Finding Aid
Arthur N. Bourns fonds. – 1947-1972; predominant 1967-1972. – 74 cm of textual records and graphic material.
Series 1:
Correspondence. – 1947-1972. – 68 cm of textual records. – Title based on content of series. Correspondence includes both incoming and outgoing letters. Original order (alphabetical, then chronological) has been followed. Within files, the most recent letters are usually at the front of the file, although there is some variance with this order. The alphabetical classification is not consistent; it includes filing by the names of the correspondents or in some cases the subjects. All letters to or about the same person are not always together within the file, because of the chronological order.
Box 1
F.1 A, 1957-1967
Acadia University (E.P. Linton); Academic Press; R.D. Allen; Atomlight; Owen Allenby; Allyn and Bacon, Inc.; Arapahoe Chemicals, Inc.; Walter Ashford
F.2 Atomic Energy, 1969-1970
Atomic Energy Control Board of Canada; United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
F.3 B, 1954-1972
Aurèle Beaulnes (Secretary of the Ministry of State for Science and Technology); Gerald A. Brydon; Stephen Bancroft (Director of Finance, Dept. Of University Affairs); J.S. Broadbent (Pacific Great Eastern Railway Co.); Joseph Buckley; Bell Northern Research; Brock University; F.G. Bordwell (Northwestern University); Jacob Bigeleisen; H.C. Brown (Purdue University); Bantwal Baliga; Richard Bader; Brian Bunting; Ronald James Baker; N. Bartlett; W.A. Benjamin, Inc.; J. F. Bunnett; Burns and MacEachern Ltd.; L.R.C. Barclay (Mount Allison University); Robert Betts (Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd.); Bishop’s University (W.F. Van Horn); Arthur Blades (Research Council of Alberta); William H. Brown; Sydney Brownstein; Aksel Bothner-By
F.4 C, 1959-1971
William F. Cooper; Career Search International Inc.; John J. Canavan, Jr. (New York Academy of Sciences); H.C. Clark; Stanley B. Cassidy (re being considered for the presidency of University of New Brunswick); Clair J. Collins; E.F. Caldin; C.A. Campbell; Canada Packers Ltd.; Canadian Laboratory Supplies; D.F. Carson; Donald M. Cugston; L.H. Cragg; R.J. Crawford; Stanley J. Cristol
F.5 D, 1957-1971
M.G. DeGroote; E.I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co. (Charles H. Arrington; W.A. Sheppard); William G. Davis (Minister of University Affairs); CIL (John F.C. Dixon); Raymond W. Doskotch; Earl Dumitru (American Cement Technical Center); A.K. DasGupta (National Health and Welfare); Daniels Chemical Co. Ltd.; Dominion Rubber Co. Ltd. (Marshall Kulka); Charles H. DePuy; Dominion Tar and Chemical Co. Ltd.; John W. Davis
F.6 Dalhousie University, 1968-1971
F.7 E, 1957-1971
Alan Earp (Brock University) re Bourns’s time as acting president; Derek M. Edward (Canadian Aniline and Extract Co.); University of Edinburgh; J.W. Easton; J.T. Edward; Graham Ewart; Samuel Epstein
F.8 F, 1954-1971
C. Fedosiewich; Ford Motor Co. Canada; Arthur Fry; William Feindel; Louis F. Fieser; William F. Forbes; Freeman and Co.; W.A.M. Birt (Shell Oil Canada)
F.9 G, 1957-1972
George Grant; Gulf Oil Canada; R. N. Gupta; M.J. Goldstein; David J. Gorman; George Gathercole (Hydro Electric Power Commission); Jack Gauldie; General Electric (D. Kenneth Baker); A. Gillies (Chemical Institute of Canada); D.N. Glew (Dow Chemical Canada); R.P. Graham; Robert D. Green; Harry E. Gunning; Benjamin Gilbert; J.A.F. Gardner; Paul E. Gagnon
F.10 R.J. Gillespie (University of Manchester; University College London; McMaster University), 1957-1968
F.11 H, 1958-1971
S. Haider; K.G. Harbison; Ross H. Hall; Humane Society; H.L. Holmes; Gerhard Herzberg; J.M. Holmes; Philip Handler (National Academy of Sciences); R.R. Haering (re being considered for the presidency of Simon Fraser University); Alan Hutcheon; James M. Holmes; Cliff Hale Ltd.; Erik S. Hansen; Harcourts; Gordon M. Harris; Ernest Hayes; Douglas Hayward; D.C. Hill; Darlene Holloway; H.L. Holmes; J.M. Holmes; Holt, Rinehart and Winston Inc.; Glen House; W.C. Howell; James B. Hyne; Hamilton Spectator
F.12 I, 1957-1971
Industrial Research Institute; Imperial Oil Graduate Fellowships; Imperial Chemical Industries; Sir Christopher Ingold; International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry; Ministerio de Industria; E.H. Ingold
F.13 IODE post-graduate scholarships, 1966-1972
F.14 J, 1959-1968
W.M. Jones; Martin W. Jones; G.A. Jones; R. Norman Jones
F.15 K, 1956-1971
R.M. Korol; Ryan Kivisikk; W.S. Kung; D.G. E. Kerfoot; D.C. Kleinfelter; Watson Kirconnell; A.J. Kresge; Kotra V. Krishnamurty; G.W. King; S. Kirkwood
F.16 L, 1952-1972
Nels Leonard; Alvin Lee; M. Liveris; Raymond Lemieux; F.A. Long; Paul Laughton; Ken Leffek; Donald Hung Tak Lo; T.G. Lunt; D.J. LeRoy; F.J. Llewellyn; L.C. Leitch
F.17 M, 1948-1972
Robert C. Mummery; Hector Massey; G.R. Maddocks; J.H. Michell; McGill University; J.R. McCarthy (Dept. Of University Affairs); David MacLean; Philip Martin; C. Barber Mueller; Allan Macoll; R.L. McIntosh; C.A. McDowell; Isobel C. Mair and R.H. Manske (Dominion Rubber Co.); H.S. Martin & Co.; W.A.E. McBryde; McGraw-Hill Canada; McMaster Dramatic Society; McMaster Silhouette; P.D. McTaggart-Cowan; R.Y. Moir; Garth D. Moore; D.B. Mutton (Basic Research Division); F.B. Maddock
F.18 Merck Sharp & Dohme Canada Ltd., 1962-1964
Box 2
F.1 N, 1956-1972
University of New Brunswick; National Science Foundation; New York Academy of Sciences; R.F. Nevins (Johnson & Johnson); National Research Council(see also Boxes 3 and 4); Ira G. Needles; Harold R. Nace; Joseph Nemeth; Defence Research Board; J.J. Norman; R.S. Nyhoolm
F.2 O, 1959-1972
Outlook Hamilton (Wanda Hall); R.A. More O’Ferrall; Ontario Economic Council; G. Oravas; George Olah (Dow Chemical)
F.3 P, 1953-1972
Gerry Palmer (Sunny Caribbee); Plenum Publishing; J.A. Pack; Tony Powell; R.E. Pincock; I.E. Puddington; Y. Picker; N.H. Parker; F.L.M. Pattison; J.M. Pepper; D. Pollock; Gordon E. Price; Prentice-Hall Inc.; Procter & Gamble
F.4 Q, 1964-1971
Queen’s University; Alan R. Quirt
F.5 R, 1959-1972
G.D. Ritchie; W. Ready; F.J. Routery; Kenneth G. Rutherford (Dept. Of Chemistry, University of Windsor); Jacob L. Rycus; A.G. Robertson; Ross Robertson; Frank J. Romano; George F. Wright; Reinhold Educational Sales; A.V. Willi; J.R. Robinson; J.H. Ridd; C.S. Rooney; Gus A. Ropp
F.6 Royal Society, 1955-1972
F.7 S, 1950-1972
Shell Canada Ltd.; E.T. Salmon; W.H. Saunders (Dept. of Chemistry; University of Rochester); A.K. Steigerwalt; E.E. Stewart (Dept. of University Affairs); Allan P. Skerrett; David M. Singleton; R.A. Stephens and others (University of Manitoba Agassiz Center for Water Studies); Lloyd J.M. Skeaff; Simon Fraser University (John S. Chase); H.R.L. Streight (Du Pont of Canada); J. Sicher; J.B. Stothers; Rem. I. Soloukhin (USSR Academy of Sciences); Ronald S. Stuart; F.W. Stacey; L.R. Savage; Gerhard W.H. Scherf (Nopco Chemical Canada); C.W. Small; George Sirif; J. Ross Stewart; C.J.M. Stirling; F.G.A. Stone; Albert Szabo; Dionis E. Sunko; Walter Szarek; Marvin D. Silbert; J.W.T. Spinks (University of Saskatchewan); Louis J. Steffa; Marvin J. Stern; Gregory Schonbaum; V.J. Shiner; W.H. Stevens (Atomic Energy Canada)
F.8 T, 1947-1971
S.F.H. Threlkeld; Roger Taguchi; University of Toronto summer studentships; Trent University (T.H.B. Symons); T. Thorvaldson; Edward R. Thornton; James Thin; Arthur H. Thomas Co.
F.9 H.G. Thode, 1955-1956 (Prof. Bourns was on leave at the University of London then), 1970
F.10 U-V, 1957-1971
G.M. Volkoff; Z. Valenta; C.A. Vernon; University Scholarships of Canada; N.C.M. Unman; A.B. Van Cleave; E. VanDalen; Calvin A. Van der Werf; John van Dyke; D. Van Nostrand Co.; H. van Oene; Varian Associates; V.A. Vyas
F.11 W, 1963-1972
University of Waterloo (W.A.E. McBryde); University of Western Ontario (H.W. Baldwin, Andrew E. Scott, W.C. McMurray); David Wasson; University of Windsor (F.A. DeMarco); Paul West; K. Wiesner; B.G. Wilson; Maria J.J. Willems; Tracy Warne; E.W. Warnhoff; John Warren; H.H. Wasserman; Ralph Weston; Alex Whitla; E. Wigg; Wilkens Instrument & Research; I. Wilson; Saul Wolfe; Edward Wong; D.T. Wright
F.12 Y-Z, 1960-1972
York University; Keith Yates; L. Yaffe; Yeda Research and Development at the Weizman Institute of Science (David Samuel); Eugene Zador; E.E. Zinck; H. Zollinger
F.13 Dept. of University Affairs (formerly Dept. of Colleges and Universities), Ontario Govt., Committee on University Affairs, Capital Studies, 1971
National Research Council
Box 3
Note: Some files contain minutes, agendas, and reports, in addition to correspondence
F.1 Assessors visit to University of Western Ontario, Photochemistry Unit, 1968; progress report, 1971
F.2 NRC general correspondence, 1969
F.3 Assessors visit to University of New Brunswick, 1969
F.4 Standing Committee on Budget and Forecasting, 1969-1970
F.5 E.W.R. Steacie memorial fellowships, 1963-1969
F.6 E.W.R. Steacie memorial fellowships, 1969-1971
F.7 Standing Committee on Grants and Scholarships, Scholarships Division, 1969-1972
F.8 Standing Committee on Grants and Scholarships, Grants Division, 1969-1972
F.9 Allocations Committee, 1969-1972
F.10 Advisory Board to the Division of Chemistry, 1969-1972
F.11 NRC general correspondence, 1970
Box 4
F.1 Advisory Committee on Regional Development, 1970-1972
F.2 Assessors, visit to Calgary, 1970
F.3 ad hoc committees, 1970
F.4 Advisory Committee on Applied Research and Engineering, 1970-1971
F.5 Executive Committee, 1970-1972
F.6 ad hoc Committee on Plasma Science, 1970
F.7 Chemistry Grant Selection Committee, 1970-1972
F.8 Committee on Negotiated Grants, 1971-1972
F.9 NRC general correspondence, 1971
F.10 NRC general correspondence, 1972
F.11 Negotiated Grants Committee: UBC application, 1972
F.12 Advisory Committee on Regional Development, 1972
F.13 Expenses, 1972
Series 2:
Biographical material, speeches, photographs. – 1967-1972. – 6.5 cm of textual records and graphic material. – Title based on content of series.
Box 5
F.1 Biographical: Completed forms for Canadian Who’s Who, The Blue Book, International Scholars Directory and other publications, various curriculum vitae up to 1972.
F.2 Biographical: Honorary degree from Acadia University, 1968. Includes letters of congratulations and correspondence with Acadia.
F.3 Biographical: newsclippings about Prof. Bourns, 1968-1969
F.4 Speeches:
Lists of speeches given, 1967-1972
“Remarks to the Second Canadian Conference on Research in Tectonics”, 1967?
“Remarks to the International Conference on Non-Aqueous Solvent Chemistry”, 1967
“Remarks to the ‘Continuous Steelmaking’ Conference”, 1969
“Welcome Address to Third Annual Design Seminar”, 1968
“Remarks to the Second Annual Conference of the Association of the Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology in Ontario”, June 1970
“Remarks to the Fluid Dynamics Symposium”, August 1970
“Remarks to the ‘Clean Steel Seminar’”, 1970
“New Opportunities in Graduate Work in Canadian Universities”, 1971
F.5 Speeches by others, with notes by Prof. Bourns, 1969-1971. Includes one by Gov. Ronald Regan, 1969.
F.6 Photographs:
2 b&w identical portraits, n.d., with negatives
1 b&w photograph at Arts and Science spring convocation, 28 May 1971