Finding Aid
Box 1:
Manuscripts :
1. Autograph manuscript of a radio play by Beckett, dated 29 and 30 November 1961, 8 pp.
2. "Dortmunder" Ts. signed, 1 p.
2a. "Whoroscope" Ts., 4 pp. (copy)
Scripts of radio and television programmes:
3. "All that Fall" radio play produced on BBC Third Programme, 13 January 1957, 2 copies, 30 pp. (photocopy).
4. "Cascando" radio piece for music and voice produced on BBC Third Programme, 6 October 1964, 7 pp. (photocopy).
5. "Eh, Joe" television play, Paris, April 1967, 6 pp. (photocopy) .
6. "Embers" radio play produced on BBC Third Programme, 24 June 1959, 17 pp. (copy).
7. "Endgame" radio play produced on BBC Third Programme, 22 May 1962, 45 pp., script "as broadcast".
8. "From an abandoned work" meditation produced on BBC Third Programme, 14 December 1957, 11 pp. script, 12 pp. photocopy script as broadcast.
9. "Imagination Dead Imagine" radio broadcast produced on BBC Third Programme, 18 March 1967, 5 pp. script as recorded.
10. "Lessness" radio broadcast produced on BBC Radio 3, 25 February 1971, 11 pp. script signed by author.
11. "Extract from Malone Dies," radio broadcast produced on BBC Third Programme, 18 June 1958, 27 pp. photocopy as broadcast.
12. "An extract from Molloy", radio broadcast produced 10 December 1957, 27 pp. script, 27 pp. photocopy as recorded.
13. "The Old Tune" by Robert Pinget, translated by Samuel Beckett, radio broadcast produced on BBC Third Programme 23 August 1960, 14 pp. photocopy as broadcast.
14. "Play" radio play produced on BBC Third Programme, 11 October 1966, 17 pp. photocopy as recorded.
15. "Poems by Samuel Beckett" radio broadcast produced on BBC Third Programme, 9 March 1966, 20 pp. photocopy as recorded.
16. "Poems by Samuel Beckett--No. II" radio broadcast produced on BBC Third Programme, 24 November 1966, 11 pp. script as broadcast.
17. "Extracts from The Unnameable", radio broadcast produced on BBC Third, Programme 19 January 1959, 26 pp. photocopy as recorded.
18. "Waiting for Godot", radio broadcast produced on BBC Third Programme, 27 April 1960, 90 pp. script as broadcast.
19. "Words and Music" radio broadcast on BBC Third Programme, 13 November 1962, 10 pp. photocopy as recorded.
20. TLs. Beckett to [ ], 14 January 1960, 1 p.
21. Marshall Bean to, HLs., 13 June 1962[7?], card plus autograph text dated Paris, April 3, 1967. 2 pp.
22. Collection Merlin
from - TL (car.) Austryn Wainhouse 6 November 1953, 1 p.
from - TL (copy) Alex Trocchi 29 May 1954, 1 p.
from - TL (car.) [Alex Trocchi] 31 July 1954, 1p.
to - HLs. Trocchi, 3 August 1954, 1 p.
to - HLs. Trocchi, 27 August 1954, 1 p.
from - TL, corrected, 30 August 1954, 1p.
23. Geoffrey Hazard to Hc.s., 7 November 1967, 1 card + envelope.
24. [Michael] Horovitz
to TLs. 1 April 1958, 1p.
to Hpc.s. 20 July 1963, card + envelope
to Hpc.s. [7] January 1967, card + envelope
25. Barney Rosset to TL (car.) 28 July 1953
26. Correspondence - Barbara [Bray] to T. Besterman, Hpc.s. 8 March 1969; BBC to T. Besterman, TLs. 11 July 1969.
27. Beckett Theatre Fund Appeal correspondence to T. Besterman;5 TLs. 24 May 1968 - 22 August 1969.
28. Programmes for various productions of Beckett plays.
29. Photograph of Beckett, inscribed to Marshall Bean April 1967.
Miscellaneous research material (newsclippings, articles, etc.):
30. Newsclippings 1956.
31. Newsclippings 1958.
32. Newsclippings 1959.
33. Newsclippings 1960.
34. Newsclippings 1961.
35. Newsclippings 1962.
36. Newsclippings 1963.
37. Newsclippings 1964.
38. Newsclippings 1965.
39. Newsclippings 1966.
40. Newsclippings 1967.
41. Newsclippings 1968.
42. Newsclippings 1969.
Box 2 :
1. Newsclippings November 1969-1970.
2. Unsorted newsclippings.
3. "Samuel Beckett: Prix Nobel" [5 short articles] . Le Figaro Littéraire (1223) 2 Nov. 1969.
4. "Les Cadeaux d'un Nobel" by Jean Peloux. Le Figaro Littéraire (1224) 3-9 Nov. 1969.
5. "Le discours que Samuel Beckett ne proncera pas à Stockholm". Le Figaro Littéraire (1230) 15-21 December 1969.
6. Ten Years at the Royal Court 1956-1966.
7. "Die Auffuhrüng des Jahres: Beckett inszeniert 'Endspiel'" Theater 1968
8. "Happy Days" by Samuel Beckett. Sample 1. Spring 1962.
9. "Act without Words" by Samuel Beckett. Live New Departures programme 2, 1964.
10. "Lessness" by Samuel Beckett. New Statesman proof for correction, photocopy.
11. "Peintres de l'empechement" by Samuel Beckett.
Derriere le Miroir June 1948. (shelved beside boxes)
12. Recent additions to the Book and Manuscript collections, John Olin Library, Washington University. An exhibition December 8, 1967-March 8, 1968.; (contains descriptions of two Beckett items)
13. Nelson Algren Samuel Beckett: an exhibition of books and manuscripts selected from the Ohio State University Libraries' Collections November 11-12, 1966.
14. Sotheby's catalogue July 7-8, 1969 offering Beckett material.
15. Tape recordings:
Tape 1
Side 1, All That Fall (BBC 13.1.1957).
Side 2, Embers (BBC 24.6.1969).
Tape 2
Side 1, Molloy.
Side 2, From an abandoned work.
Waiting for what.
16. Audio discs:
Endgame (complete text) directed by Alan Schneider, Evergreen Records. (2 record long playing set, 2 copies)
How It Is, read by Patrick Magee, J. & B. Recordings, 45 rpm (2 copies).
Krapp's Last Tape with Donald Davis, Spoken Arts Inc. long playing recording (2 copies)
Millaista on, Otavan Kirjallinen Aanilevy 25 33-1/3 rpm.
Jack Emery 'A Remnant' from the works of Samuel Beckett selected by Frank Doherty, Saga Records, long playing.
"[Jack] MacGowran Speaking Beckett" Ceirnini Clabais, long playing recording.
17. John J. Sharkey. Poemsequence for samuel beckett. [c.1965], photocopy, presentation copy.
18. Miscellaneous catalogues, souvenirs collected by T. Besterman.
Also: Poster of Samuel Beckett, from Sales Department, Faber and Faber.
Ink-sketch of Samuel Beckett by Ronald Searle, Paris 1956 (framed).
Box 3:
Collection Merlin Files
1. Agreement projected, July 11, 1953, Ts. signed, 3 pp., Ts. (car.) signed, 3 pp. (3 copies)
2. Resolution to form Collection Merlin, 1953, Ts. draft with corrections, 6 pp. Resolution (articles of association), 1953, Ts. 8 pp.; Ts. (car.) 2 copies.
3. Agenda for Directors' meeting, 8 December 1953, Ts. 2 pp.
4. Directors' Meeting, minutes 6 October 1964. Ts., 2 pp. with list of authors approached and available. Ts. 1 p. + Ts. (car.) 1 p.
5. Broughton, James, publishing contract with Collection Merlin. Ts. (car.) signed and annotated, 17 December 1954, 2 pp.
6. Logue, Christopher: Wand and Quadrant - publishing contract with Collection Merlin. Ts. + Ts. (car.) signed, 5 July 1953. 1 p. + 1 p. (car.)
7. Mailing lists, bills, production costs for Wand and Quadrant, 1953.
8. Collection Merlin: publication announcements, letterhead, etc.
9. Internal: Patrick Bowles/Alexander Trocchi 1953, to 1 Tls., from 1 TL (car.)
10. Internal: Christopher Logue/Alice Jane Lougee 1952, from 1 HLs.
11. Internal: Christopher Logue/Alexander Trocchi 1952-53, from 4 HLs. 3 TLs.
12. Barnes, [Djuena] TLs. (car.) from P. Bowles, 12 July 1953.
13. Bourjaily, [ ] TL (car.) from C. Logue, [n.d.].
14. Colin, Rosica, from TLs. 7 September 1953, to TL (car.) A. Wainhouse 14 September 1953.
15. Lady Cunard [n.d.], to TL (car.) C. Logue.
16. Les Editions de Minuit (Jérôme Lindon) 1953-54, from 3 TLs., to 1 TL (car.) A. Wainhouse
17. Goodsir-Smith, Sidney, 1954, from 1 Tls., to 1 TL (car.) C. Logue + TL to MacDonald.
18. Grove Press (Barney Rosset), 1953-54, from 7 TLs., to 5 TL (car.) A. Trocchi, A. Wainhouse, P. Bowles, C. Logue.
19. Hull, Tristram (NIMBUS), 1953, from 1 HLs. 1 TLs. , to 2 TL (car.)
20. Intereps Ltd. (Margaret Crosland), 1953, from 1 HLs. 5 TLs. 1 TPc.s., to 7 TL (car.) A. Wainhouse, C. Logue.
21. Irish Writing, 1953, from 1 TLs. 1 TPc.s., to 1 TL (car.) A. Wainhouse.
22. Kasper and Horton (John Kasper), 1953, from 1 HLs. 1 TLs., to 3 TL (car.) C. Logue.
23. Kinlen, Dermot, 1953, from 1 HLs, to 1 TL (car.) P. Bowles.
24. Noonday Press, 1954, to 1 TL (car.) A. Wainhouse.
25. Random House Inc. 1953., from 1 TLs., to 1 TL (car.) A. Trocchi.
26. Saunders Marion/Agency (Georges Borchardt) 1953-54, from 4 TLs., to 3 TL (car.)
27. Re advertising, book reviews 1953.
28. Orders for books
29. Personal correspondence of Christopher Logue 1952-54, 6 HLs., 5 TLs., 5 TL (car.)
Second Accrual
Box 3:
30. Diane Root, 1975, 1980, to 2 HLs.