Finding Aid
Jayne Berland fonds. – 1938-1997. – 77 cm of textual records.
Box 1:
Poetry (individual poems), arranged alphabetically, A-P; includes a series
of poems about China which have been grouped together; 58 files
Box 2:
Poetry (individual poems), arranged alphabetically, R-Y; 17 files
Untitled Poems; 4 files
Book-Length collections of poetry: “Crypotographies of Faith”
and “But Time Can Change Us All”; 2 files
Poetry notebooks (2); 1 file
Short Stories; 5 files
Box 3:
Short Stories; 3 files
Drama synopsis (“His Triumph”) and notebooks (“Le Voyageur
sans Bagage”); 3 files
Novel, “The Changeling”, incomplete; 5 files
Prose fragments (fiction); 1 file
Non-fiction (essays, fragments of works, notes and comments); 6 files
Song lyrics for “Summer: an Affirmation”; 1 file
Biographical writing, also published interview with ; 1 file
Correspondence: publishing, arranged alphabetically; 4 files
Correspondence: personal and others; 1 file
Term papers, course outline; 1 file
Printed materials; 1 file
Box 4:
Duplicates of 5 books, other copies catalogued
Periodicals containing contributions by her; includes Kansas Magazine,
Wascana Review, Massachusetts Review, Minnesota Review, Queen’s
Quarterly, Dalhousie Review, Quarry
Periodical (Books in Canada) containing a review of Landscape
of Kin