Lyons New Media Centre Event booking form

Workshops and events are booked on a first-come, first-served basis. Booking approvals are at the discretion of the Lyons New Media Centre manager.

All groups are expected to abide by the Lyons Code of Conduct.

Contact name

Dates/times for event

What date(s) and time(s) are you interested in holding the event?

(for more than two dates, please contact the Lyons manager directly, at

1. Date & Time
2. Date & Time

Other details

How many participants do you expect (if known)

For workshop-style events, we recommend no more than 24. For informational events, standing room, the space can accommodate more.

Are you planning on using any Lyons equipment for your workshop/event?

Are you planning on using any Lyons equipment for your workshop/event?

If you chose "yes" for using Lyons equipment, please explain below what you are hoping you can use during your event.

Approval is at the discretion of the Lyons New Media Centre manager.

What rooms are you wanting to use for your event?

What rooms are you wanting to use for your event?

Choose all that apply.

Any other comments or questions

I have read and agree to abide by the Lyons Code of Conduct.

I have read and agree to abide by the Lyons Code of Conduct.

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