Index to WWI Trench Maps and Aerial Photographs

Text Search using Place Name or Trench Name:

10,300+ place names compiled from the maps in our collection.
10,500+ trench names derived from the book, "Rat's Alley: Trench Names of the Western Front 1914-1918," courtesy of the author, Dr. Peter Chasseaud.

Visual Search using Map Index:

click in any of the grid squares on the index to view our collection of maps & photos for that area. Grey grid squares indicate that no material is available for the area
NOTE: 1:40,000 scale maps were used for planning over large areas and do not usually show individual trenches.

index for WWI maps and air photosGrid Square 12 Grid Square 19 Grid Square 20 Grid Square 27 Grid Square 28 Grid Square 29 Grid Square 36a Grid Square 36 Grid Square 37 Grid Square 36b Grid Square 36c Grid Square 44 Grid Square 45 Grid Square 51c Grid Square 51b Grid Square 51 a Grid Square 57d Grid Square 57c Grid Square 57b Grid Square 57a Grid Square 62d Grid Square 62c Grid Square 62b Grid Square 66e Grid Square 66d Grid Square 66c Grid Square 70d