It isn’t easy to manage your money as a university student, and the latest LinkedIn Learning Club @ McMaster campaign is here to help.
McMaster University students can use their free LinkedIn Learning account to access a list of short videos about personal finance created by financial experts.
This month’s campaign was curated by Tanvir Singh, a third-year computer science student and LinkedIn Learning ambassador.
“We chose this topic for our monthly campaign to help students prepare for filing their annual income taxes,” said Singh. “I hope the campaign also helps students take control of their personal finance, which can be rather overwhelming.”
The courses cover a wide range of finance-related topics, with helpful advice on everything from creating a personal budget to improving your credit score.
Jeannie An, LinkedIn Learning campus coordinator and Ron Joyce Centre research services librarian, says she hopes students will take time to watch the helpful videos on this important subject.
“Students may find themselves living on their own and managing a personal budget for the first time when they go to university,” said An. “The wonderful thing about the LinkedIn Learning February campaign is that it gives students a selection of helpful, user-friendly videos they can watch on their own schedule.”
Access the LinkedIn Learning Club @ McMaster campaign
McMaster students access this month’s campaign at this LinkedIn Learning link.
Advance your learning and teaching with LinkedIn Learning
McMaster students, staff and faculty have free, unlimited access to LinkedIn Learning for personal, professional, and instructional purposes. To learn more about LinkedIn Learning, visit the McMaster website for LinkedIn Learning
Contact with McMaster’s LinkedIn Learning team
Have a monthly theme you’d like to suggest for LinkedIn Learning Club @ McMaster or have a question? Send an email to the McMaster library LinkedIn Learning team.