
Stress-sensing headset helps students train brains
Muse headsets, designed to help train the mind to focus, will soon be available for loan at Mills Library.
Open Journal Systems Training Workshop at McMaster University
McMaster University Library and the Ontario Council of University Libraries (OCUL) Publishing-Hosting Community invite you to a free Open Journal Systems Training Workshop on May 13 and 14.
Top six NEW online resources to check out at the library
The Library has new collections of online films, research handbooks, archival sources, and many e-books. Check out our top picks!

Celebrating the work of a Canadian literary icon
A reception was held recently that paid tribute to the work, life and archives of Farley Mowat, one Canada’s most distinctive and iconic writers.

194,000 new items and counting
The Library has an online tool to help students and researchers keep track of the thousands of new items added to the library’s catalogue each month.

Hammer on Paper: Readings from a Residency, Mar. 25
Join McMaster University Library, the Department of English & Cultural Studies and Hamilton Public LibraryHammer on Paper, an event featuring readings by McMaster's Writer-in-Residence, Hal Niezdvieck, and some of the local writers he has worked with during his residency.
Educating in the Era of Peep Culture: Library Speaker Series
On Monday March 30, join McMaster University Library for "Educating in the Era of Peep Culture", featuring McMaster Writer-in-Residence Hal Niedzviecki.
The Countdown is on! RefWorks to be phased out this August
RefWorks, McMaster’s citation management tool, is being phased out and all users are reminded to migrate their references before it’s too late.

JUNOs exhibits showcase Hamilton's musical legacy and digital future
In honour of the JUNOs, McMaster University Library has created some unique exhibits featuring artifacts from our musical archives and from our maker-space in the Ruth and Lewis Sherman Centre of Digital Scholarship that will be on display throughout the week.
Library Speaker Series: Academic Libraries in the Digital Age
On Monday March 2, 2015 the McMaster University Library will host the first event in a series of public talks to engage the campus community on issues critical to the future of scholarly research, new technologies and the role of libraries in the academy.

How do you want the library to look in 10 years? Tell us what you think!
McMaster University Library is asking faculty, staff and students to complete a survey aimed at finding ways to improve existing library spaces and plan for future needs.

Read the #macpoem, written entirely on Twitter by digital poets
McMaster Writer-in-Residence Hal Niedzviecki invited the McMaster community to help write a campus poem. Read the finished product.