha Deniz, R. Ramanna, A.P. Roy; 12)
Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. (R.A. Cowley, J.O. Ferguson, J.F. Steljes, I.M. Thorson, A.D.B. Woods; 15)
Atomic Research Establishment, Denmark (P. Radhakrishna; 2)
Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, U.K. (P.A. Egelstaff, R.D. Lowde, W. Marshall; 7)
B.L. Averbach (MIT)
Thor A. Bak (U. of Copenhagen)
Bell Telephone Laboratories (A.M. Clogston; 2)
Black & Decker Service Branch
Albéric Boivin (U. Laval)
U. of Bombay; 2
R. Bowers (Cornell U.; 3)
John S. Brown (Rutgers U.)
Brush Beryllium Co.; 2
Giuseppe Caglioti (Comitato Nationalze per L’Engergia Nucleare; 2)
Canadian Journal of Physics (L.G. Elliott)
Centre d’Étude de l’Énergie Nucléaire (S. Hautecler, H. Stiller, Robert Strumane; 7)
Chapman Electronic Agency; 2 + encl.
Civil Service Commission, U.K. (Frederick Brundrett)
Ping L. Chung
John R. Clem (U. of Illinois)
W. Cochran (U. of Edinburgh, encl. list; 2)
J.A. Cowan (U. of Waterloo; 2)
C.P. Clare Canada Ltd.
Cramer Controls
Vernon Crawford (Georgia Institute; 3)
Crystal Technology Inc.
G.C. Danielson (Iowa State; 2)
W.B. Daniels (Princeton U.)
J.G. Daunt (Ohio State U.)
Department of National Defense, Canada
W.B. Diamand
H. Ehrenreich (Harvard U.)
Flow Corporation
Robert Gayley (State U. of New York)
General Atomic (J.R. Beyster, J.A. Young; 2)
General Electric Co. (R.J. Diefendorf)
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation re A.T. Stewart
E.W. Guptill
F.13 1964, outgoing
W.B. Harrison (Georgia Institute)
G.A. Harrower (Queen’s U.; 3)
Harshaw Chemical Co.
H.S. Hoff
Frank Holuj (U. of Windsor)
Joseph L. Hunter (John Carroll U.; 3)
Imperial Oil Scholarship Committee
Institute for the Study of Metals (J.W. Stout)
International Atomic Energy Agency (G.R. Keepin; 5)
A. Isihara (State U. of N.Y. at Buffalo; 3)
E.H. Jacobsen (U. of Rochester; 3)
Japan Atomic Research Institute (Shigehiro Komura)
William B. Johnson & Associates
E.L. Jossem (Ohio State U.)
Journal of the American Chemical Society (S.H. Bauer; 2)
Roger Kelly
C. Kittel (U. of California)
L. Krause (U. of Windsor)
Materials Research Corp.
Max-Planck-Institut (Alfred Scholz)
C.W. McCombie (U. of Aberdeen)
Metals Research Ltd.
D.J. Montgomery (Michigan State U.)
Ralph Myers (U. of Maryland)
National Research Council, Canada (J.D. Babbitt, I.B. McDiarmid; 5)
National Science Foundation, U.S.
Nuclear Science and Engineering (Everitt P. Blizard, D. Callihan; 4)
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (H. Levy)
B.D. Padalia (U. of Allahabad)
K.N. Pathak (Indian Institute of Technology)
R.M. Pearce (U. of Victoria)
Pergamon Press
Physical Review (Evelyn Roecklein, S. Pasternack, A. Herschman; 3)
Radionics Ltd.
George T. Rado (U. of Maryland) Note: Identical letter sent to 13 other American professors
Reinhold Encyclopedia of Physics
Research Crystals Inc.
Reuter-Stokes Electronic Components Inc.
J.M. Robson (U. of Ottawa)
W.B. Saunders Co.
H. Schiff (U. of Alberta)
Scientific American (Dennis Flanagin; 2)
Frederick Seitz (U. of Illinois)
C.G. Shull (MIT)
R. Smoluckhowski (Princeton U.)
Solid State Communications (Elias Burstein)
R. Stevenson (McGill U.)
A.T. Stewart (Aspen Institute)
Tech-Systems Inc.; 2
Texas Nuclear Corp; 4
Bruce Torrie
N. Umakantha (Karnatak U.; 2)
W.M. Vaidya (Karnatak U.)
Virginia Institute for Scientific Research
G.M. Volkoft (U.B.C.)
Volker Weiss (Syracuse U.)
B. Widom (Cornell U.)
E. Wiener (Soreq Research Establishment)
H.L. Welsh (U. of Toronto)
F.14 1965 incoming
Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.; 5
J.G. Adler (Western Reserve U.)
Argonne National Laboratory (Noel K. Pope, encl. preprint)
E. Aruja
Assembly Electronics
Atomic Energy Establishment, India (K.R. Rao, P.K. Iyengar; 2)
Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. (G.A. Bartholomew, T.G. Church, Gerald Dolling, J.O. Ferguson, J.L. Gray, W.B. Lewis, J. Mullin, I.M. Thorson, encl. results, A.D.B. Woods; 16)
Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, U.K. (W. Marshall, encl. list)
Bell Telephone Laboratories (Melvin Lax, J.M. Rowell; 2)
Myer Bloom (U.B.C.)
Brookhaven National Laboratory (B.C. Frazer, G.H. Vineyard; 2)
Noor M. Butt (U. of Birmingham)
Guiseppe Caglioti (Comitato Nationalze per L’Engergia Nucleare; 3)
U. of Cambridge, Cavendish Laboratory (D. Long Price; 2)
Civil Service Commission, U.K. (Frederick Brundrett)
J.A. Cowan (U. of Waterloo)
D.W.J. Cruickshank (Glasgow U.)
Cryotronics Inc.
F.15 1965, incoming
David Dale (Chemical Crystallography Laboratory, Oxford; 2)
Paul J. Dean (U. of London)
R.J. Elliott (Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford)
External Aid Office, Canada; 2
Newell S. Gingrich (U. of Missouri)
J. Woods Halley (U. of California)
General Atomic; 2
John Hart (Brock U.; 2)
Indium Corp. of America
Institute of Physics and the Physical Society (A.C. Stickland; 3)
International Atomic Energy Agency (N. Grell)
Iowa State U. (Joseph M. Keller, A.V. Gold, Henri R. Leribaux; 4)
A. Isihara (State U. of N.Y., Buffalo; 2)
Maurice J. Katz (Los Alamos)
C. Kittel (U. of California, Berkeley)
N. Krishnamurthy
James A. Krumhansl (Cornell U.)
A.J. Leadbetter (U. of Bristol)
F.D. Manchester (U. of Toronto)
Paul Mazur (U. of Maryland)
C.W. McCombie (U. of Reading)
McDanel Refractory Porcelain Co.
MRC Manufacturing Corp.
National Science Foundation (Henry S. Valk)
Nuclear Elements Corp. (C.J. Heinink)
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (G. Gilat, G. Leibfried)
Ohio State U.P. (Weldon A. Kefauver)
R.K. Pathria (U. of Alberta)
Pergamon Press Inc.
Phillips Petroleum Co. (R.E. Schmunk)
Physical Review (S.A. Goudsmit, Louisa Mingino; 2)
Pratt & Whitney Aircraft
Radionics Ltd.; 3
Red Darc Ltd.
Research Crystals Inc.
Reuter-Stokes Canada Ltd.
Royal Society (D.C. Martin, I. Kay; 7)
Royal Society of Canada
H. Schiff (U. of Alberta; 2)
M.M. Shukla (Banaras Hindu U.)
John C. Slater (U. of Florida)
T. Smith (U. of Aberdeen)
Solid State Communications (James A. Krumhansl; encl. referee’s report)
Stephen Spooner (Georgia Institute)
Richard M. Stern and Judith Aldag (Polytechnic, Brooklyn)
R.W.H. Stevenson (U. of Aberdeen; 2)
Bruce Torrie
United Arab Republic, American Embassy (A. Megid S. Mansour)
United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (H.S. Hoff, P.A. Egelstaff, Sow-Hsin [Chen]; 4)
W.M. Vaidya (Karnatak U.)
S.N. Vaidya (Indian Institute of Science; 2)
H. Watanabe (Research Institute for Iron, Steel and Other Metals)
Westinghouse Electric Corp. (Alex [Maradudin])
Box 2
F.1 1965, outgoing
Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.; 2
Advanced Research Material Co.
Alfa Inorganics Inc.
American Institute of Physics
Argonne National Laboratory (A. Rahman)
E. Arjua
Atomic Energy Establishment, India (P.K. Iyengar; 2)
Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. (G.A. Bartholomew, T. Church, G. Dolling, L.G. Elliott, J.O. Ferguson, J.L. Gray, encl. presentation letter for David Keys, W.B. Lewis, A.D.B. Woods, Brian Powell, Sow-Hsin Chen; 19)
Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, U.K. (Bruce Torrie, P.A. Egelstaff; 3)
R.E. Bell (McGill U., encl. abstract)
Bell Telephone Laboratories (H.L. Frisch, M. Lax; 2)
Bertram Machine and Tool Co.; 2
M. Bloom (UBC.; 2)
Alberic Boivin (Laval U.)
Brookhaven National Laboratory (B.C. Frazer, W.C. Hamilton, H. Palevsky, Helen Streeter; 7)
N.M. Butt (U. of Birmingham)
G. Caglioti (CNEN)
U. of Cambridge, Cavendish Laboratory (D. Long Price)
Canadian Association of University Teachers
Civil Service Commission, U.K. (Frederick Brundrett)
Collier-Macmillan Canada Ltd.
Computer Measurements Co.
Consolidated Mining and Smelting
David Dale (Chemical Crystallography Laboratory, Oxford)
W.B. Daniels (Princeton U.)
Paul J. Dean (U. of London)
E.A. deWit (UBC; 2)
Y.R. Dong
R.J. Elliott (Clarendon Laboratory, U. of Oxford)
External Aid Office, Canada
N.S. Gingrich (U. of Missouri; 3)
A.V. Gold (Iowa State U.)
J. Woods Halley (U. of California, Berkeley)
R.R. Haering (Simon Fraser U.)
John Hart (Brock U.)
H.S. Hoff
A.K. Pant
Indium Corp. of America
Institut für Nukleartechnik der ETH
Institute of Physics and Physical Society (A.C. Stickland)
International Atomic Energy Agency
International Business Machines; 2
A. Isihara (State U. of N.Y., Buffalo; 2)
E.L. Jossem (Ohio State U.)
Joseph M. Keller (Iowa State U.)
N. Krishnamurthy
C. Kittel (U. of California, Berkeley)
A.J. Leadbetter (U. of Bristol)
Henri R. Leribaux (Iowa State U.; 2)
Longmans Canada Ltd.
Maurice J. Katz (Los Alamos)
Lucas and King Ltd.
MacMillan Co. of Canada Ltd.
Materials Research Corp.
R. Maurer (U. of Illinois)
Paul Mazur (U. of Maryland)
McDanel Refractory Porcelain Co.
McGraw-Hill Co. Inc.
Metals Research Ltd.
F.J. Milford (Battelle Institute)
MRC Manufacturing Corp.
National Research Council, Canada (I.B. McDiarmid)
National Science Foundation, U.S.
Nuclear Elements Corp.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (G. Gilat, G. Leibfried; 2)
Ronald C. Oberth
Ohio State U.P.
Ontario Assn. for Retarded Children
R.K. Pathria (U. of Alberta)
Phillips Petroleum Co. (R.M. Brugger; R.E. Schmunk; 2)
Physical Review (S. Pasternack, S.A. Goudsmit; 3)
N.K. Pope (Royal Military College)
R.C.A Laboratories (J. Schewchun)
Research Crystals Inc.; 4
Reuter-Stokes Canada Ltd.
Klaus E. Rieckhoff (Simon Fraser U.)
Royal Society (I. Kaye, D.C. Martin; 2)
H. Schiff (U. of Alberta; 2)
Semi-Elements Inc.
A. Shawlow (Stanford U.)
Shell Development Co. (J.H. Schachtschneider; 2)
M.M. Skukla (Banares Hindu U.)
C.G. Shull (MIT)
John C. Slater (U. of Florida)
Solid State Communications (J.S. Krumhansl; 3)
Stephen Spooner (Georgia Institute)
R.W.H. Stevenson (U. of Aberdeen; 4)
Texas Nuclear Corp.; 2
S.N. Vaidya (Indian Institute of Science)
Y.P. Varshni (U. of Ottawa)
H. Watanabe (Research Institute for Iron, Steel and Other Metals)
Westinghouse Corp. (A. Maradudin; 3)
W.E. Wilson, Jr. (U. of Washington)
John Wiley & Sons Inc.
F.2 1966, incoming and outgoing. Note: Beginning in this year letters were filed together, still in chronological order. They have been re-ordered in alphabetical order. Incoming letters are listed. Outgoing letters are assumed, unless noted to the contrary. Numbers above two are recorded in brackets.
H. Abou-Helal (no outgoing)
Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. (no outgoing)
John G. Alder (Western Reserve U.)
N. M. Ahmed
American Crystallographic Assn. (Harold G. Smith), no outgoing
L.M. Amzel (no outgoing)
B.M. Anand (Panjab U.)
Argonne National Laboratory (O.C. Simpson, Mike Rowe, Gideon Hirsch; 6)
Atomic Energy Establishment, India (R. Ramanna, B.A. Dasannacharya; 4)
Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. (T.G. Church, P.D. Stevens-Guille, J.O. Ferguson, W. McAlpin, G.A. Bartholomew, J. Mulllin, W.B. Lewis, G. Dolling, I.L. Fowler, R.A. Cowley, G.R. Piercy, Eric Svensson; 52)
F.3 Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, U.K. (K.C. Tuberfield, G.G. Low, M.F. Collins; 5)
G.E. Bacon (U. of Sheffield; 2)
A.P. Batra (outgoing only)
Paul A. Beck (outgoing only; 2)
L.N. Becka; 9
Rowena N. Bowata (U. of Sussex; 2)
Brookhaven National Laboratory (B.C. Frazer, John R. Weeks, G. Shirane, P.D. Adams, G.H. Vineyard; 16)
Govt. of British Columbia (outgoing only)
Cambridge U. Press; 5
Canada Carbon and Ribbon (outgoing only)
Canadian Association of University Teachers (outgoing only)
Centre d’Études Nucléaires de Saclay (D. Cribier)
Sow-Hsin Chen (outgoing only)
Tord Claeson (Chalmers U.)
J.F. Cochran (Simon Fraser U.; 3)
William Cochran (U. of Edinburgh; 3)
Roberto Colella (outgoing only)
W.B. Daniels (Princeton U.) no outgoing
G.A. DeWit (UBC) outgoing only
John Dimmock (MIT) outgoing only
C.A. Domenicali (Temple U.; 2) outgoing only
W.E. Dreeszen (Iowa State U.)
H.E. Duckworth (U. of Manitoba)
Henry Ehrenreich (Harvard U.)
A.H. Emmons (U. of Missouri) no outgoing
Ford Motor Co. Scientific Laboratory (George Alers)
Raymond W. French (Princeton U.), no outgoing
Carl W. Garland (MIT), no outgoing
General Atomic, no outgoing
General Electric (outgoing only)
General Telephone (no outgoing)
R.P. Gupta (outgoing only)
V.D. Gupta (U.S. Army; 2)
Hamilton and District Assn. for Retarded Children
M.P. Hemkar
D.G. Henshaw (no outgoing)
Journal of Chemical Physics (J.W. Stout; 5)
Journal of the Franklin Institute (L.H. Falgie, encl. review, Martin A. Pomerantz; 5)
William A. Kamitakahara; 2 (outgoing only)
Ray Kaplow (MIT) outgoing only
F.4 Learned Societies; 2
T.A. Litovitz (Catholic U.; 2)
Paul Lorrain (U. of Montreal; 3)
John M. (Queen’s U.), no outgoing
Materials Research Bulletin (H.K. Henisch; 7)
E.B. McNaughton (U. of Guelph)
Horst Meyer (Duke U., encl. offprints)
Monocrystals Inc. (outgoing only)
Leonard Muldawer (Temple U.)
National Carbon Co. (outgoing only)
National Research Council, Canada (B.G. Ballard; 3)
National Science Foundation, U.S. (Henry S. Valk, Langdon T. Crane; 2) no outgoing
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (G. Gilat, Harold G. Smith; 3)
R.K. Pathria (U. of Alberta; 2) no outgoing
K.N. Pathak (Indian Institute of Technology) outgoing only
Physical Society of Japan (H. Takashasi)
Anne Marie Poujade, no outgoing
RCA Laboratories (George D. Cody)
Reactor Centrum Nederland (J. Bergsma; 3)
G.E. Reesor (U. of Waterloo)
K.E. Riechhoff (Simon Fraser U.) no outgoing
J.M. Robson (U. of Ottawa), encl. CAP abstracts (outgoing only)
H. Schiff (U. of Alberta; 3)
K.C. Sharma (U. of Alberta) no outgoing
John S. Shier (Los Alamos)
Shell Development Co. (Jerry H. Schachtschneider), no outgoing
C.G. Shull (MIT)
Sigma Xi National Headquarters, also l. from S.H. Chen
K. Sköld and G. Nelin, outgoing only
J.F. Smith (Iowa State U.; 5)
R.W.H. Stevenson (U. of Aberdeen)
Texas Nuclear Corp., outgoing only
Y.P. Varshni (U. of Ottawa), outgoing only
White Metal Rolling & Stamping Corp.
John Wiley and Sons Inc.; 4
W.E. Wilson, Jr. (U. of Washington)
D.J. Zaffarano (Iowa State U.) outgoing only
F.5 1967, incoming and outgoing
Hassan Aboud-Helal (no outgoing)
John G. Adler (Western Reserve U.; 3)
N.M. Ahmed
Kessar D. Alexopouilos (U. of Athens; 9) encl. ls. to and from Ch. E. Ravanos,
A.B. Almazov (Institute of Mines of Moscow) no outgoing
American Association of Physics Teachers; 2 (no outgoing)
American Physical Society (W.W. Havens) outgoing only, encl. 2 abstracts
Andonian Associates Inc.
Applied Technology Co. / Canberra Industries
Argonne National Laboratory (J.M. Rowe, Donald Connor, Bruce Forsythe, M.H. Mueller; 11)
Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. (T.G. Church, L.G. Elliott, W.B. Lewis, T.G. Williams, A.D.B. Woods, Eric Svensson, P.D. Stevens-Guille, D.A. Bascombe, P. McConnachie, G.A. Bartholomew, T. Eastwood; 50, encl. ts.)
Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, U.K. (R.D. Lowde, Graeme Low, W. Marshall; 11)
R.L. Banerjee (Collège de France, encl. l. from J. Laval)
B.W. Batterman (Cornell U.; 5, encl. colloquium notice)
Paul A. Beck see T. Rowland
L.N. Becka (Universidad Central de Venezuela; 7)
Bell Telephone Laboratories Inc. (J.M. Rowell, H.A. Watson, David W. Taylor; 2)
Manson Benedict (MIT)
W.A. Benjamin, Inc. (Nina F. Denoux) no outgoing
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, India (P.K. Patwardhan, P.K. Iyengar; 4, encl. paper)
A.D. Bhatti (Memorial U.; 4)
B. Bleaney (Clarendon Laboratory, U. of Oxford) outgoing only
D.I. Bower (U. of Leeds)
Brookhaven National Laboratory (Vincent J. Minkiewicz, M.F. Collins, G. Shirane, G.J. Dienes, Arthur Paskin, Louis G. Stang; 13)
Noor M. Butt
G. Caglioti (CNEN)
Canadian Association of Physicists (John Robson, H.E. Petch; 4)
Canadian Club of Hamilton, encl. membership (no outgoing)
Canadian Journal of Physics (L.G. Elliott; 4)
Canadian Westinghouse Co. (no outgoing)
Carborundum Metals Co. Inc. (outgoing only)
R.G. Chambers (U. of Bristol)
B.S. Chandrasekhar (Western Reserve U.)
J. Chappert (Grenoble)
Sow-Hsin [Chen]; 3 (outgoing only) Note: One letter is also addressed to Mike [Rowe?]
Louis Cheveau (U. Liege)
Tord Claeson (Chalmers U.; 4)
J.F. Cochran (Simon Fraser U.)
F.6 B.R. Coles (U. of London) (outgoing only)
Columbia National Corp.; 2 (outgoing only)
E. R. Cowley (U. of Edinburgh; 3)
W. Charles Cooper (Noranda Research Centre)
D.W.J. Cruickshank (U. of Manchester) (outgoing only)
Paul H. Cutler (Technical U. of Denmark) outgoing only
R.H. Dalitz (U. of Oxford)
W.B. Daniels (Princeton U.)
Defence Research Board, Canada (F.P. Donovan)
G. A. De Wit (Rutgers U.; 4)
A.E. Dixon (U. of Waterloo; 2) outgoing only
Gerald [Dolling?] no outgoing
Charles Domenicali (Temple U.) no outgoing
S. Doniach (U. of London)
David H. Dutton (Bishop’s U.) outgoing only
P.A. Egelstaff (no outgoing)
Henry Ehrenreich (Harvard U.) outgoing only
J.E. Eldrigde (U. of Nebraska)
External Aid Office (Neil Overend) outgoing only
J.W. Faust, Jr. (Pennsylvania U.; 4)
K.D. Ford (Loyola College) outgoing only
Foote Mineral Co. (outgoing only)
S.B. Frost (McGill U.)
Carl W. Garland (MIT) no outgoing
General Atomic (James A. Young)
General Electric (F.E. Luborsky) outgoing only
Carlo Ghezzi (no outgoing)
Newell S. Gingrich (U. of Missouri) no outgoing
J. Grindlay (U. of Waterloo)
V.D. Gupta (U.S. Army) no outgoing
N.C. Halder (Yale U., encl. resume)
Paul Handler (U. of Illinois)
Walter A. Harrison (Stanford U.; 3) encl. information on Gordon Conference
Volker Heine (U. of Cambridge)
E.B. Hensley (U. of Missouri) outgoing only
Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd.; 3
International Atomic Energy Agency (Aliber Guajardo C.; 3)
International Centre for Theoretical Physics (J.M. Ziman) no outgoing
International Journal of the Physics and Chemistry of Solids (B. Chalmers Frazer; 3)
H.J.C. Ireton (U. of Toronto) outgoing only
Journal of Chemical Physics (J.W. Stout) outgoing only
Kicksort Inc. (outgoing only)
Farrell Kilbane (Ohio State U.)
E.E. Lahteenkorva (U. of Turku)
J. Laval (Collège de France)
J.R. Lawson; 3
Longmans Canada Ltd (no outgoing)
Lucas and King Ltd.
I.K. MacKenzie (Dalhousie U and Guelph U.; 6)
Alexei Maradudin (U. of California)
Richard M. Martin (U. of Chicago)
W.A.E. McBryde (U. of Waterloo) no outgoing
Kathryn A. McCarthy (Tufts U.) outgoing only
P. McConnachie (outgoing only)
McGraw-Hill Book Co.; 3
David McLay (Queen’s U.)
Lucy McLay (no outgoing)
Monostructures Intl. (outgoing only)
Leonard Muldawer (Temple U.)
National Research Council, Canada (J.P. Hobson, H.D. Riccius; 5)
Norris Nereson (Los Alamos)
New York Academy of Sciences (no outgoing)
Nuclear Applications (no outgoing)
F.7 Oak Ridge National Laboratory (G. Gilat, W.G. Pollard)
A.K. Pant (U. of Glasgow; 7) no outgoing
Antionio Paoletti (Comitato Nazionale per l’Energia Nucleare)
B.V. Paranjape (U. of Alberta; 3) encl.
R.K. Pathria; 2 (outgoing only)
Pergamon Press; 2 (no outgoing)
Physical Review (S. Pasternack and A.W.K. Metzner; 2) encl. reports
Physical Society of Japan (H. Takahasi) no outgoing
Physics and Chemistry of Liquids (Arthur Paskin) no outgoing
Physics in Canada (F.W. Dalby) outgoing only
A.P. Pippard (Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge U.) outgoing only
Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. (no outgoing)
Cynthia Rand (outgoing only)
A.K. Rajagopal (U. of Chicago) no outgoing
Reactor Centrum Nederland (J. Bergsma)
Reactive Metals Inc. (outgoing only)
Mike [Rowe] (Illinois) no outgoing
T.J. Rowland and Paul E. Beck (U. of Illinois; 13)
Royal Society
M. Sakamoto
C.G. Shull (MIT), outgoing only
Muhammad Afzal Sheik (Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science)
M.M. Shukla (Banaras Hindu U.; 4)
N.N. Sirota (Byelorussian Academy of Sciences; 4)
Charles P. Slichter (U. of Illinois) no outgoing
Society of Rheology (Robert S. Marvin)
Solid State Communications (J.A. Krumhanal; 4)
R. Stedman (Aktiebolaget Atomenergi, Sweden)
R.W.H. Stevenson (U. of Aberdeen) outgoing only
A. T. Stewart (U. of North Carolina)
Gale Stewart
Huang Chuan Teh (U. of Waterloo) outgoing only
B.H. Torrie
M.F. Thorpe (U. of Oxford), encl. paper by Brockhouse and Iyengar
T. Timursk
U. of Toronto
United Arab Republic (A-Megid S. Mansour)
United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (R.D. Lowde)
J. J. van Loef (Reactor Instituut, Netherlands)
G. Venkatarman (U. of Michigan) outgoing only
Hugh A. Walls (U. of Texas) no outgoing
Hiroshi Watanabe (Research Institute for Iron, Steel and Other Metals) outgoing only
U. of Waterloo (outgoing only)
H.L. Welsh (U. of Toronto; 3)
Westinghouse Electric Corp.; 3
Werner P. Wolf (Yale U.; 3)
J.M. Ziman (U. of Bristol)
Zirconium Corp.; 3
F.8 1968, incoming and outgoing
Academic Press; 4
Alfra Inorganics, Inc.; 4
P.B. Allen (U. of California, Berkeley)
American Institute of Physics, reprint request
American Physical Society (W.W. Havens, Melvin R. Downes, M. David; 8) encl. information on Brockhouse who was running for Councillor-at-Large
J.L. Amoros (Southern Illinios U.; 4)
Argonne National Laboratory (J.M. [Mike] Rowe, N.J. Morris, L.M. Bollinger, Donald Connor; 10)
Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. (W.B. Lewis, E.C. Svensson, T.G. Church, G. Edwards, G.A. Bartholomew, G. Young, T. Smith, J.R. Datars, J.A. Quarrington; 32)
Atomic Energy Research Establishment (R.D. Lowde) no outgoing
G.E. Bacon (U. of Sheffield)
G.R. Barsch (Pennsylvania State U.)
B.W. Batterman (Cornell U.) no outgoing
Paul A. Beck (U. of Illinois)
Manson Benedict (MIT)
Bhabha Atomic Energy (P.K. Iyengar, K.R. Rao; 6)
A.B. Bhatia (U. of Alberta) no outgoing
John S. Blakemore (Florida Atlantic U.)
Myer Bloom (UBC) no outgoing
BRH Associates (no outgoing)
Brookhaven National Laboratory (B.C. Frazer, G. Shirane, William L. Knapp; 8)
D.I. Bower (U. of Leeds)
F.9 Guiseppe Caglioti (CNEN)
Cambridge U. Press (A.K. Parker)
Canadian Association of Physicists (Jean-Louis Meunier)
C. Chen (U. of Waterloo) no outgoing
Sow-Hsin Chen (Harvard U.; 6)
Clarendon Press (no outgoing)
Corporation of Engineers of Quebec (Robert Masse)
Crystalab Products Corp. (outgoing only)
J.M. Daniels (U. of Toronto; 4)
Defence Research Board, Canada
G.A. deWit (Rutgers U.) outgoing only
Digitial Equipment (no outgoing)
G.B Bruce Doern (Carleton U.; 3)
D.H. Douglass (U. of Rochester)
Dover Publications
P.A. Egelstaff (Cornell U.; 3)
European Physical Society
Pierre Faure (Laboratoire de Spectrométrie Physique)
J.W. Faust (Pennsylvania State U.; 6)
H.I.S. Ferguson (U. Western Ontario; 3)
L. Finegold (U. of California)
D.G. Frood (Lakehead U.; 3)
Fausto G. Fumi (Istituto de Fisica)
General Electric (John R. Richardson)
Jack S. Goldstein (Brandeis U.)
J. B. Goodenough (MIT)
Gordon and Breach, Science Publishers, Inc.
Gulf Generator Atomic (W.L. Whittemore) no outgoing
F.10 R.R. Haering (Simon Fraser U.; 5)
Robert J. Hardy (U. of Nebraska)
O.K. Harling (Battelle Northwest)
Akira Hasegawa (Tohoku U.)
S. Hautecler (CEN)
Idaho Nuclear Corp. (A.W. Solbrig, R.E. Schmunk; 6)
International Atomic Energy Agency (J. Dolničar; 4)
International Centre for Theoretical Physics (A.M. Hamende; 2)
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (M. Sakamoto; 3)
S.K. Joshi (U. of Roorkee)
Journal of Chemical Physics (J.W. Stout)
Dj. Jović (Laboratory of Solid State Physics, Yugoslavia); 5
Koch-Knight Laboratories Ltd.; 6) Note: Calculations by Brockhouse on verso of l.
P.T. Landsberg (University College of South Wales)
J.S. Lass (U. of Cambridge) outgoing only
Benjamin Lax (MIT; 2)
Marcel A.R. LeBlanc (USC)
A.R. Mackintosh (Technical U., Denmark; 4)
P.N. Manikarnika (Banaras Hindu U.; 3)
Marquis–Who’s Who, Inc. (no outgoing)
Materials Research Bulletin (Heinz K. Henisch; 5)
G.T. Meaden (Dalhousie U.) no outgoing
Metals Research Ltd.; 4
Adolph Miller Co. (outgoing only)
A.P. Miiller (Brandon U.; 4)
P. Mullin (outgoing only)
F.11 National Bureau of Standards, U.S. (B. Mozer) outgoing only
National Research Council of Canada (J.P. Hobson, Roger Taylor; 4)
C.D. Niven, death notice
Norton International Inc.
S.C. Ng (Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford; 11)
Nuclear Science and Engineering
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (T.F. Connolly, R.M. Nicklow; 5)
Optical Society of America (Mary E. Warga)
Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science (Noor M. Butt)
P.K. Pathria (Punjab U.; 3)
A.S. Pavlovic (CNRS, France)
H.E. Petch (U. of Waterloo)
A. Peterlin (Research Triangle Institute)
J.C. Phillips (U. of Chicago)
Plenum Press
Physical Review (George L. Trigg, et al; 8) encl. reports and abstracts
Ted Rowland (U. of Illinois)
Royal Society of Canada
Allan M. Russell (Hobart and William Smith College) no outgoing
B.W. Sargent (Queen’s U.; 7)
W.B. Saunders Co.
C.G. Shull (MIT) no outgoing
J. Robert Schrieffer (U. of Pennsylvania)
M.M. Skukla (Banares Hindu U.) no outgoing
Wei-Mei Shyu (U. of Rochester) no outgoing
Gene Simmons (MIT)
R.H. Singh (Banaras Hindu U.)
S.K. Sinha (Iowa State U.)
Neville V. Smith (Stanford U.)
Jay W. Stein (Western Illinois U.)
Solid State Communications (B. Gerstein, G.T. Meaden)
H.C. Teh (no outgoing)
TRW Instruments (outgoing only)
B.B. Tripathi (Indian Institute of Technology)
Union Carbide Corp. (E.S. Malkin; 5)
United Kingdom Energy Research Establishment (W.M. Lomer)
C. Walker (Army Materials Research Center)
G.B. Walker (U. of Alberta) no outgoing
Warren G. Webb (U. Western Ontario; 7)
M.J.H. Westcott (Old College, Edinburgh; 3)
Westinghouse Electric Corp. (S.H. Vosko) no outgoing
J.L. Wolfston (U. of Saskatchewan)
W.G. Wong (Brandon U.; 3)
C.M. Yagnik (National Chemical Lab., India)
F.12 1969, Incoming and Outgoing
J.G. Adler (U. of Alberta; 3)
American Institute of Physics
American Physical Society (John Bardeen, Ward Whaling, W.W. Havens; 5) encl.
Annual Review of Nuclear Science (Joan Huddleston)
Argonne National Laboratory (M.J. Whalen, Ronald A. Johns, W.M. Manning, Frank J. Blatt; 10)
Army Materials Research Center (Chang Sun Choi) no outgoing
Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (no outgoing)
Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. (Gareth Edwards, Roger A. Cowley, I.L. Fowler, P.D. Stephens-Guille, L.G. Elliot, Eric Svensson, G.A. Bartholomew, T.G. Church, T.A. Aman, J.M. Lindsay, Gerald Dolling; 35)
Sushil Auluck (U. of Chicago)
Australian Atomic Energy Commission (A.W. Pryor) no outgoing
G.E. Bacon (U. of Sheffield; 3)
Paul A. Beck (U. of Illinois) no outgoing
Bell Telephone Laboratories (J.C. Phillips, Richard M. Martin, Eric Fawcett; 6)
Mason Benedict (MIT)
D.D. Betts (U. of Alberta) encl. abstracts
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Indian (B.A. Dasannacharya)
John S. Blakemore (Florida State U.)
Neils Bohr Institutet (no outgoing)
F.13 Guiseppe Cagliota (CNEN; 3)
Canadian Association of Physicists (Jean-Louis Meunier) no outgoing
Canadian Institute on Public Affairs (outgoing only)
Canadian Journal of Physics (R.R. Haering; 7)
C. Carabatos (U. of Strasbourg)
Carbon: an International Journal (S. Mzorowski; 3)
Sow-Hsin Chen (MIT; 7), encl.
H. Chessin (State U. of New York) outgoing only
Morrel H. Cohen (U. of Chicago)
Robert M. Cunningham (U. of Missouri; 3)
J.M. Daniels (U. of Toronto) encl.
Jorrit de Boer (Rutgers U.; 6)
G.A. DeWit (Rutgers U.; 4)
H.E. Duckworth (U. of Manitoba)
Chalres Elbaum (Brown U.)
Peter Egelstaff
Electronic Space Products Inc. (outgoing only)
Engineers Joint Council (no outgoing)
Ford Motor Co. (A. Overhauser)
Peter A. Forsyth (U. Western Ontario)
J.P. Frank (U. of Alberta) no outgoing
W.M. Franklin (Kent State U.)
J.C. Garg (U. of Rajasthan) no outgoing
Trevor Gethins (U. of Oxford)
G. Gilat (Israel Institute of Technology; 4)
R.E. Glover (U. of Maryland)
Ranendra P. Gupta (U. of Manitoba; 4)
Hamdard National Foundation (Hakim Mohammed Said) no outgoing
Robert J. Hard (U. of Nebraska)
A.W. Hewat (U. of Melbourne)
F.14 International Business Machines Corp.
Institute de Physique Nucléaire (no outgoing)
Institute for Fundamental Studies Association (no outgoing)
International Atomic Energy Agency (J. Dolnicar, H. Fulde, W. Dietl, A.M. Hamende; 10)
International Journal of the Physics and Chemistry of Solids (Harvey Brooks; 2) encl. correspondence with Solid State Communications
Isotopes (outgoing only)
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (S. Ayao) no outgoing
Daniel Kleppner (MIT; 5)
Stephen V. Letcher (U. of Rhode Island)
F.D. Manchester (U. of Toronto)
A.W. McReynolds (CNEN)
Metallurgical Society (Susan E. Osberg)
A.P. Miiller (Brandon U.; 4)
Governor-General Roland Michener (invitation)
National Research Council of Canada (D.L. Martin, G. Herzberg, C.G. Sheldrick, E. Whalley; 12)
National Science Foundation, U.S. (no outgoing)
M.J. Newlands (Memorial U.; 3)
North-Holland Publishing Co.; 5
S.C. Ng (Clarendon Lab., Cambridge U.; 4)
Nuclear Applications (Roy G. Post)
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Harold G. Smith)
Philips (Ir. A. Bolk)
Physical Review; 6
Physics in Canada (Don Brodie; F.W. Dalby; 2)
C.A. Plint (Brock U.)
Pratt & Whitney Aircraft
S.P. Puri (U. of Roorkee)
Quantum Technology (no outgoing)
A. Ramachandran (Indian Institute of Technology)
K.R. Rao (Army Materials; 8)
R.N. Rayne (Chung Chi College) no outgoing
T. Riste (Institutt for Atomenergi; 3)
Rustom Roy (National Colloquy on the Field of Materials)
G.A. Rubin (Laurentian U.)
B. Saraf (U. of Rajasthan)
J.M.W. Scott (Memorial U.) no outgoing
Y. Shibuya (Kyushu U.) no outgoing
R.C. Shukla (Brock U.) outgoing only
C.G. Shull (MIT; 7)
A.K. Singh (no outgoing)
Paul Singer (Israel Institute of Technology)
A.W. Solbrig
Solid State Communications (E. Burstein, Harvey Brooks, James A. Krumhansl; 8) See also International Journal of the Physics and Chemistry of Solids
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. (no outgoing)
A.K. Srivastava (U. of Allhabad) no outgoing
H.C. Teh (no outgoing)
U. of Toronto
Union Carbide Corp. (outgoing only)
United States Dept. of the Interior (no outgoing)
United States Department of Commerce (no outgoing)
E.W. Vogt (UBC) no outgoing
Peter G. Wannier (Rockefeller U.)
J.B. Warren (UBC)
U. of Waterloo (C.T. Boyes, et al; 13) re Brockhouse’s honorary Doctor of Science degree
J.T. Wilson (U. of Toronto; 3)
J.C. Woolley (U. of Ottawa; 2)
Box 3
F.1 1970, incoming and outgoing
Academic Press Inc. (no outgoing)
Acta Crystallographica (Walter J. Hamilton; 8)
Robert K. Adair (Yale U.) no outgoing
Narinder K. Ailawadi (Columbia U.) no outgoing
Air Canada
Air Products & Chemicals Ltd.
American Institute of Physics (outgoing only)
American Physical Society (W.W. Havens; 3)
American Physicists Association (J.R. Wayland)
American Scientist
Annual Review of Nuclear Science (Emilio Segrè; 4)
Aremco Products Inc. (outgoing only)
Argonne National Laboratory (Fred M. Mueller, O.C. Simpson, J.W. Garland, J.M. Rowe, Philip N. Powers; 9)
H. Arroe (State U. College, Fredonia)
Associated Universities Inc., patent agreement
Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. (G.O. Baines, W.H. Schwantz, L.G. Elliott, C. Heringa, G.A. Bartholomew, P.D. Stevens-Guille, Eric Svensson, A.D.B. Woods, R.A. Cowley; 20)
Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, U.K. (W. Marshall)
Australian Atomic Energy Commission (M.M. Elcombe, A.W. Pryor; 7)
Raymond Baro, encl. preprint
B.W. Batterman (Cornell U.)
R.E. Bell (McGill U.)
Bell Telephone Laboratories (S.A. Barker)
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (B.A. Dasannacharya; 3)
Blaisdell Publishing Co. (outgoing only)
R.J. Blin-Stoyle (U. of Sussex) no outgoing
Brockhouse Christmas circular letter
Brookhaven National Laboratory (G.J. Diens, Walter C. Hamilton, , B. Chalmers Frazer, William L. Knapp, G. Shirane, V.J. Minkiewicz, R. Ronald Rau; 14) encl.
I.D. Brown
J.S. Brown (U. of Vermont)
F.2Guiseppe Caglioti (CNEN; 3)
Canadian Association of Physicists (F.D. Manchester, J.F. Cochran, D.D. Bette; 5) encl. abstracts
Canadian International Development Agency
Canadian Journal of Physics (R.R. Haering; 11)
U. of Chicago Press (Ann Moyal) no outgoing
W. Cochran (U. of Edinburgh)
Morrel H. Cohen (U. of Chicago) no outgoing
Jim Couper, encl. results
J.M. Cowley (U. of Melbourne; 3)
Crystal Technology Inc. (outgoing only)
John R. Debesis (Case Western Reserve U.; 3)
Didier de Fontaine (U. of California) no outgoing
Russell J. Donnelly (U. of Oregon) no outgoing
B. Donovan (U. of London) no outgoing
B. Dorner
Elron Inc. (outgoing only)
P.C. Eastman (U. of Waterloo)
E. Fawcett (U. of Toronto)
David Finkelstein (Yeshiva U.)
Ford Motor Co. (A.W. Overhauser)
Georgia Institute of Technology (David W. Martin)
Ginn-Blaisdell (Naomi C. Weinstein) no outgoing
Goodfellow Metals Ltd. (outgoing only)
John Grootenboer
Rajendra P. Gupta (U. of Manitoba) outgoing only
E.D. Hallman (Laurentian U.)
Harvard U. Press (no outgoing)
R.N.H. Haslam (U. of Saskatchewan; 4)
F.T. Hedgcock (McGill U.)
Silvio B. Herdade (Instituto de Energia Atomica)
A.W. Hewat (U. of Melbourne; 7)
International Business Machine Corp.; 7
F.3 Institute for Fundamental Studies Association
International Atomic Energy Agency (J. Donicar)
A. Isihara (State U. of New York at Buffalo)
H.E. Johns (U. of Toronto)
Journal of Applied Crystallography (R.A. Young)
T.T. Karamchandani (Indian Institute of Technology)
John S. King (U. of Michigan)
Martin J. Klein (Yale U.)
Walter Kohn (U. of California)
J.D. Litster (MIT)
Stig Lundqvist (International Centre for Theoretical Physics)
E.B. McNaughton
F.D. Manchester (U. of Toronto)
A.A. Maradudin (U. of California)
H.N. March (U. of Sheffield)
A.P. Miiller (Brandon U.; 7)
M.I.T. Press (John S. Snyder)
T.D. Muir; 4
Leonard Muldawer (Temple U.)
B.R. Nag
National Research Council of Canada (Les Cook) no outgoing
R.W. Nicholls (York U.)
North-Holland Publishing Co.
Nuclear Applications & Technology (Roy G. Post)
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (W. Glaeser, R.M. Nicklow, M.K. Wilkinson, Stephen W. Lovesey; 6)
F.4 Panametrics
A.K. Pant, encl.
V.V. Paranjape (Lakehead U.)
Jeanette Parr
P.K. Pathria (U. of Windsor, U. of Waterloo; 3)
Physical Review (P.D. Adams; 4)
M.M. Pinter (U. of Waterloo) outgoing only
Baliram Prasad; 3
Princeton U. Press (John W. Hannon) no outgoing
Bob Pulsen
S.P. Puri (U. of Roorkee)
G. Quittner (no outgoing)
Hugh Robinson, encl. l. to John Copley
M.C. Robinson (McGill U.)
J.M. Rowe (Aktiebolaget Atomenergi)
A.P. Roy
Royal Society
Royal Society of Canada
F.R.L. Schöning (U. of Witwatersrand; 3)
D. Sharma (U. of Gorakhpur)
R.C. Shukla (Brock U.) outgoing only
C.G. Shull (MIT) no outgoing
R.W. Stewart (UBC)
Gordon Stiller
Hans Stiller (Institut für Festkörper- und Neutronenphysik; 5)
H.C. Teh; 2 (no outgoing)
Solid State Communications (E. Burstein, S.B. Woods, Malcolm Collins; 13)
E.C. Subbarao (Indian Institute of Technology) no outgoing
M.K. Sundaresan (Carleton U.) no outgoing
United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (B.T. Kelly)
E.W. Vogt (UBC) encl. abstract
Jean Claude Volta (no outgoing)
John Weymouth (U. of Nebraska)
J.T. Wilson (U. of Toronto) no outgoing
L.S. Wright (RMC, Canada)
Peter Yates (U. of Toronto) no outgoing
F.5 1971 (incoming and outgoing)
Acta Crystallographica (Waterl C. Hamilton; 7) encl.
American Physical Society (Robert Serber) encl.
American Scientist (Mary Madigan) encl. book reviews
Argonne National Laboratory (J.M. Rowe, John Copley; 3)
Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. (F.J. Erskine, André Larose, J.C. Hardy, Eric Svensson, G.A. Bartholomew, R. Dutton; 16)
Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, U.K. (W. Marshall, V.K. Tewary; 4)
Banaras Hindu University; 4
Battelle Memorial Institute (Robert I. Jaffee; 6) encl.
B.S. Berry (IBM) no outgoing
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (P.K. Iyengar)
Brookhaven National Laboratory (G. Shirane, D.T. Keating, G.J. Dienes; 8) encl.
Robert Berman (U. of Oxford)
Bronislaw Buras (U. of Copenhagen)
Giuseppe Caglioti (CNEN) no outgoing
M.R. Chowdhury (U. of Birmingham; 3)
J.L. Campbell (U. of Guelph) no outgoing
University of Cambridge, Royal Society Mond Laboratory (no outgoing)
Canadian Association of Physicists (notice with notes on verso)
Canadian Journal of Physics (R.R. Haering; 6) encl.
Sow-Hsin Chen (MIT; 4)
J.F. Cochran (Simon Fraser U; 2)
W. Cochran (Edinburgh U.) no outgoing
Marvin M. Cohen (Harry Diamond Laboratories) no outgoing
E.R. Cowley (Brock U.)
Roger A. Cowley (Edinburgh U.) no outgoing
F.6 CP Ships
A.P. Cracknell (U. of Dundee) no outgoing
A.E. Currie; 3 (no outgoing)
Henry Duckworth (no outgoing)
D.H. Douglass (U. of Rochester; 3) no outgoing
P.A. Egelstaff (U. of Guelph)
R.J. Elliott (Oxford) outgoing only
Frederick H. Fisher (U. of Rhode Island)
Ted. B. Flanagan (U. of Vermont)
A.G. Gold (UBC) outgoing only
David M. Grant (outgoing only)
John Simon Guggenheim Foundation, encl. statement re William Ready
Ian Hall (U. of Liverpool)
Doug Hallman (Laurentian U.)
International Journal of the Physics and Chemistry of Solids (Harvey Brooks; 3)
Institute of Physics and the Physical Society (no outgoing)
Bernard Jacrot (Institut Max von Laue; 3)
T. Kailath (Stanford U.) outgoing only
G.V. Kidson (Brock U.; 3)
John S. King (U. of Michigan) no outgoing
Karel Kunc (U. of Paris)
Andrew R. Lang (U. of Bristol; 5)
Yun-Peel Lee (no outgoing)
J.W. Leech (U. of Waterloo; 3)
J.D. Litster
Stephen Lonesey (Stanford U.; 4)
Macmillan (V. Hammett) no outgoing
Archie Miiller (Brandon U.; 6)
National Research Council of Canada (3 statements)
National Research Institute for Metals (Yuji Asada; 4)
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (R.M. Nicklow, H.G. Smith; 3)
Payne & Son (no outgoing)
H.E. Petch (U. of Waterloo)
Rudolf Peierls (U. of Oxford) outgoing only
R.G. Poulsen (U. of Sussex)
Physics Today (Steven M. Hein)
L.D. Reed (Laurentian U.)
Royal Society (no outgoing) encl.
Royal Society of Canada (no outgoing)
Save a Family Plan (no outgoing)
F. Selby Ltd. (no outgoing)
R.K. Sharma (Allahabad U.)
John Shepherd (U. of Oxford) no outgoing
Smiths Industries Ltd. (B.V. Barlow) no outgoing
Jeffrey Sokoloff (Northeastern U.)
Reginald Stedman (Aktiebolaget Atomenergi)
B. Szigeti (U. of Reading)
H.C. Teh; 2 (no outgoing)
W.F. Vinen (U. of Birmingham) outgoing only
H. Weik (U. of Cincinnati)
Wellsco Data Corp.
Mrs. Martin Witkamp
J.J. van Loef (IRI) no outgoing
Oscar Ziemelis
F.7 1972, incoming and outgoing
American Journal of Physics (Forrest I. Boley)
American Physical Society
American Scientist (Michelle Press)
Argonne National Laboratory (John R.D. Copley; 9) encl.
Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. (Gerald Dolling) no outgoing
Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, U.K. (B.T.M. Willis; 2)
George E. Bacon (U. of Sheffield)
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, India (G. Venkataraman) no outgoing
Roy Benedek (Cornell U.) outgoing only
E.F. Bertaut (Laboratoire des Rayons X)
B. Bleaney (Clarendon Laboratory, U. of Oxford; 3)
D. Allan Bromley (Yale U.) no outgoing
Brookhaven National Laboratory (John Skalyo. G. Shirane, G.J. Dienes, D.E. Cox; 6)
Douglas E. Bruins (MIT)
R.H. Buckley (Clarendon Laboratory, U. of Oxford)
Richard H. Bube (Stanford U.)
U. of Calcutta
Canadian Journal of Physics (R.R. Haering; 10) encl.
E.R. Cowley (Brock U.) encl.
D. Debray (Centre d’Études Nucléaires de Saclay)
P.A. Egelstaff (U. of Guelph) no outgoing
C.W. Garland (MIT; 7)
General Motors Corp. (Edward J. Siegel)
W.M. Hartmann (Michigan State U.)
Gerhard Herzberg (no outgoing)
Pierre Immer (Lausanne)
International Atomic Energy Agency (W. Dietl)
Japan Atomic Energy Research Establishment (M. Sakamoto; 3)
O.J. Kleppa (U. of Chicago)
Walter Kohn (UC, San Diego) no outgoing
N. Kunitomi (Osaka U.)
L. Lin (State U. of New York)
A.E. Literland (U. of Toronto) encl.
Per-Olov Löwdin (Uppsala U.) outgoing only
N.H. March (U. of Sheffield) outgoing only
F.8 Edward A. Mason (MIT) re Sow-Hsin Chen
T. McMullen (Francis Xavier U.) no outgoing
J. Mehra (U. of Texas at Austin) outgoing only
Z. Melkvi (U. of Alberta) encl.
Narendra Mishra (Bhagalpur U.)
Lewis D. Muhlestein (U. of Missouri-Columbia)
S.S. Nandwani (U. of Roorkee; 3)
National Research Council of Canada (Jean-Louis Meunier)
National Research Institute for Metals (Y. Asada) no outgoing
National Science Foundation (Richard Silberglitt) encl.
University of New South Wales (G.L. Macauley; 7) encl.
M. Musimovici (U. of Rennes)
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (R.M. Nicklow, H.G. Smith; 8)
R.K. Pathria (U. of Waterloo)
William S. Penhallow (U. of Rhode Island; 3)
Physical Review (Peter D. Adams) encl.
Hamid A. Rafizadeh (Pahlavi U.)
S. Ramaseshan (National Aeronautical Laboratory; 4)
J.A. Reissland (U. of Essex) no outgoing
Royal Society of Canada (E.H.P. Garneau)
Andrew E. Scott (U. Western Ontario; 3)
M.M. Shukla (Instituto de Fisica, Brazil)
R.C. Shukla (Brock U.)
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
Solid State Communications (Robert H. Silsbee; 3)
Vipin Srivastava (U. of Roorkee)
Reg Stedman (Aktiebolaget Atomenergi)
H. Stiller (Institut für Festkörperforschung)
U.S. Department of Commerce (Russell C. Casella)
J.E. van Dam (Leiden)
P.J. Van Heerden (outgoing only)
John Yakinthos
F.9 1973, incoming and outgoing
Hassan Abou-Helal (no outgoing)
American Institute of Physics (John DiCaro)
American Physical Society (W.W. Havens)
Argonne National Laboratory (David Long Price)
Association of Commonwealth Universities (P.B. Hetherington)
Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. (G.A. Bartholomew, G. Dolling, R. Dutton, A.G. Ahronson, M.D. Watson; 8)
Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, U.K. (Alan Hewat, B.T.M. Willis)
Bhabha Atomic Research (K.R. Rao, P.K. Iyengar; 3)
Brookhaven National Laboratory (R. Pynn, S.A. Goudsmit; 3)
C. Brot (U. of Nice)
Canadian Journal of Physics (C.S. Lam)
Nancy Cartwright; 3
S.H. Chen (MIT) no outgoing
Roberto Colella (Purdue U.)
E.R. Cowley (Brock U.)
William B. Daniels (U. of Delaware) no outgoing
Danish Atomic Energy Commission (H-G. Purwins) no outgoing
D. Dutton (Bishop’s College School)
Eric Fawcett (U. of Toronto) outgoing only
John Simon Guggenheim Foundation
Otto K. Harling (MIT; 4)
Eugene B. Hensley (U. of Missouri-Columbia)
International Atomic Energy Agency (Zh. I. Turkov, W. Dietl) no outgoing
International Journal of the Physics and Chemistry of Solids (B. Chalmers Frazer)
Allan Jacobs (U. of Toronto)
Journal of Chemical Physics
V. Kumar (U. of Roorkee; 3)
Manikarnika Lagu
B. Lassier (U. of Nice; 4)
Hans W. Levi (Hahn-Meitner-Institut; 3)
Per-Olov Löwdin (Uppsala U.) no outgoing
T. Lukes (University College, Cardiff) no outgoing
F.10 Universiti Malaya (Anthony Gomez)
Edward A. Mason (MIT; 4)
N.R. McQuaker
R. Mossbauer (Institut Max von Laue) outgoing only
S.S. Nandwani (U. of Roorkee)
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (R.M. Nicklow, G.D. Robbins; 6)
Satya Pal (Allahabad U.) no outgoing
W.B. Pearson (U. of Waterloo)
R. Penelle, encl. colloquy invitation
John Polyani (U. of Toronto) encl. open letter
Physical Review (Peter D. Adams; 3)
Puerto Rico Nuclear Center
D. Reidel Publishing Co. (no outgoing)
Rhodes Scholarship Trust
D.K. Ross (U. of Birmingham; 4)
Royal Society of Canada (E.H.P. Garneau, Leopold Lamontagne; 4) encl.
Ralph O. Simmons (U. of Illinois; 2)
University of Singapore
S.K. Sinha (Iowa State U.) no outgoing
N.N. Sirota (International Conference on Charge, Spin; 3)
Vipin Srivastava (U. of Roorkee) no outgoing
S.P. Sud (Himachal Pradesh U.)
D.N. Talwar
Margaret P.J. Taylor
H.C. Teh (MIT)
E.S.Y. Tin (U. of Manitoba)
Clifford W. Tompson (U. of Missouri-Columbia)
U.S. Department of Commerce (John J. Rush) outgoing only
John White (Oxford U.; 4)
W.F. Vinen (U. of Birmingham) no outgoing
Box 4
F.1 1974, incoming and outgoing
Khaled Abdolall
I.R.J. Aitchison (U. of Oxford)
American Scientist (no outgoing)
P.W. Anderson and R. Blinc (no outgoing)
R.L. Armstrong (U. of Toronto; 4)
Atomic Energy of Canada (A.D.B. Woods, G.A. Bartholomew; 4)
Atomic Energy Review (D. Twersky; 5)
G.E. Bacon (U. of Sheffield)
Bell Laboratories (A.S. Barker)
B. Bronaugh (U. Western Ontario)
Robert M. Brugger (U. of Missouri; 3)
Giuseppe Caglioti (CESNEF)
Canadian Association of Physicists (A.E. Douglas)
Sow-Hsin Chen (MIT)
John R.D. Copley (Institut Max von Laue) no outgoing
Y. Farge (U. Paris-Sud) no outgoing
Ford Motor Co. (Lee A. Feldkamp) (no outgoing)
P. Girard (AFEDES) no outgoing
John Simon Guggenheim Foundation (no outgoing)
E.D. Hallman (Laurentian U.)
C.A. Hooker (U. Western Ontario) no outgoing
IBM (Rolf Landauer) re Oliver E. Buckley Prize
Institute of Nuclear Research, Poland (L. Dobrynski) outgoing only
International Center for Theoretical Solid State Physics, Belgium (no outgoing)
Israel Institute of Technology (Gideon Gilat)
Noriaki Itoh (Nagoya U.) no outgoing
S. Karaki (outgoing only)
M. Kumar (outgoing only)
P.T. Lansberg (U. of Waterloo)
André Larose (no outgoing)
D.H. Martin (Queen Mary College; 3)
Paul C. Martin (Harvard U.; 3)
National Defense Research Institute, Sweden (Anders Rosengren)
National Science Foundation (Richard A. Isaacson)
D.J. Newman (Queen Mary College)
Nuclear Technology (Roy G. Post) no outgoing
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (W.A. Kamitakahara, R.M. Nicklow, H.G. Smith; 8)
Physical Review (Peter D. Adams; 4) encl.
Pinstech (outgoing only)
Charles P. Poole (U. of South Carolina)
Royal Society
Royal Society of Canada (E.H.P. Garneau; 3)
Rick Sayer
P.K. Sharma (U. of Allahabad; 4) no outgoing
R.A. Shiner (U. of Alberta)
R. W. Smith (Queen’s U.)
B. Szigeti (U. of Reading; 4)
H.C. Teh (MIT, Nanyang U.; 5)
M.F. Thorpe (Yale U.) no outgoing
U.S. Dept. of Commerce (Harvey Alperin)
John Warren (Lakehead U.) no outgoing
Edmund West (no outgoing)
Westinghouse Corp. (E. Siegel)
Oscar Ziemelis (UBC)
F.2 1975, incoming and outgoing
J.R. Anderson (U. of Maryland)
Argonne National Laboratory (Ronald A. Johns)
Atomic Energy of Canada (G.A. Bartholomew)
Richard G. Barnes (Iowa State)
W. Cochran (U. of Edinburgh; 4)
D.E. Cox (Neutron Diffraction Commission)
A. Czachor (Poland)
Peter J. Dunlop (U. of Adelaide) no outgoing
O.P. Gupta (no outgoing)
O. Harling (no outgoing)
International Atomic Energy Agency (J. Dolnicar; 3)
Per-Olov Löwdin (Uppsala U.)
National Research Council (A.E. Douglas)
National Science Foundation (D.L. Mitchell)
Rudi H. Nussbaum (Portland State U.) no outgoing
Rudolf Peierls (U. of Washington), also l. to B. Bleaney
Physical Review (referee reports; 5)
Charles P. Poole (U. of South Carolina) no outgoing
Arthur Peyot (Macquarrie U.)
Norman C. Rasmussen (MIT)
P.K. Sharma (U. of Allahabad) no outgoing
C.G. Shull (MIT) no outgoing
Vipin Srivastara (U. of Roorkee)
Boris [Storheff]
Douglas Walton (U. of Winnipeg) outgoing only
Karen Worgan (U. of Sussex)
F.3 1976, incoming and outgoing
Derek Allen (U. of Reading)
Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. (T.M. Holden, G.A. Bartholomew; 6)
Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, U.K. (R.D. Lowde) no outgoing
Paul A. Beck (no outgoing)
Donald D. Betts (U. of Alberta) (no outgoing)
P. Boldrini (no outgoing)
Brookhaven National Laboratory (D.E. Cox) encl. l. from A.F. Adresen
Canadian Journal of Physics (P.R. Wallace; 4)
Edward Carlson (Michigan State U.) outgoing only
John R.D. Copley (Institut Max von Laue; 3)
P.A. Egelstaff (U. of Guelph; 4)
Encylopedia of Physics (George L. Trigg)
E. Fawcett (U. of Toronto)
Frederick Guptill (Simon Fraser U.) outgoing only
Britton J. Harwood (Miami U.)
George K. Horton (Rutgers U.)
W. Kamitakahara (Iowa State U.; 3)
James S. Kouvel (U. of Illinois) no outgoing
M. Lagu (U. of Rochester)
André Larose (outgoing only)
A.P. Miiller (Brandon U.; 3)
Antonio Paoletti (Consiglio Nazionale della Richerche)
Physical Review (George L. Trigg) encl.
Puerto Rico Nuclear Center (Mortimer I. Kay)
J. Rogiers (U. of Alberta)
Royal Society
Royal Society of Canada
Alec [Stewart?]
P. Thompson (U. of Aston)
H.L. Welsh (U. of Toronto)
F.4 1977-1983, incoming and outgoing
Acta Crystallographica (no outgoing)
Alpha Omega Research Foundation Inc.
American Association of Physics Teachers
American Physical Society (W.W. Havens) no outgoing
Argonne National Laboratory (Thomas G. Worlton)
R.L. Armstong (U. of Toronto)
G. Ascarelli (Purdue U.; 3)
Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. (A.D.B. Woods, T.M. Holden, R.L. Graham, E. Svensson; 9)
Atomic Energy Establishment, Egypt (Hassan Abou-Helal)
A.J. Barrett (RMC, Canada; 4)
Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering (R.L. Davis)
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (K.R. Rao, A.P. Roy, P.K. Iyengar, R. Ramanna; 9)
Heinz Bilz and Winfried Kress (Max-Planck-Institut) no outgoing
R. Birgenau (MIT) outgoing only
J.E. Black (Brock U.; U. of California; 3)
W.E. Bron (Indiana U., outgoing only)
Brookhaven National Laboratory (Robert E. Chrien, Harry Plavesky; 4)
Canada Council
Centre d’Études Nucléaires de Grenoble (A.M. de Goër and C. Ayache)
W. Cochran (U. of Edinburgh)
Roberto Colella (Purdue U.; 4)
Commission des Publications Françaises de Physique (J.M. Delrieu; 5) encl.
P.A. Egelstaff (U. of Guelph) no outgoing
R.J. Elliott (U. of Oxford) no outgoing
H. Falk (CCNY) no outgoing
M. Fayek (no outgoing)
W.H. Freeman and Co.
D.M. Ginsberg (U. of Illinois)
A.V. Gold (UBC)
R.H. Good (Pennsylvania State U.)
Daniel Greenberger (CCNY)
Guelph Sales and Advertising Club; 3
Otto Harling (MIT)
Hebrew U. of Jerusalem (Cyril ?) no outgoing
A. Howie (Cavendish Laboratory, U. of Cambridge) no outgoing
Sadao Hoshino (Institute for Solid State Physics, Japan)
F.5 Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi (Nachatar Singh) encl.
Indian Institute of Science (K.P. Sinha, N Kumar)
Insitut Laude-Langevin
Israel Institute of Technology (I. Riess) outgoing only
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (M. Sakamoto)
Joint Institute for Advancement of Flight Sciences (A. Swaroop)
W.A. Kamitakahara (Iowa State U.)
Stephen Keith (U. of Aston; 6)
André Larose (no outgoing)
Jules Léger, Governor-General of Canada
A. Loidl (outgoing only)
Per-Olov Löwdin (U. of Uppsala)
R.A. McConnell (U. of Pittsburgh)
David McDonald (encl. results)
S. McGuirk (U. of Reading)
K. Mikke (Institute of Nuclear Research, Poland)
Ministry of Education, Ontario (Bette Stephenson) encl.
National Defence, Canada (G.R. Vavasour)
National Research Council, Canada (J. Rolfe, Mike Klein, C. Ramsay, G. Herzberg, P.R. Wallace; 7)
Nuclear Technology (Roy G. Post)
Ontario Research Foundation (R.T. Lassau)
B.P. Pandey (M.L.K, College, India)
R.K. Pathria (U. of Waterloo)
Philosophical Magazine (E.A. Davis)
Physical Review (encl. mss. referrals)
F.6 Anthony Quinton (Boston U.) outgoing only
R. Ramji Rao (Indian Institute of Technology)
Redeemer Collge
Nicholas Rescher (U. of Pittsburgh)
Donald C. Reynolds
G. Rickayzen (U. of Kent at Canterbury)
Jonas Rosén (Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden)
P.L. Rossiter (Monash U.)
Royal Society
Royal Society of Canada
Royal Society of Edinburgh (E.G. Forbes) outgoing only
R.O. Simmons (U. of Illinois)
Joginder Singh (Punjab U.) outgoing only
Sunil K. Sinha
Solid State Communications
Solwest 80 Solar Conference (outgoing only)
A.T. Stewart (Queen’s U.)
Klaus Stierstadt (U. Munich)
Harold T. Stokes (Brigham Young U.
Boris [Storheff] (U. of Toronto)
C.A. Swenson (Iowa State U.; 4) encl.
Julia Tagüéna and L.E. Sansores
H.C. Teh (Nanyang U.)
P. Thompson (U. of Aston)
J.L. van Hemmen (U. Heidelberg)
S. Reid Warren (Franklin Institute)
J.H. Weiner (Brown U.)
E.L. Wolf (Iowa State U.)
Who’s Who in America
Harumi Yokokawa (U. of Tokyo)
Alphabetical sequence:
F.7 Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1965-1966
F.8-9 Apparatus for physics, 1962-1967, n.d., + b&w photographs, many of which are pasted into a notebook. Note: Additional apparatus photographs are in Box 20.
F.10 Argonne National Laboratory, 1968-1970
F.11 Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., consulting, 1962-1964
F.12 Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., 1968
F.13 Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., 1969-1972
Atomic Energy of Canada see also Chalk River staffing, Box 5, F.4
F.14 Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., 1979-1980
F.15 Brookhaven National Laboratory, 1966-1968
F.16 Buckley Prize, 1962
Box 5
F.1 Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP) awards, 1963-1969
F.2 CAP awards, 1969-1970
F.3 CAP awards, 1972-1973
F.4 Chalk River staffing, 1966
F.5 Duddell Medal and Prize, 1963
F.6 Helium detectors, 1965-1966
F.7 Hamner Electronics Co., 1962-1963, 1967
F.8 Intense Neutron Generator, Study Advisory Committee, 1965-1966
F.9 Intense Neutron Generator, Study Advisory Committee
F.10 Iowa State U., Ames Laboratory, 1968
F.11 International Union of Crystallography, 1966
F.12 McGraw-Hill Publishing, 1966-1967, 1984
F.13 National Research Council, grant applications, 1966
F.14 Ontario Physics departments, chairmen, 1968
F.15-6 Physical Review, 1973
F.17 Royal Society, 1962-1966
F.18-9 Sabbatical year, 1969-1971 at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Oxford University, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, U.K.
F.20 O.M. Stewart lecture, 1965
F.21 Unorthodox physics, 1969-1970
F.22 F. Umakantha, 1963-1964, encl. offprints
F.23 P.J. van Heerden, 1972, encl. tss.
Series 2
Conferences. – 1959-1983. – 40 cm of textual records. – 1 photograph. – Title based on content of series. Note: These files contain a variety of material which varies from file to file including correspondence, programmes, papers presented, discussions, attendance lists, travel documents and notes. There is 1 photograph in Box 7, F.23; see also Series 1 for correspondence concerning some conferences
Box 6
F.1 American Physical Society, 1955
F.1a Gordon Research Conference, Chemistry and Physics of Liquids, 1959
F.2 International Conference on Magnetism and Crystallography, Kyoto, Japan, 1961. See also Box 8, F.15.
F.3 International Conference on Lattice Dynamics, Copenhagen, Denmark
F.4 International Union of Crystallography. Sixth General Assembly and International Congress. Rome, Italy
F.5 International Summer School on Phonons and Phonon Interactions. University of Aarhus, Denmark
F.6 International Summer School on Solid State Physics. Mol, Belgium
F.7 Princeton University Conference. Transport Processes in Crystalline Insulators
F.8 75th Anniversary Symposium on the Utilization of Research Reactors
F.9 Twenty-first Annual Pittsburgh Diffraction Conference
F.10 Gordon Conference on the Chemistry and Physics of Solids. Electron-Phonon Interactions
F.11 International Conference on Low Temperature Physics. Columbus, Ohio
F.12 International Symposium on Inelastic Scattering of Neutrons in Solids and Liquids. India
F.13 John Carroll University Conference on Physics of Liquids
F.14 Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. symposium on the study for an Intense Neutron Generator (ING)
F.15 Brookhaven National Laboratory, Conference on Inelastic Scattering of Neutrons by Condensed Systems
F.16 First International Conference on Physics of Solids at High Pressures
F.17 Royal Society of Canada meeting
F.18 Scottish Universities Summer School. See also Box 9, F.1
F.19 State University of New York at Buffalo colloquium
Université Laval Conference
F.20 Canadian Association of Physicists congresses
F.21 Brookhaven National Laboratory, Conference on the Properties of Liquid Metals
F.22 Los Alamos, Seminar on Intense Neutron Sources
F.23 Princeton University Conference
F.24 Tenth International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Moscow
F.25 Western Spectroscopy Association Annual Meeting
F.26 Gordon Research Conference
F.27 International Course on the Theory of Condensed Matter, Trieste
F.28 International Congress on Magnetism. See also Box 9, F.8
F.29 International Conference on Localized Excitations in Solids
F.30 Materials Science Colloquium
F.31 NATO Advanced Institute
F.32 Metallurgical Society of AIME
F.33 Society of Rheology, Inc.
F.34 American Physical Society Council meeting
F.35 Brookhaven National Laboratory, Solid State–Materials Science Program
F.36 Gordon Conference on the Chemistry and Physics of Solids
F.37 International Congress of Crystallography
F.38 Neutron Inelastic Scattering Conference, Copenhagen
F.39 Neutron Inelastic Scattering Research Conference, Vienna
F.40 Ultrasonic Attenuation and Internal Friction in Crystalline Solids
F.41 American Physical Society
F.42 Canadian Association of Physicists
F.43 Royal Society of Canada
F.44 Gordon Research Conferences
F.45 Institute of Physics and Physical Society, Solid State Physics Conference
F.46 International Congress of Crystallography
F.47 Magnetism Group, Magnetic Phase Transitions
Box 7
F.1 American Physical Society
F.2 International Conference on the Properties of Liquid Metals
F.3 Neutron Inelastic Scattering
F.4 Symposium on the Development of the Physicist’s Conception of Nature
F.5 Canadian Philosophical Association
F.6 International Workshop, Foundations of Probability and Statistics and Statistical Theories of Science
F.7 International Congress, The Sun in the Service of Mankind
F.8 Toronto Colloquium (notes only)
F.9 University of Toronto Linac Symposium
F.10 Machine Calculations of Structure of Molecular Liquids
F.11 Mont Tremblant International Summer School
F.12 Royal Society
F.13 Images, Perception and Knowledge, An Inter-Disciplinary Workshop
F.14 International Seminar of Solid State Physics, Pinstech, Rawalpindi
F.15 Philosophy of Science, Fourth Biennial meeting
F.16 Royal Society
F.17 25th Canadian Metal Physics Conference
F.18 CAP symposium
F.19 Foundations and Applications of Decision Theory colloquium
F.20 International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science
F.21 Midwinter Solid State Research Conference
F.22 Winnipeg Conference on Action Theory
F.23 CAP Summer School at Banff. Includes 1 b&w photograph
F.24 Conference on the Epistemological Relationships Between the Sciences and the Humanities
F.25 Conference on Neutron Scattering
F.26 Shaping the Future: A Scientific and Christian Concern
F.27 International Conference on Lattice Dynamics
F.28 International Conference on Physics of Transition Metals
F.29 H.L. Welsh Lectures in Physics, University of Toronto
F.30 CAP Congress
F.31 International Conference on Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
F.32 Critical Issues in the History of Canadian Science, Technology and Medicine Conference
F.33-5 The Neutron and Its Applications
F.36 Modes of Knowledge Workshop, SUNY
F.37 Royal Society of Canada
F.38 Change and Spin Density
Series 3
Offprints, typescripts, and proofs. – 1950-1991; 1951-1978 predominant. – 60 cm of textual records and graphic material. – Title based on content of series. Note: Some files contain correspondence.
Box 8
F.1 List of Brockhouse’s refereed papers, 1951-1991; list of publications from his research group on which his name does not appear
F.2 Offprints:
1951. “The Initial Susceptibility of Nickel under Tension”. With H.J. Peppiatt. Journal of Applied Physics
1951. “Resonant Scattering of Slow Neutrons by Cadmium”. With D.B. Hurst and M. Bloom. Physical Review
F.3 Offprints:
1952. “Energy Distribution of Slow Neutrons Scattered from Solids”. With D.G. Hurst. Physical Review
F.4 Offprints:
1953. “Antiferromagnetic Structure in CR2O3”. Journal of Chemical Physics
1953. “The Initial Magnetization of Nickel under Tension”. Canadian Journal of Physics
1953. “Resonant Scattering of Slow Neutrons”. Canadian Journal of Physics
F.5 Offprints:
1955. “Energy Distribution of Neutrons Scattered by Paramagnetic Substances”. Physical Review
1955. “Multiple Scattering of Slow Neutrons by Flat Specimens and Magnetic Scattering by Zinc Ferrite”. With L.M. Corliss and J.M. Hastings. Physical Review
1955. “Neutron Scattering and the Frequency Distribution of the Normal Modes of Vanadium Metal”. Canadian Journal of Physics
1955. “Scattering of Neutrons by Phonons in an Aluminium Single Crystal”. With A.T. Stewart. Physical Review
1955. “Multiple Scattering of Slow Neutrons by Flat Specimens and Magnetic Scattering by Zinc Ferrite”. With L.M. Corliss and J.M. Hastings. Also many graphs and tables. Published in Physical Review
F.6 Mimeographed typescript:
1956. “Scattering of Neutrons by Spin Waves in Magnetite”. To be submitted to the Physical Review
F.7 Offprints:
1957. “New Type of Magnetic Transition in Mn3ZnC1”. With H.P. Myers. Canadian Journal of Physics
1957. “Normal Vibrations of Germanium by Neutron Spectrometry”. With P.K. Iyengar. Physical Review
1957. “Scattering of Neutrons by Spin Waves in Magnetite”. Physical Review
Mimeo typescripts:
[1957?] “Crystal and Liquid Dynamics by Neutron Spectrometry”.
1957. “Lattice Dynamics by Neutron Spectrometry”. With A.T. Stewart. For Conference on Crystal Physics at MIT.
1957. “Structural Dynamics of Water by Neutron Spectrometry”. For International Union of Crystallography Conference
F.8 Offprints:
1958. “Field Dependence of Neutron Scattering by Spin Waves”. Physical Review
1958. “Normal Modes of Aluminum by Neutron Spectrometry”. With A.T. Stewart. Reviews of Modern Physics
1958. “Normal Modes of Germanium by Neutron Spectrometry”. With P.K. Iyengar. Physical Review
1958. “Structural Dynamics of Water by Neutron Spectrometry”. Nuovo Cimento
1958. “Vibration Spectra of Vanadium and a Mn-Co Alloy by Neutron Spectrometry”. With A.T. Stewart. Reviews of Modern Physics
F.9 Manuscript notes, found loose, some are dated 1959. Also “Antiferromagnetisum in Cupric Oxide”, photocopy of typescript, 1 page. Abstract written at Brookhaven National Laboratory when Brockhouse was on leave from Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd.
F.10 Offprints:
1959. “Crystal Filter to Produce Pure Thermal Neutron Beams from Reactors”. Review of Scientific Instruments
1959. “Diffusive Motions in Liquids and Neutron Scattering”. Physical Review Letters
1959. “Lattice Vibrations in Silicon and Germanium”. Physical Review Letters
1959. “Lattice Vibrations of Semiconductors by Neutron Spectrometry”. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids
1959. “Time-Dependent Pair Correlations in Liquid Lead”. With N.K. Pope. Physical Review Letters
Mimeographed manuscript:
1959. “References for ‘Determination of Spin Density Distribution by Polarized Neutron’” 1 page, not in Brockhouse’s hand.
F.11 Offprints:
1960. “Dispersion Relations for Spin Waves in a fcc Cobalt Alloy”. With R.N. Sinclair. Physical Review
1960. “Lattice Dynamics of Alkali Halide Crystals”. With A.D.B. Woods and W. Cochran. Physical Review
[1960?] “Scattering, Inelastic”. Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Physics
Mimeographed Typescripts:
1960. “Crystal Dynamics of Lead”. With T. Arase, G. Caglioti, M. Sakamoto, R.N. Sinclair, A.D.B. Woods. To be presented at the Symposium on Inelastic Scattering of Neutrons in Solids and Liquids
1960. “Energy Distributions of Neutrons Scattered from Graphite, Light and Heavy Water, Ice, Zirconium Hydride, Lithium Hydride, Sodium Hydride and Ammonium Chloride by the Beryllium Detector Method”. With A.D.B. Woods, M. Sakamoto, and R.N. Sinclair. To be presented at the Symposium on Inelastic Scattering of Neutrons in Solids and Liquids
1960. “Lattice Dynamics of Alkali Halide Crystals. I.” With A.D.B. Woods and W. Cochran. To be submitted to the Physical Review
1960. “Physics Research at the Chalk River Reactors”. With M.A. Clark, J.W. Knowles, J.C.D. Milton, and R.N. Sinclair. To be presented at the Symposium on Pile Neutron Research in Physics
F.12 Offprints:
1961. “Methods for Neutron Spectrometry”. Reprinted from the proceedings of Inelastic Scattering of Neutrons in Solids and Liquids
1961. “Crystal Dynamics of Lead”. With T. Arase, G. Caglioti, M. Sakamoto, R.N. Sinclair, A.D.B. Woods. Reprinted from the proceedings of Inelastic Scattering of Neutrons in Solids and Liquids
1961. “Energy Distributions of Neutrons Scattered from Graphite, Light and Heavy Water, Ice, Zirconium Hydride, Lithium Hydride, Sodium Hydride and Ammonium Chloride by the Beryllium Detector Method”. With A.D.B. Woods, M. Sakamoto, and R.N. Sinclair. Reprinted from the proceedings of Inelastic Scattering of Neutrons in Solids and Liquids
Mimeographed typescript:
1961. “Methods for Neutron Spectrometry”. This paper was presented at the Symposium on Inelastic Scattering of Neutrons in Solids and Liquids, 1960. Published in Inelastic Scattering of Neutrons in Solids and Liquids proceedings
F.13 Offprints:
1962. “Crystal Dynamics of Sodium at 90ºK”. With A.D.B. Woods, R.H. March, A.T. Stewart. Physical Review
1962. “Crystal Dynamics of Lead. I. Dispersion Curves at 100ºK”. With T. Arase, G. Caglioti, K.R. Rao, A.D.B. Woods. Physical Review
1962. “Crystal Field Spectra in Rare Earth Oxides”. With L.N. Becka, K.R. Rao, R.N. Sinclair, A.D.B. Woods. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan
1962. “Exchange Field Splitting in Ytterbium Iron Garnet”. With H. Watanabe. Physical Review
1962. “Inelastic Scattering in Neutron Diffraction and Structure Studies by Neutron Diffraction: Interatomic Forces in Crystals from Neutron Scattering”. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan
1962. “Lattice Vibrations in Pyrolitic Graphite”. With G. Dolling. Physical Review
1962. “Normal Vibrations of Sodium”. Letter to the Editor. Physical Society proceedings
1962. “Observation of Optical and Acoustical Magnons in Magnetite”. With H. Watanabe. Physics Letters
1962. “Physics Research at the Chalk River Reactors”. With M.A. Clark, J.W. Knowles, J.C.D. Milton, R.N. Sinclair”. Reprinted from “Pile Neutron Research in Physics”
Typescript Carbon / Photocopy of typescript:
[1962]. “Interatomic Forces in Crystals from Neutron Scattering”. Abstract. Published in the supplement, Physical Society of Japan
F.14 Mimeographed typescripts:
1962. “Crystal Dynamics of Lead. I. Dispersion Curves at 100ºK”. With T. Arase, G. Caglioti, K.R. Rao, A.D.B. Woods. Submitted for publication in Physical Review
1962. “Determination of Polarization Vectors from Neutron Group Intensities”. With L.N. Becka, K.R. Rao, A.D.B. Woods. A paper prepared for presentation at the IAEA Symposium
1962. “Liquid Dynamics from Neutron Spectrometry”. With J. Bergsma, B.A. Dasannacharya, N.K. Pope. Paper presented at the IAEA Symposium. Also typescript
“Spin Waves in Magnetite from Neutron Scattering”. With H. Watanabe. A paper presented at the IAEA Symposium
F.15 1962. “Neutron Inelastic Scattering Study of Water”. With M. Sakamoto, R.G. Johnson, N.K. Pope. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. Offprint, results (graphs), typescript of abstract and discussion at Kyoto Conference. See also Box 6, F.2
1962. “Self-Correlation Function of Protons in Water”. With N.K. Pope, R.G. Johnson, M. Sakamoto”. Paper to be presented at the New York meeting of the American Physical Society, January 1962. Photocopy of ts. Also results (graphs), and notes
F.16 1962. “Crystal and Liquid Dynamics from Neutron Energy Distributions”. Neutron Physics. Offprint, typescripts (two versions), photocopies of results (graphs)
F.17 Offprints:
1963. “Frequency Distribution of the Lattice Vibrations in Sodium”. With A.E. Dixon, A.D.B. Woods. Physical Society proceedings
1963. “Lattice Dynamics of Alkali Halide Crystals. II. Experimental Studies of KBr and NaI”. With A.D.B. Woods, R.A. Cowley, W. Cochran. Physical Review
1963. “Lattice Dynamics of Alkali Halide Crystals. III. Theoretical”. With A.D.B. Woods, R.A. Cowley, W. Cochran. Physical Review
1963. “Temperature Effects on Lattice Vibrations in Germanium”. With B.A. Dasannacharya. Solid State Communications
F.18 Offprints:
1964. “Inelastic Scattering of Slow Neutrons”. With S. Hautecler and H. Stiller. The Interaction of Radiation with Solids
1964. “Lattice Vibrations of Tungsten”. With S.H. Chen. Solid State Communications. Also results (tables and graphs)
F.19 Offprints:
1965. “‘In-Band’ Modes of Vibration of a Dilute Disordered Alloy-Cu(Au)”. With E.C. Svensson, J.M. Rowe. Solid State Communications. Also ts. (1 page), graphs
1965. “Lattice Dynamics of White Tin”. With J.M. Rowe, E.C. Svensson. Physical Review Letters
F.20 Typescript and carbons:
Book review of Thermal Neutron Scattering, ed. P.A. Egestaff. London: Academic Press, 1965
F.21 Typescript carbon / Manuscript:
[1965?] “Proposal to Carry out a Research Program in Solid State Neutron Physics at Chalk River”. Ts. carbon
[1965?] “Beginning of an Experiment”. Ms.
Also some graphs found with these items, probably not related to them
Box 9
F.1 Proofs:
1965. “Neutron Scattering by Phonons” in Phonons in Perfect Lattices and in Lattices with Point Imperfection (New York: Plenum Press, 1966). File also contains correspondence re the book with the editor, R.W.H. Stevenson
F.2 Typescript:
1966. “Characterization of Large Alloy Single Crystals by Neutron Diffraction”. With S.C. Ng, E.D. Hallman. Also correspondence with Materials Research Bulletin
F.3 Mimeographed typescript:
[1966]. “Lattice Dynamics of the Ternary Alloy System”. With S.C. Ng. Also correspondence with Solid State Communications and The Physical Review
F.4 Typescript:
1967. “Atomic Vibrations in Metals and Alloys Studied by Neutron Spectroscopy”. With E.D. Hallman, S.C. Ng. For Magnetic and Inelastic Scattering of Neutrons, ed. T.J. Rowland and P.A. Beck
F.5 Typescript:
[1967?]. “Atomic Vibrations in Face Centred Cubic Alloys of Bi, Pb, and Tl”. With S.C. Ng. Also photocopy of ms. notes, not in Brockhouse’s hand. Published in Neutron Inelastic Scattering, Vol. 1, 1968. See also F.11
F.6 Offprint:
1967. “Crystal Dynamics of Copper”. With E.C. Svensson, J.M. Rowe. Physical Review. Also results (tables, graphs)
F.7 Offprint:
1967. “In-Band Modes of Vibration of a Copper-3 AT.% Gold Alloy”. With E.C. Svensson. Physical Review Letters. Also two letters from Svensson, presumably about this paper
F.8 Typescript:
1967. “Lattice Vibrations in Iron at 296ºK”. With H.E. Abou-Helal and E.D. Hallman. Also ms. notes, 1 page, in French, results, computer print-outs. Published in Solid State Communications
Mimeographed Typescript:
1967. “The Lattice Dynamics of Ferromagnetic and Paramagnetic Nickel”. With G.A. DeWit. To be published in the Proceedings on the International Conference on Magnetism, Boston, Mass., Sept. 11-15, 1967. See also F.11
F.9 Typescript photocopy:
[1967?] “The Symmetry Branches of the Phonon Dispersion Relations of Metallic B-Sn at 100ºK”. With J.M. Rowe and S.H. Chen. Marked “draft”. Also ms. notes, 2 pages, dated 6 May 1967, not in Brockhouse’s hand
F.10 [1967]. “Alexander Boyd McLay (1901-1967)” obituary. Manuscript, typescript, photocopies of typescript (various versions), letter from the Optical Society of America and reply, offprint, 1968, from the Royal Society of Canada containing the obituary tribute
F.11 Offprints:
1968. “Anomalous Behaviour of the Lattice Vibrations and the Electronic Specific Heat of Palladium”. With A.P. Miiller. Physical Review Letters
1968. “Atomic Vibrations in Face-Centred-Cubic Alloys of Bi, Pb and Tl”. With S.C. Ng. Neutron Inelastic Scattering, Vol. 1
1968. “The Lattice Dynamics of Ferromagnetic and Paramagnetic Nickel”. With G.A. DeWit. Journal of Applied Physics
1968. “Lattice Dynamics of Rubidium”. With J.R.D. Copley, S.H. Chen. Neutron Inelastic Scattering, Vol. 1
1968. “Neutron Crystal Spectrometers”. With G.A. deWit, E.D. Hallman, J.M. Rowe. Neutron Inelastic Scattering, Vol. 2
Mimeographed typescripts:
[1968?]. “Anomalous Behaviour of the Lattice Vibrations and the Electronic Specific Heat of Palladium”. With A.P. Miiller
1968. “Crystal Dynamics of Nickel-Iron and Copper-Zinc Alloys”. With E.D. Hallman. Submitted to the Canadian Journal of Physics
1968. Bound together. “McMaster University Neutron Crystal Spectrometers”. With G.A. deWit, E.D. Hallman, J.M. Rowe. “Atomic Vibrations in Face-Centred-Cubic Alloys of Bi, Pb and Tl”. With S.C. Ng. “Lattice Dynamics of Rubidium”. With J.R.D. Copley, S.H. Chen. Papers for presentation at the IAEA Symposium on Neutron Inelastic Scattering, Cophenhagen, 1968
F.12 Offprints:
1969. “Crystal Dynamics of Silver”. With W.A. Kamitakahara. Physics Letters.
1969. “Lattice Vibrations in Deuterated Ammonium Chloride”. With H.C. Teh, G.A. DeWit. Physics Letters
F.13 Offprints:
1970. “The Reflectivity of Neutrons by Distorted Copper Crystals”. With R.R. Dymond. Instrumentation for Neutron Inelastic Scattering Research
1970. “Lattice Frequency Spectra of Pb and Pb40 Tl60 by Neutron Spectrometry”. With A.P. Roy. Canadian Journal of Physics
Mimeographed Typescripts:
[1970]. “The Reflectivity of Neutrons by Distorted Copper Crystals”. With R.R. Dymond
[1970]. “Lattice Frequency Spectra of Pb and Pb40 Tl60 by Neutron Spectrometry”. With A.P. Roy.
F.14 Offprints:
1971. “Crystal Dynamics and Electronic Specific Heats of Palladium and Copper”. With A.P. Miiller. Canadian Journal of Physics
1971. “Lattice Vibrations in Deuterated Ammonium Chloride at 85ºK. I. Experimental”. With H.C. Teh. Physical Review
F.15 Manuscript:
[1971?]. “On the Validity of Interatomic Force Constants in Crystals Obtained from Neutron Spectroscopy”. 10 numbered pages, 3 additional pages, all in Brockhouse’s hand
F.16 Offprints:
1972. “Crystal Dynamics of Platinum by Inelastic Neutron Scattering”. With D.H. Dutton, A.P. Miiller. Canadian Journal of Physics
1972. “Neutron Scattering by Vibrations in a Mass-Disordered Lattice: Ni (55%) Pd (45%)”. With W.A. Kamitakahara. Neutron Inelastic Scattering
Mimeographed Typescripts:
1972. “Crystal Dynamics of Platinum by Inelastic Neutron Scattering”. With D.H. Dutton, A.P. Miiller.
1972. “Neutron Scattering by Vibrations in a Mass-Disordered Lattice: Ni (55%) Pd (45%)”. With W.A. Kamitakahara. Also computer print outs with results for Kamitakahara
Box 10
F.1 Offprints:
1973. “Crystal Dynamics of Rubidium. I. Measurements and Harmonic Analysis”. With J.R.D. Copley. Canadian Journal of Physics. Also illustrations (photographs) for the article returned by the National Research Council of Canada
Offprint and Mimeographed Typescript:
1973. “Temperature Dependence of the Lattice Vibrations in ND4Cl”. With H.C. Teh. Physical Review
F.2 Typescript:
1974. “Real and Virtual Kohn Effect in Palladium”. With A.P. Miiller. Various versions. Also correspondence with Miiller. Prepared for the International Conference on Electron Lifetimes in Metals, University of Oregon, July 1974. See also Box 16, F.11-2
F.3 Offprint:
“Vibrations of a Mixed Crystal: Neutron Scattering from Ni55Pd45”. With W.A. Kamitakahara. Physical Review
F.4 Graphs, possibly for 1974 articles in F.2 and F.3
F.5 Offprint:
1975. “Real and Virtual Kohn Effect in Palladium”. With A.P. Miiller. Phys. cond. Matter.
Typescript photocopy:
[1975?]. “Neutron Spectroscopy”. Intended for publication in the Encylopedia of Physics. Not published until 1981.
F.6 Offprints:
1976. “Lattice Vibrations in Copper at Elevated Temperatures Studies by Neutron Scattering”. With A. Larose. Canadian Journal of Physics. Also photocopy of typescript, marked by Brockhouse: “Version I. Some modifications. Corrected proofs for CJP [Canadian Journal of Physics] in July/76”
1976. “Lattice Vibrations in Tungsten at 22ºC Studied by Neutron Scattering”. With A. Larose. Canadian Journal of Physics
F.7 Offprint:
[1978]. “Temperature Dependence of Phonons in Pyrolitic Graphite”. With G. Shirane. Lattice Dynamics, ed. M. Balkanski. Also graphs and tables. Note: pages 123-4 not extant here.
F.8 Graph of Copper Constantan. Possibly related to papers about copper (Box 8, F.6, F.7; Box 9, F.13, F.14, Box 10, F.6)
F.9 Requests for offprints by Brockhouse. 1967
F.10 Requests for offprints by Brockhouse. 1964-1983
F.11 Typescript poem about Richard Howden Tomlinson with apologies to Phyllis McGinnis. N.d. 1 page.
F.12 Papers refereed by Brockhouse. Most of these are undated so they have been arranged in alphabetical order. See also Series 1, correspondence where reports are included as enclosures to journals, mainly the Physical Review
“Report on Paper ‘Critical and Spin-Wave Fluctions in Nickel by Neutron Scattering’. By V.J. Minkiewicz, M.F. Collins, R. Nathans, G. Shirane”. February 1969
“Report on Paper ‘Experimental Study of the Lattice Dynamics of Disordered Vanadium Alloys’ by Mozer, Otnes and Thaper”. For Physical Review
“Review of Paper ‘Infrared Absorption Properties of LiH, LiD Mixed Crystals’ by S.S. Jaswal and J.R. Hardy”
“Report on ‘An Investigation of the Early Stage Graphitization Process by Neutron Inelastic Scattering’”
“Report on Paper BF421: ‘The Kohn Effect and the Fermi Surface in Copper Studied by Neutron Spectroscopy’ by G. Nilsson and S. Rolandson”
“Comment on Paper ‘Lattice Dynamics of Diamond’ by R. Blanchard and Y.P. Varshni”
“Report on the Paper ‘Lattice Dynamics of Palladium’ by Satya Pal”
“A Report on the Paper ‘The Phonon Spectrum of hcp He4’ by V.J. Minkiewicz, T.A. Ketchens, F.P. Lipschultz, R. Nathans, G. Shirane”
“Report on the Second Version of the Paper ‘Structural Compressibility of Liquid Water’ by Narsingh Das and N.C. Varshneya’”. 11 February 1969
“A Report on the Paper ‘Study of the Lattice Dynamics of MgO’ by G.M. Borgonovi and G.W. Carriveau”
“Paper BYO36, Zero Sound Elastic Constants of Solid Krypton at T=114ºK’ by J. Skalyo Jr. and Y. Endoh”
Work by Others:
F.13 A. Larose, “Temperature Dependent of Lattice Vibrations in Palladium Studied by Neutron Scattering”. Photocopy of typescript. Handwritten note by Brockhouse on title page: “Wrote Andre [Larose] by hand, delete my name [from the paper]. Sept. 27/76”
F.14 K.E. Larsson, “Rotational Molecular Motion and the Transient Nature of Liquids as Seen by Slow-Neutron ...” Photocopy of typescript. Also Physical Review Report of Referee filed out by Brockhouse and dated 8 April 1970
F.15 H.J. Peppiatt, “Initial Susceptibility of Nickel Under Tension at Low Temperatures”. M.A. thesis, University of Toronto. N.d. but ca. 1950. Attached to the back cover is an offprint on this subject, Journal of Applied Physics, 1951
F.16 J. Vanderwal, “Harmonic Forces in Solids (Part 1)”; “Harmonic Forces in Solids (Part 2)”; “Harmonic Forces in Solids (Part 3)” Photocopies of manuscript notes
F.17 R. Lechner and G. Quitner, “Pressure Induced Phonon Frequency Shifts in Lead Measured by Inelastic Neutron Scattering”. Photocopy of typescript
R.D. Lowde, “Possibilities and Limitations of the Use of Swiftly-Moving Specimens in Neutron Diffraction”. Photocopy of typescript. 1957
H. Bjerrum Møller and A.R. Mackintosh, “Observation of Resonant Lattice Modes by Inelastic Neutron Scattering”. Photocopy of typescript
H. Bjerrum Møller and A.R. Mackintosh, “Inelastic Scattering of Neutrons in Chromium”. Photocopy of typescript
C.G. Shull, K.R. Morash and J.G. Rogers, “Specimen Motion Effects in Neutron Diffraction”. Photocopy of typescript. 1965
File also contains one page of calculations in Brockhouse’s hand and some graphs
F.18 Offprints by E.R. Cowley
F.19 Offprints by others
F.20 Offprints by others
F.21 Offprints by others
Series 4
McMaster University. – 1962-1984. – 1.5 m of textual records and graphic material. – Title based on content of series. Note: This series is arranged as follows: Correspondence, etc. (Boxes 11-12), Physics Department, Nuclear Reactor, Spectrometer (Box 13), Teaching (Boxes 14-15), Graduate Students (Box 16), Research (Boxes 16-17), Bibliography (Box 18).
Box 11
Correspondence between Brockhouse and graduate students, his colleagues in the Physics Department, faculty in other departments, and administrators. Also includes financial documents, notices of guest lectures with Brockhouse comments, minutes, some Atomic Energy of Canada / McMaster arrangements, and other documents, arranged chronologically.
F.1 1962
F.2 1963
F.3 1964
F.4 1965
F.5 1966
F.6 1966, Materials Research Unit, an interdisciplinary undertaking
F.7 1967
F.8 1967, Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd.
F.9 1968
F.10 McMaster University-Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. Experiments Advisory Committee minutes, 1968-1969
F.11 1969
F.12 1970
F.13 1970
F.14 1971
F.15 1972
F.16 1973
F.17 1973, abortion controversy
Box 12
F.1 1974
F.2 1975
F.3 1976
F.4 1977
F.5 1978. Includes b&w group photograph of Methane Conference held at McMaster
F.6 1979
F.7 1980
F.8 1981
F.9 1982
F.10 1983
F.11 1984
F.12 n.d. File folder with Brockhouse’s comments on an unidentified lecture. “Don’t science and religion talk about different things? Why then can’t we live our lives in separate compartments?”
Box 13
Physics Department:
Minutes of meetings and memorandums:
F.1 1963-1965
F.2 1965-1966
F.3 1966-1967
F.4 1967-1968
F.5 1969
F.6 1970
F.7 1971, [1972?]
F.8 1973-1975
F.9 1976-1977
F.10 1978-1979
F.11 1979-1980
F.12 1980-1981
F.13 1995
Nuclear Reactor
F.14 Blueprint, 15 May 1957
F.15-6 Blueprints, 1969
Box 14
Note: These files contain Brockhouse’s notes for courses taught, course outlines, and copies of tests and examinations set by him
F.1 Mathematics 440
F.2 Physics 2F4
F.3-6 Physics 2H3-5
F.7 Physics 3H4
F.8-14 Physics 3K3, 3K4, 750
Box 15
F.1-4 Physics 3K3, 3K4, 750
F.5 Physics 3Z3, 3Z3E
F.6-7 Physics 4A2
F.8 Physics 4G4
F.9 Physics 4K4
F.10 Physics 4P3, 4P4
F.11 Physics 454
F.12 Physics 706
F.13 Physics 709 (M)
F.14 Physics 716 (V)
F.15 Physics 729, 730
F.16-7 Physics 730
F.18 Physics 732
F.19 Physics 754
F.20 Physics, Ph.D. qualifying examinations
F.21 Photographic slides notebook. Possibly for use in teaching
F.22 Teaching evaluation
F.23 Notes, no course specified
F.24 Science 2J3
F.25 Science 2J3E
Box 16
Graduate students
F.1 Notes re papers of various graduate students, 1967
F.2 Correspondence with post-doctoral students, 1966-1967
F.3 Correspondence with post-doctoral students, 1969
Note: Correspondence with most of the following students can also be found in Series 1 and in the chronological sequence in Boxes 11-12.
F.4 Hassan Abou-Helal, 1967
F.5 S.C. Chen, 1963
F.6 D.H. Dutton, 1968-1969
F.7 Ronald R. Dymond, 1968-1973
F.8 E.D. Hallman, 1969
F.9 W.A. Kamitakahara, 1972
F.10 André Larose, 1969-1977
F.11-2 A.P. Miiller, 1969-1975
F.13 J.A. Oyedele
F.14 H.C. Teh, 1970-1971
F.15 J. Vanderwal, 1974-1976
National Research Council grant applications and research accounts at McMaster
F.16 1964
F.17 1965-1966
F.18 1967
F.19 1968
F.20 1968-1969
F.21 1969
F.22 1970
Box 17
F.1 1971
F.2 1972
F.3 1972-1973
F.4 1973
F.5 1973-1974
F.6 1974
F.7 1974-1975
F.8 1975
F.9 1975-1976
F.10 1975-1978
F.11 1976
F.12 1976-1977
F.13 1977
F.14 1978
F.15 1979
F.16 1980
F.17 1981
F.18 1982
F.19 1982-1983
F.20 1983
F.21 1984
F.22 1985
F.23 1986
Box 18
Bibliography: A Scattering of Thermal Neutrons by A. Larose and J. Vanderwal. Published by McMaster University with Plenum Publishing, New York
F.1-6 Correspondence, accounts, orders, 1973-1983
Series 5
Journals, awards, travel, photographs, realia. – 1962-1997. – 51 cm of textual records and graphic material. – Title based on content of series.
Box 19
F.1 Journal, bound, begun at Brookhaven National Laboratory, 22 July 1970. Last dated note (p. 147) is 14 April 1976. Plus loose inserted sheets
F.2 Journal, bound, begun at Brookhaven National Laboratory, 1 August 1970
F.3 “Lectures Attended 1971”, bound notebook (sabbatical year)
F.4 Sabbatical year notebook, 1971
F.5 Press release re Oliver E. Buckley Solid-State Physics prize, 1962
F.6 Georgia Institute of Technology, appreciation certificate, 1963
F.7 Photocopy of citation for CAP Medal, 1967
F.8 Press release re Henry Marshall Tory Medal, Royal Society of Canada, 1973
F.9 Photocopy of nomination for the 1981 Nobel Prize for Physics, 31 October 1980, 1 p.
F.10 Honorary Doctor of Science citation, McMaster University, 25 May 1984
F.11 Poster advertizing the Symposium in Honour of Brockhouse at McMaster University, 1984
F.12 Photocopy of passport application, 1973
Note: The following files contain travel receipts and itineraries.
F.13 1962-1963
F.14 1963
F.15 1963-1964
F.16 1965
F.17 1965-1966
F.18 1967
F.19 1968
F.20 1969
F.21 1970
F.22 1971
Printed materials:
F.23 Mimeographed house for sale notice: Brockhouse house in Dundas, Ont., 1963
F.24 Four Brockhouse lecture notices, 1962-1983
F.25 Neutron Research, 1995; Neutron News, 2 issues, 1995 and 1997
F.26 Reciprocity (New Science Advocates) newsletters, 1971-1974
F.27 Assorted physics bumper stickers
Box 20
B&w and col. photographs of laboratories and apparatus, predominantly at Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., Chalk River, Ont., and McMaster University.; ca. 335. Placed in 22 envelopes with itemized contents list written on each one. 1959-1984, many of the photographs are undated. See also Box 4, F.8-9 for additional photographs of apparatus
Box 21
Realia: Crystals; small measuring apparatus used in physics laboratories
Series 6
Nobel Prize. – 1994-1996. – 70 cm of textual records, graphic material, and moving images. – Title based on content of series.
Box 22
F.1 Notebook summarizing media coverage, 1994-1995
F.2 News clippings about Brockhouse
F.3 Photocopies of news clippings about Brockhouse
Nobel lecture:
F.4 Periodicals and tear-sheets about Brockhouse
F.5 Various printed materials about Brockhouse
F.6 First and early drafts of Nobel Lecture
F.7 Nobel lecture, computer print, 8 December 1994
F.8 Nobel lecture, computer print, Version 1.11
F.9 Nobel lecture, computer print, Version 1.11A
F.10 Nobel lecture, computer print, Version 1.12
F.11-2 Nobel lecture, photocopies of illustrations (?)
F.13 Nobel lectures, illustrations (figures)
F.14 Nobel lecture, captions for figures (illustrations)
F.15 Nobel lecture, photographs for figures (illustrations)
F.16 Nobel lecture, improved copies of figures (illustrations)
F.17 Nobel lecture, captions lists
F.18 Nobel lecture, translated into Polish
F.19 Nobel lecture, computer print, 18 May 1995 (for Reviews of Modern Physics)
F.20 Nobel lecture, computer print, 30 May 1995
F.21 Nobel lecture, computer print, 1 June 1995
F.22 Nobel lecture, computer print, 17 August 1995 (for Reviews of Modern Physics)
F.23 Brockhouse’s autobiographical sketch for Les Prix Nobel
F.24 Nobel Prize lecture bibliography
F.25 Nobel Prize lecture offprints from Les Prix Nobel
F.26 Nobel Prize lecture offprints from Reviews of Modern Physics
F.27 Les Prix Nobel (book)
Box 23
Correspondence, mainly about the Nobel Prize, 1994-1995:
F.1 A
Ambassade de France (Bernard Bach)
American Committee for the Weizmann Institute of Science
American Institute of Physics (Marc H. Brodsky)
American Physical Society (John R. Clem). See also F.5 in this box.
Conrad Aniol (California State U.)
Argonne National Laboratory (David Long Price)
Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (Claude Lajeunesse)
F.2 AAPT/AJP Resource Letters (Roger H. Stuewer)
F.3 AECL Research, Ottawa and Chalk River (T.E. Rummery, M.Harvey, Robert Nixon, W.L.J. Buyers). Also copy of letter from Brockhouse to Ann McLellan, Minister of Natural Resources
F.4 B
George Bacon
Frederick A. Bettelheim (Adelphi U.)
Daniel R. Birch (UBC)
Robert J. Birgeneau (MIT)
Brookhaven National Laboratory (M. Blume)
N.M. Butt (Pinstech)
F.5 C
Canadian Association of Physicists (Roger A. Lessard)
Canadian Speeches
C.J. Carlile (DRAL)
Chalmers University of Technology
ChildRight Worldwide
John R. Clem (Iowa State U.). See also F.1 in this box.
W. Cochran (U. of Edinburgh)
Czechoslovac Journal of Physisc
F.6 Correspondence re completed engagements
F.7 Christmas open letter from Brockhouse
F.8 E, F
Educational Management Group
European Academy of Arts, Sciences and Humanities (Raymond Daudel)
European Organization for Nuclear Research (Klaus Winter)
European Spallation Source (H. Lengeler)
Food and Disarmament International (Maurice Wilkins)
Fieldcote Memorial Park and Museum
F.9 G
P.G. de Gennes
Karl Geyer
Giants of Science
Gihon Foundation
Maurice and Trude Goldhaber
Carl W. Garland (MIT)
F.10 Gairdner Foundation
F.11 Juha Hakala
Stanley R. Hatcher
Valerie Hatton, encl. 3 papers by Brockhouse
HomeSafe, Inc.
Ian Hunter
F.12 City of Hamilton
F.13 Innovation (Fisher Canada)
Interchange (Ian Winchester)
Institute Max von Laue (Alan Leadbetter, J. Charvolin, R. Scherm)
International Conference on Neutron Scattering
International Museum of Peace and Solidarity (Anatoly Ionesov)
International Peace University (Uwe Morawetz)
International Symposium on Radiation Physics (B. Sinha)
F.14 International Science and Engineering Fair
F.15 J, K, L
B. Connor Johnson (OMFR)
Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research (R. Sambasivan)
Faqir Khanna
Janice R.A. Lardner (Deep River Science Academy)
Peter M. Liebmann (U. of Graz)
M.A.K. Lodhi (Texas Tech U.)
Stephen Lovesey
Per-Olov Löwdin
Karl Erik Larsson and Alf Sjolander
John K. Lowell
F.16 N, P
National Institute of Standards and Technology (John R.D. Copley)
National Research Council of Canada (Arthur J. Carty)
Neutron News (G.H. Lander)
Tarcisse Aimé Ngonkev
A.R. Mackintosh (Niels Bohr Institute)
McDermid St. Lawrence Chisholm Ltd.
Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Conference
Peter Morand (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council)
B.N. Pinto
F.17 McMaster University
F.18 Nobel Foundation
F.19 Ontario Hydro
F.20 O’Sullivan Research Centre
F.21 John Polanyi (U. of Toronto)
Otto Pollhammer
F.22 Politicians: Jean Chrétien, Bob Rae, and others
F.23 Photographs, requests for
F.24 R
Royal Society of Canada (Robert H. Haynes, Lawrence A. Mysak)
Robert Ross
F.25 Reviews of Modern Physics
F.26 Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Box 24
F.1 S
Arthur L. Schawlow (Stanford U.)
Swiss Society for Neutron Scattering
Science for Peace (Eric Fawcett)
Science News (Fujita Ikeda)
Science Service Inc.
Oliver Seeck
Michael Smith
K.M.L. Srivastava
David W. Strangway
Kestra and Peter S
F.2 Cliff and Martha Shull
F.3 Gordon Squires's retirement
F.4 Swedish Embassy, Canada
F.5 Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs
F.6 T-W
K. Tuberfield (?)
Ultimate International
UNESCO (Federico Mayor)
United States Information Service
Uppsala Universitet
Jitse M. van der Meer
Jim Waddington, forwarding letter from Scott Whineray
Andrew H. Wilson
World Scientific Publishing Co.
F.7 Warsaw University
F.7a Other: Letters written on Brockhouse's behalf by his assistant, Patricia A. Carter
Speaking Engagements:
F.8 Speaking engagements lists
F.9 Brock University
F.10 Canadian Nuclear Society, Saskatchewan
F.11 Canadian Nuclear Society, Sheridan Park
F.12 Chaplaincy Centre, McMaster University
F.13-4 Empire Club
F.15 Guelph / Waterloo / Wilfrid Laurier Universities
F.16 Hamilton Rotary Club
F.17 Magnetism, photocopies of overheads and rough copies
F.18 National Business Conference
F.19 Ontario Hydro
F.20 Royal Canadian Institute
F.21 Science Teachers’ Association of Ontario
F.22 University of Western Ontario
F.23 Union of Crystallography
F.24 Notes for a Speech (?)
F.25 Nobel lectures notices at McMaster University and Chalk River
F.26 Curriculum vitae, various versions
F.27 Biographical sketches and blurbs about Brockhouse
F.28 Appointment journal for 1994 with a few notes
F.29 Travel and other arrangements for Sweden
3 b&w photographs, different sizes, of Brockhouse taken by the Globe and Mail
11 b&w photographs of Brockhouse at Chalk River
B&w photograph of eight of the Nobel laureates of 1994. Brockhouse is at the far right, standing next to John Nash
B&w photograph of Brockhouse at Uppsala
10 b&w prints of Brockhouse photographic portrait
4 col. photographs of Faculty Club gathering, 1995
1 col. photograph of birthday cake
Box 25
Symposium for Brockhouse held at McMaster University, 1995
5 video cassettes
1 file of printed materials
Bertram Brockhouse fonds. Second accrual. – 1947-2003; predominant 1950-1980. – 1.8 m of textual records and graphic material.
Series 1
Correspondence. – 1950-1972. – 16 cm of textual records. – Title based on content of series. – Note: Correspondence originally not in file folders; arranged by archivist.
Box 26
F.1 A, 1966-1971
Addison-Wesley Publishing Co; Fay Ajzenberg-Selove (Haverford College); Ananth(y)(?); Annual Review of Nuclear Science; Aremco Products, Inc.; Argonne National Laboratory
F.2 American Physical Society (Gen Shirane), 1971-72; encl. abstracts
F.3 Atomic Energy Canada, 1953-1970; ts. carbon on “Power Spectrometer”
F.4 B, 1963-69
Bell Telephone Laboratories; Bertram E. Warren Diffraction Physics Award committee; British Movement for Freedom in Russia; Frederick C. Brown; J.S. Brown; Brush Beryllium Co.; Noor M. Butt
F.5 C, 1962-1970
Cambridge University Press; Conference Internationale de Magnetisme 1970; Donald Connor; Tord Claeson; Clare Canada Ltd; Crane Piping Ltd.; Allan Crawford Associates Ltd.
F.6 Sow-Hsui Chen, 1965-66
F.7 Crystals, correspondence about, 1962-1963, 1970
F.8 D, 1966-67
B.A. Dasannacharya; Marcel Dekker; P.J. Dyne
F.9 E, 1963, 1969
R.J. Elliott; Elliott Machine Tools; B.D. Evans
F.10 P.A. Egelstaff (Atomic Energy, Didcot), 1952-1969
F.11 Audrey P. Feld, 1968
F.12 G, 1966-1970
Goodfellow Metals Ltd.; J.W. Greenwood; John Grimolay; J.R. Guadagno
F.13 H, 1965-1970
Otto K. Harling; Harshaw Chemical Co.; John Hart; John K. Hedgecock
F.14 I, 1966
International Atomic Energy Agency; Interprovincial Corrosion Control Co.
F.15 K, 1962-1968
Yu. Kagan;George Kelk Ltd.; C. Kittel; W. Kley; Koch-Light Laboratories Ltd.; Marcel Kopp; Krishnagapalan
F.16 Walter Kohn, 1966
F.17 R.D. Lowde, 1968-69
F.18 L, 1963, 1969
W.B. Lewis; Dave Litstin (MIT); J.R. Lawson
F.19 M, 1962-1969
John Pelleja Margalef; D.L. Martin; A.R. Mackintosh; Materials Research Corp.; B.T.A. McKee; McGill Physical Society; Monroe Calculating Machine Co.; Bernard Mozer; Jim Morrison
F.20 Metals Research Ltd., 1962-63
F.21 R.M. Nicklow, 1969; Nuclear Metals, Inc., 1957
F.22 Norton Research Corp., 1968
F.23 Nuclear-Chicago Corp., 1962
F.24 O, 1969
A.W. Overhauser, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
F.25 Ohio State University, 1962 agreement to publish
F.26 P, 1962-1970
Satya Pal; Pergamon Press Inc.; Phoenix Publications; Plenum Publishing Corp.; Physics in Canada
F.27 Raj Pathria, 1968
F.28 Physical Review, et al, 1950: correspondence with regarding “On the Variation of the Superconducting Transition Temperature with the Atomic Weight”, abstracts; see also Box 1, F.1
F.29 S.P. Puri, 1969
F.30 G. Quittner, 1967
F.31 Radiation Instrument Development Laboratory, Inc., 1962
F.32 Radionics Ltd., 1962
F.33 Peter Rendi, 1967
F.34 S, 1966-69
T. Schneider; Frederick Seitz; A.W. Solbrig; Michael Stringfellow
F.35 W.B. Saunders Co., 1964-66
F.36 T, 1965-69
D. ter Haar; Texas Nuclear Corp.; B.B. Triptahi
F.37 G. Venkataraman, 1965
F.38 W, 1959-1969
M.K. Wilkinson; White Metal Rolling & Stamping Corp.; B.T.M. Willis; J.T. Wilson; A.D.B. Woods; Who’s Who in the East; W. Wykeham & Co. Ltd.
F.39 Illegible signature, written on Hotel Governor Clinton letterhead, n.d.
F.40 Christmas and other cards.
Series 2:
Conferences and photographs. – 1955-1982. – 16 cm of textual records and graphic material. – – These files contain a variety of material which varies from file to file including correspondence, programmes, papers presented, discussions, attendance lists, travel documents and notes. Arrangement is chronological. – Title based on content of series.
Box 27
F.1 American Physical Society meeting, January 1955, ts. of address on energy levels; see Box 6, F.1 for the programme.
F.2 Annual meeting of the American Crystallographic Association, June 1956; ts. and ts. carbons of paper presented on lattice and spin waves.
F.3 Brookhaven National Laboratory, December 1956
F.4 International Conference on Current Problems in Crystal Physics, July 1957
F.5 Sixth UK/Canada Technical Conference, Chalk River, December 1957; minutes
F.6 Conference on Neutron Thermalization, April 1958
F.7 American Physical Society meeting, May 1958; for offprint see Box 8, F.8
F.8 Symposium on Inelastic Scattering of Neutrons in Solids and Liquids, Vienna, October 1960
F.9 Neutron Physics Conference, June 1961
F.10 American Physical Society meeting, March 1962; ts. of address
F.11 Symposium on Inelastic Scattering of Neutrons in Solids and Liquids, September 1962
F.12 Symposium on the Utilization of Research Reactors, November 1963; address on “Inelastic Scattering of Slow Neutrons”; see Box 8, F.18 for offprint
F.13 Instrumentation for Neutron Inelastic Scattering Research, Vienna, December 1969
F.14 Fiftieth Anniversary conference on the Discovery of the Neutron, 1982; ms. and ts.
F.15 Blume lecture V, ms.
F.16 Mol / Buckley / Aarhus lecture(s)
F.17 Notes for a lecture on “Thermodynamic Perturbation Theory”; mimeo
F.18 8 b&w photographs taken at the International Course on Theory of Condensed Matter, Trieste, 1967. See also Box 6, F.27
F.19 Chalk River: b&w photographs: 14, 1972; 20, 1976
F.20 14 undated b&w photographs stamped Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. (mainly equipment, only one contains a person)
F.21 1 b&w photograph stamped James H. Peacock McMaster Audio-Visual, 1972?, of McMaster laboratory
F.22 22 b&w photographs of experimental equipment and apparatus
F.23 1 b&w photograph of person with laboratory equipment
F.24 Germanium Infa Red Date, [195-], 2 b&w photographs
F.25 Photographs of graphs, 1974
F.26 Photographs of graphs, stamped Chalk River
F.27 Photographs of graphs with negatives
F.28 Negatives
Series 3:
Manuscripts, typescripts, and graphs. – 1950-1977. – 32 cm of textual records and graphic material. – Title based on content of series. – Files may contain abstracts, papers, notes, graphs, correspondence, photocopies.
Box 28
Dated material, arranged chronologically:
F.1 “The Saturation Magnetization on the Band Model”, [195-]
F.2 Notes on Shielding, [195-]
F.3 Notes and drawings on Manganese-Cobalt Alloy, also ts. “Neutron Diffraction: Magnetic Scattering by a Mn-Co Alloy”, 1950-1957; includes work by P. Hardy
F.4 “Temperature Dependence of Magnetic Properties of Nickel”, 1953; includes letter from Nature
F.5 Neutron Physics Program, July 1952-December 1954
F.6 Projected experiments, 1954
F.7 “Energy Distribution of Neutrons Scattered by Paramagnetic Media”, 1955; offprint is in Box 8, F.5
F.8 “Multiple Scattering of Slow Neutrons by Flat Specimens and Magnetic Scattering by Zinc Ferrite”, 1955, ts. carbon; ts. and offprint are in Box 8, F.5
F.9 Notes, 1955-1962, found in untitled binder
F.10 Epi-thermal Neutron source, 1956
F.11 “Structural Dynamics of Water by Neutron Spectrometry”, 1957; see also offprints in Box 8, F.7-8, also a mimeo ts. in F.7
F.12 NRU Experimental Holes, 1957
F.13 “Diffuse Magnetic Scattering of Neutrons by an Incoherently Scattering of Mn-Co Alloy:, ca. 1957
F.14 “Normal Modes of Aluminum by Neutron Spectrometry”, 1958; offprint is in Box 8, F.8
F.15 “Impurities in Crystal Lattices”, 1958; possibly not by Brockhouse
F.16 “Determination of the Normal Modes of Crystals by Neutron Spectroscopy”, 1959
F.17 Lattic Vibrations – erratum, 1959
F.18 Research program, [1960]
F.19 Physics research, 1960; offprint in Box 8, F.13
F.20 Manuscript notes from binder labelled “Intensity Paper”; includes several different offprints up to 1962
F.21 “Spin Waves in Magnetite from Neutron Scattering”, 1962; there is a ts. in Box 8, F.14
F.22 “Search for the Effect of Superconductivity on the Lattice Vibrations of Lead”, ca. 1962
F.23 “Self-Correlations Function of Protons in Water”, 1962; photocopy of ts. in Box 8, F.15
F.24 “Temperature Effects on Lattice Vibrations in Germanium”, 1963; offprint in Box 8, F.17
F.25 “Frequency Distribution of the Lattice Vibrations in Sodium”, 1963; offprint in Box 8, F.17
F.26 “Inelastic Scattering of Slow Neutrons”, 1964; offprint in Box 8, F.18
F.27 Publication Records of 14 October 1969; Previous History and Plans for Research
F.28 “Temperature Variation of Phono Frequency in Pyrolitic Graphite”, 1970
F.29 Lattice Frequency Spectra, 1970; includes referee report and proofs; offprint in Box 9, F.13
F.30 “Crystal Dynamics of Copper-Nickel Alloys”, ca. 1972
F.31-8 “Temperature Dependence of Phonos in Prolytic Graphite”, 1972; includes several files of graphite results, correspondence with Gen Shirane; see also Box 10, F.7
Box 29
Undated material, arranged alphabetically:
F.1 “Anomalies”
F.2 Cadmium notes
F.3 Papers from binder labelled Crystal Dynamics (Experimental)
F.4-5 “Dissipative Forces” notes
F.6 Melting, etc. notes from University of Toronto colloquia
F.7 “Method of Measuring Energy Changes in the Scattering of Slow Neutrons and Some Results”
F.8 “Neutron Diffraction Study ...”
F.9 Neutron Scattering theory, notes, graphs, offprints found in unlabelled binder
F.10 “Neutron Spectroscopy”, article for encyclopedia, possibly related to Box 10, F.5
F.11 “Principles of Experimental Design”
F.12 “Time of Flight”
F.13 Typescripts (various) lacking their title pages
Non-Scientific Work:
F.14 Writings on Ethics and God, 1977, photocopies
F.15-24 Various graphs, a few dated, [195-]-1967, with experimental results
F.25 Computer prints with experimental results
Series 4:
Offprints, works by others, blueprints. – 1947-1967. – 48 cm of textual records and graphic material. – Title based on content of series.
Box 30
Offprints by Brockhouse:
F.1 The Chalk River papers
F.2 Crystal Dymics of Copper, 1967, annotated by A. Larose
F.3 “Dispersion Relation for Spin Waves in a fcc Cobalt Alloy”, 1966; attached notes on Dispersion Relations
F.4 Image of the Fermi Surface in the Lattice Vibrations of Lead, 1961
F.5 “Scattering of Neutrons by Phonons in an Aluminum Single Crystal”, 1955; with graphs, from binder labelled “Alum. Powder”
Work by others (manuscripts, typescripts, graphs, correspondence):
F.6 Notes by or about Gordon Baym, Illinois
F.7 L.N. Becka, “Neutron Inelastic Scattering of Globular Compounds”
F.8 B.A. Dasannacharya and K.R. Rao, “Neutron Scattering from Liquid Argon”
F.9 A.J.E. Foreman, “Scattering of Optical Phonos by Dislocation Strain Field”
F.10 G.G. E. Low, “Time-of-flight Focussing in Neutron Spectrometry”
F.11 M.L. Shepard and J.F. Smith, “Single Crystalline Elastic Constants of Lead-Thallium Alloys”
F.12 R.H. Tuxworth and W.M. Barrss, Uranium Texture Analysis, 1957
Offprints by others, arranged alphabetically by author:
F.13 A-B
F.14 C
F.15 D
F.16 E
F.17 F
F.18-9 G
F.20 H-I
F.21 J
Box 31
F.1-2 K
F.3 L-Mar
F.4 Mc-
F.5 N
F.6 O-P
F.7 R
F.8 S
F.9 T
F.10 U-V
F.11 W-Woj
Box 32
F.1 W-Z
Offprints, by topic:
F.2 Crystal dynamics (theory)
F.3 Liquids, no. 1
F.4 Liquids, no. 2
F.5 Magnetic scattering / magnetic structuring
F.6 Neutron experimental methods
F.7 Neutron scattering theory – general
F.8 Publication lists
F.9 Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. Chalk River, floor plan, 1955
F.10 Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. Chalk River, twin-axis spectrometer, 1956
F.11-3 Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. Chalk River, neutron spectrometer, 1960
F.14 Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. Chalk River, filters, equipment holes, etc., 1960-63
F.15 Monitors stations, 1963, not stamped Chalk River
F.16 National Research Council Chalk River, NRX project, 1947
Series 5:
Teaching and administration, Nobel prize, personal documents. – 1950-2003. – 12.5 cm of textual records. – Title based on content of series.
Box 33
F.1 McMaster research accounts, 1962-1971
F.2 Ontario Universities, Physics Departments chairs, 1968
F.3 Faculty of Science circulars
F.4 Physics Department printed catalogues
F.5 Physics Department examinations, course outlines, 1963, 1983-4
F.6 Brockhouse’s notebook for Physics V
F.7 Brockhouse’s notebook for Physics 754
F.8 Brockhouse’s notebook for Physics 733
F.9 Science 2J3E examinations and tests, 1983
F.10 Nobel Prize nomination, 1980
F.11 Nobel Prize speaking engagements; see also Box 24
F.12 Nobel Prize news clippings; also one news clipping re park, 1997; see also Box 22
F.13 Nobel Prize nomination, 1994
F.14 1950 Ph.D. defence notice
F.15 Symposium in honour of Brockhouse, 1995; see also Box 25
F.16 Memorial service programe, 2003
Series 6:
Graduate students. – 1963-1974. – 64 cm of textual records and graphic material. – Title based on content of series.
Boxes 34-37
Files concerning the work of Brockhouse’s graduate students, mainly Andre Larose. There is also one file (Box 34) for A.K. Pant and one laboratory book kept by Abou-Helal Hassan (Box 34).
Bertram Brockhouse fonds. Third accrual. -- 1994. -- 12.5 cm of moving images and sound recordings.
Box 38
Telelvision interviews with Brockhouse with various media outlets re Nobel Prize; October-December 1994; four video cassettes
TV Ontario Journeys programme about Brockhouse; n.d., 1 video cassette
Radio interviews with Brockhouse with various media outlets re Nobel Prize; October-November 1994; four audio cassettes