McMaster University Libraries are changing how students, staff, and faculty log in to off-campus access when seeking journal articles, ebooks, and other licensed content.
Starting Dec. 12, off-campus access will adopt the MS Office 365 single sign-on.
Users will log in with their MacID@mcmaster.ca and password, similar to Office 365, when accessing e-resources while working off campus regardless of McMaster VPN activation.
“This change to how our community accesses electronic resources while off campus improves security and consistency for our users,” said David Kemper, digital experience librarian. “We appreciate everyone’s patience through this transition.”
More information on accessing licensed content can be found on the off-campus access webpage.
Need help?
If you need assistance with off-campus access, visit the library contact webpage or the Health Sciences Library contact us webpage. Alternately, stop by a service desk in Mills, Thode or Health Sciences libraries.