November 27, 202403:30 PM to 05:30 PM
Have an item needing repair? Bring it to the next Repair Café and we can figure it out together!
At Thode Makerspace's Repair Café events, participants bring in items that are broken or in need of repair. Volunteers with expertise in various repair areas such as electronics, sewing, woodworking, or general tinkering are available to help assess, troubleshoot, and ideally fix these items. Our primary goals are to extend the lifespan of goods, reduce waste, promote a culture of repair and sustainability and to share and learn from one another. This is a great oppourtunity to connect as a Maker/DIY community all while enjoying some snacks and hot beverages!
Categories of items we've been able to fix include: clothing, jewelery, small furniture, bicycles, small appliances, computers, other electronics
Date/Time: Wednesday, November 27, 2024 from 3:30pm-5:30pm
Location: Thode Makerspace (basement level of Thode Library)
Cost: Free! Donations to the McMaster Food Collective Centre are welcome!
No registration required: This is a drop in event
Do you have repair skills? Consider volunteering with us: Fill out our volunteer form here