Aerial Photographs of the Hamilton Area
The aerial photograph collection consists of approximately 18,000 photos of the local Hamilton area in various sizes and formats dating from 1919 to the present. High resolution images (600 dpi, 24-bit tonal, .TIF format) of aerial photos no longer restricted by copyright (50 years or older) may be viewed online and freely downloaded for non-commercial purposes directly from our aerial photo index. They can also be viewed and downloaded from our digital archive as can photos of the McMaster University campus (1934-1989).
Digital photos of the Hamilton area (1999 to the present) as well as other locations in Ontario may be available through our GIS & Geospatial Data Services.
All other aerial photographs are available in paper, hard-copy format only and must be viewed in the Lloyd Reeds Map Collection, first floor, Mills Library between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday.
The City of Hamilton also has digital aerial photo overlays (1999 to the present) available as a feature of its imapper viewer on the website.