Finding Aid
First accrual (1980) -- 96 cm of textual records.
Box 1
Personal file--Kingston appointment
Personal file 1964-65
Personal file 1966
Personal correspondence 1966
Personal correspondence 1967
Personal correspondence 1968
Personal correspondence 1969
Personal correspondence 1970
Personal file 1970
Correspondence: Clarke Institute of Psychiatry (Dr. C.A. Roberts)
Correspondence: Dr. R.C.A. Hunter
Correspondence: Dr. A.B. Stokes
Correspondence: Dr. C.G. Roland 1963-68
General correspondence files:
Correspondence 1976
Correspondence 1977
Correspondence 1978
Correspondence 1979
Box 2
Correspondence 1980
International Association for Child Psychiatry and Allied Professions--correspondece
Tickle Case file
Recommendations and Appraisals
Mental Health Review Tribunal Research Project
- Correspondence 1966
- Correspondence Jan.-Dec. 1967
- Correspondence 1968-1969
Note: There are also several files of research material concerning this project
University College, Bangor, N. Wales
- file re education
Dissertation by Professor Greenland
"Mental Illness and Civil Liberty: a study of Mental Health Review Tribunals in England and Wales" June 1968
Awaiting publication 1966 - drafts of articles
Miscellaneous - file of offprints, articles, etc.
Box 3
Files on various topics (includes correspondence, notes, etc.)
Canada's Mental Health
Canadian Association for the Mentally Retarded
Canadian Association of Social Workers
Canadian Journal of Criminology and Corrections
Child Abuse (Minutes)
Criminal Violence
Forensic Services Committee
Hamilton Association for the Mentally Retarded
Hamilton-Wentworth M.R. Reorientation Working Group
Hamilton-Wentworth M.R. Reorientation Working Group 1977-79
Home Intervention Team
International Year of the Child
Law and Psychiatry Symposium, Feb. 23-25, 1978
Mental Disorders and Criminal Law Workshop May 1, 1979
McGrand, Senator. subcommittee Feb. 7, 1978
Metford Seminar, May 25, 1978
Miles, Lewis
Minister's Task Force on Child Abuse
Murder followed by suicide
Niagara University Research Conference Nov. 1977
Ontario Association for Marriage and Family Therapy April 1979
O.A.C.A.S. Conference, May 10, 1978
Ontario Mental Health Foundation
Osler Library
Pornography By-law, Hamilton
Queen's Deaf-Blind Unit
Robertson, Dr. Alex
Social Planning Council of Metro Toronto
Solicitor- General, Canada
Thompson, Peter (Matthew Trust)
Tredgold's 12th edition
Unmet needs of Blind Canadians
Violence and the family, Nov. 6, 1978
Violence in society Nov. 18, 1976
Violence Symposium March 1977
Vision Canada
Memos (miscellaneous)
Minutes (miscellaneous)
Newsletters (miscellaneous)
First accrual addendum. – 1968-1983, predominant 1979-1983. – 25 cm of textual records.
Series 1 Correspondence
Correspondence series. – 1979-1983. – 16.5 cm of textual records. – Title based on content of series. – This series contains correspondence organized alphabetically. Correspondence can also be found in Series 2 – Subject Files.
Correspondents include:
Peter Boss
Claire Culane
Alan Davidson
Larry Gostin
Gwyneth Gowanlock
M. Rolf Olsen
Peter Silfen
Donald West
Box 3A
F.1 Correspondence A
F.2 Correspondence B
F.3 Correspondence with Peter Boss, Monash University
F.4 Correspondence C
F.5 Correspondence D
F.6 Correspondence E
F.7 Correspondence F
F.8 Correspondence G
F.9 Correspondence H
F.10 Correspondence I-J
F.11 Correspondence K
F.12 Correspondence L
F.13 Correspondence M
F.14 Correspondence N-O
F.15 Correspondence P-Q
Box 3B
F.1 Correspondence R
F.2 Correspondence S
F.3 Correspondence T
F.4 Correspondence V
F.5 Correspondence W
F.6 Correspondence Y-Z
Series 2 Subject Files
Subject Files. – 1976-1983. – 4 cm of textual records. – Title based on content of series. – This series contains subject files arranged alphabetically based on the original order of the creator.
F.7 Clipping File
F.8 Committees, Conferences, etc.; includes correspondence
F.9 CNIB Unmet Needs; includes correspondence
F.10 International Congress on Law and Psychiatry, July 1979; includes correspondence
F.11 International Year of the Child, 1979; includes correspondence
F.12 Papers
F.13 SSHRC Re: Israel; includes correspondence
Oversized bound item not placed in folder. “Mental Illness and Civil Liberty” by Cyril Greenland, 1968
Second accrual (1985) 12.5 cm of textual records
Box 4
Canadian Cerebral Palsy Association
Gerontology Research Council
American P [ ] & Parole Association
International Seminar in Comparative Clinical Criminology May 4-6, 1978
3rd International Congress of Law & Psychiatry. July 19-22, 1979
Human Sexuality Paper
Human Sexuality Meeting--correspondence
Birth Control Correspondence--general
Sex and the handicapped--elderly
Roland, Dr. Charles--Mayo Foundation
Pinel Institute
Letters re M.H.R.T. data
Third accrual. – 1933-1987. – 1.44 m of textual records.
Series 1 Correspondence
Correspondence series. – 1975-1987. – 16 cm of textual records. – Title based on content of series. – This series contains correspondence organized chronologically and then alphabetically to maintain Greenland’s original order. Correspondence can also be found in Series 3 – Subject Files. Note: Names that could not be distinguished are placed at the beginning of the year.
Correspondents include:
Monique Begin
John Robert Colombo
Sheila Copps
Claire Culane
Alan Davidson
Timothy Findley
Larry Gostin
Margaret Laurence
Dr. M. Rolf Olsen
Alex Richman
Peter Silfen
Donald West
Box 6
F.1 Personal Correspondence, 1975-83
F.2 Personal Correspondence, 1984, A-M
F.3 Personal Correspondence, 1984, N-Z
F.4 Personal Correspondence, 1985, A-M
F.5 Personal Correspondence, 1985, N-Z
F.6 Personal Correspondence, 1986, A-L
F.7 Personal Correspondence, 1986, M-Z
F.8 Personal Correspondence, 1987
Series 2 Publications
Publications. – 1945-1984. – 48 cm of textual records. – Title based on content of series. – This series contains publications by Cyril Greenland and also a few publications by others. Files are arranged chronologically to maintain Greenland’s original order.
Box 7
F.1 Publications, 1945-55
F.2 Publications, 1957
F.3 Publications, 1958
F.4 Publications, 1959-60
F.5 Publications, 1961
F.6/7 Publications, 1962
F.8 Publications, 1963
F.9/10 Publications, 1964
F.11 Publications, 1965
Box 8
F.1/2 Publications, 1966
F.3 Publications, 1967
F.4 Publications, 1968
F.5 Publications, 1969
F.6 Publications, 1970
F.7 Publications, 1971
F.8/9 Publications, 1972
F.10 Publications, 1973
F.11 Publications, 1974
F.12 Publications, 1975
Box 9
F.1 Publications, 1976
F.2 Publications, 1977
F.3/4 Publications, 1978
F.5 Publications, 1979
F.6 Publications, 1980
F.7 Publications, 1981
F.8 Publications, 1982
F.9 Publications, 1983
F.10 Publications, 1984
F.11 Undated Publication
F.12 Clipping File
Series 3 Subject Files
Subject Files. – 1953-1987. – 64 cm of textual records. – Title based on content of series. – This series contains notes, correspondence, etc. Files are arranged alphabetically to maintain Greenland’s original order.
Box 10
Subject Files – A-Ch
F.1 “Advice Column” – Figures and Clippings
F.2 “Advice Column” – Notes
F.3 Anger Seminar, March 1986
F.4 American Humane Society
F.5 Annual Report on Scholarly Activity
F.6 Articles by other authors
F.7 BBC Panorama, 1985
F.8 Jimmy and Sarah Boyle, The Gateway Exchange
F.9 Stuart Campbell and “The People” Dispute
F.10 Canadian Association of Social Workers
F.11 Canadian Mental Health Association
F.12/3 CBC
F.14/6 Child Abuse
Box 11
Subject Files – Ci-Le
F.1 City of Birmingham, Social Services, Paul Dolan
F.2 Dr. Jock M. Cleghorn; includes correspondence
F.3 Committee on Mental Health Services (AbbyAnn Lynch), 1978
F.4 Ingrid Cooper; includes correspondence
F.5 “Crime and the Insanity Defence”; includes correspondence
F.6 Curriculum Vitae
F.7 Developing Guidelines for Assessing Violence and Dangerous Behaviour
F.8 Douglas Hospital Centre
For Paul Dolan, see City of Birmingham
F.9/10 Drafts of Papers, Typed
F.11 Dudley Social Services
For The Gateway Exchange see Jimmy and Sarah Boyle
F.12 Grant Applications & Information (General)
F.13 “The Great Debate”, 18 January 1983
F.14 Hinks Lecture, London 1978
F.15 In-house Inquiries
F.16 VIIth International Seminar in Comparative Clinical Criminology, 1979
F.17 Dr. Wallace Ironside; includes correspondence
F.18 William C. Jappy; includes correspondence
F.19 John Howard Society Conference, 1986
F.20 John Howard Society of Windsor
F.21-7 Lethal Family Situations; includes correspondence
See SSHRCC for funding application for Lethal Family Situations
Box 12
Subject Files – Lo-P
F.1 London School of Economics
For Abbyann Lynch see Committee on Mental Health Services
F.2 McMaster School of Social Work; includes correspondence
F.3 Mental Disorders and the Criminal Law Workshop
F.4 MIND, London
F.5 National Council for Civil Liberties
F.6 National Welfare Grants Directorate
F.7 NATO Application
F.8 NATO Conference, Monte Carlo, 1-6 July 1973
F.9 Dr. M. Rolf Olsen, University Birmingham; includes correspondence
F.10 Ontario Association of Professional Social Workers (OAPSW)
F.11 Ontario Hospital, Belleville; includes correspondence
F.12 “Our Special Children”
For “The People” see Stuart Campbell
F.13 Presidential Advisory and Coordinating Committee on the Disabled, 1981
F.14 “Preventing Family Violence”
F.15 Probation Case Work – Reports & Notes
F.16 Probation Case Work – Supplements
F.17 Publication – Correspondence
F.18 Publication and Lecture Notes
Box 13
Subject Files – R-Z
F.1 Ph.D. Program – University of Birmingham
F.2/3 Reprint Requests
F.4 Request for Part-Time Status
F.5 Royal Commission Inquiry into the Confidentiality of Health Records
F.6 Sabbatical
F.7 Sexual Education
F.8 Social Work Advisor Position; includes correspondence
F.9 SSHRC Lethal Family Situations Application
F.10 Statistics Canada Cohort Project
F.11 Studies of Violence and Dangerous Behaviour
F.12 George Tillman; includes correspondence
F.13 Eileen Vizard; includes correspondence
F.14 David West – 1981 Visit; includes correspondence
F.15 Walt Whitman – Sesquicentenary Recollections
For other records related to Walt Whitman event see CBC.
Series 4 Journals
Journals. – 1969-1983. – 16 cm of textual records. – Title based on content of series. – This series contains journals from Greenland’s classes and include notes, reflections, grades, and other information. One journal could be used for multiple classes. Files are arranged chronologically, by first use.
Box 14
F.1 Journal for 2C3 “Applying Social Behavioural Science Concepts to S.W.”, 1969 and 3C3 “Social Behavioural Sciences in Social Work II”, 1970
F.2 Journal for 3D9, 1971-1973 and Social Work 2B6, 1978
F.3 Journal for 4D12, 1974 and 3C3, 1978
F.4 Journal for “Concept and Boundaries of Social Work”, 1975
F.5 Journal for “Sexual Deviance”, 1976
F.6 Journal for “Social Aspects of Health and Disease”, 1979 and 3C3, 1981
F.7 Journal for 2B6, 1980
F.8 Journal for 2C3, 1982
F.9/11 Journal for 4D 12 1983; this was originally in a binder
Fourth accrual. – 1978-1996. – 12.5 cm of textual records and graphic material.
This accrual consists of a small amount of correspondence and subject files. Materials have been arranged alphabetically.
Correspondents include:
June Callwood
John Robert Colombo
Donald J. West
Box 15
F.1 Correspondence, 1979-89; includes 1 photograph
F.2 Correspondence, 1980s-90s
F.3 Correspondence, 1990-94
F.4 Easter Seal Research Institute Appointment, 1986
F.5 Offences Against Persons Study
F.6 Murder Followed by Suicide
F.7 John B. Neilson Award, 1985
F.8 New York Academy of Sciences, January 1987
F.9 Reports, correspondents and clippings, Re: Fox case
F.10 Textbook of Forensic Psychiatry
F.11 Rose Wood, 1980-81.
Fifth accrual. -- 1958-2004. -- 6.5 cm of textual records.
Series 1 Correspondence
Correspondence series. -- 1958-2004. -- 6.5 cm of textual records. -- 1 photograph : colour. -- Title based on content of series.
Box 5
Note: Incoming personal correspondence.
F.1 Bégin, Monique; 11 September 1984: 1 item.
F.2 Callwood, June; 10 February 2004: 1 item.
F.3 Colombo, John Robert; 1966-2001: 21 items.
F.4 Coulter, Clare; 2002-2003: 2 items.
F.5 Engel, Marian; 1970-1983: 3 items.
F.6 Findley, Timothy; [n.d.]: 1 item.
F.7 Kossoff, David; 25 February 1958: 1 item.
F.8 Landsberg, Michele; 27 December 1987: 1 item.
F.9 Weaver, Robert; 22 January 1970: 1 item.
F.10 Personal; 1970-2004: Includes 1 photograph (colour): 9 items.
F.11 General; 1990-2004: 4 items.
F.12 Re: Child nourishment and other children’s issues; 1989-1991: 10 items.
F.13 Re: Donations; 1990-2005: 6 items.
F.14 Re: National Training Seminar on Family Violence; 1988-1989: 6 items.
F.15 Re: Recommendations; 1990: 2 items.
Sixth accrual.
Series 1
Subject files. 1954-2011. 28.5 cm of textual records. -- 20 photographs : b&w. -- 2 prints : mezzotint and halftone magazine print. -- 1 audio disc : vinyl : 78 rpm ; 25.5 cm. -- Title based on contents of series.
This series contains research and related correspondence reflecting Greenlands diverse professional and scholarly interests.
Box 16
F.1-4 Natives, Northwest Rebellion, and capital punishment project. Research.
F.5 Natives, Northwest Rebellion, and capital punishment project. Photographs and negatives.
F.6-7 Natives, Northwest Rebellion, and capital punishment project. Drafts, research, and correspondence. 1977-1987.
F.8-9 Preventing CAN Deaths. Correspondence. 1985-1990.
F.10 Preventing CAN Deaths. Printed material. 1995, 1997.
F.11-12 R.M. Bucke. Research; includes correspondence. 1971-1980.
F.13 R.M. Bucke exhibit. Photographs.
F.14 R.M. Bucke. Printed materials; includes research publications by Cyril Greenland. 1962-1974.
F.15 R.M. Bucke. Typescript draft of preface by Greenland and Colombo. 1997.
F.16 R.M. Bucke and gynaecology. Includes research and some correspondence. 2010-2011. [Note: Continues in Box 7, File 1b].
Box 17
F.1 R.M. Bucke and gynaecology. Includes research and some correspondence. 2010-2011. [Note: Continued from Box 6, File 16a].
F.2-3 Seasonal correlations with mental health project. Research; includes some correspondence. 1954-1966.
F.4 Voices: The Might Thunderer and Voices: Doctor of Mysticism two scripts, typescript. 1970.
F.5 Walt Whitman. Research and correspondence. 1964-1969.
F.6-9 Walt Whitman. Printed material and publications.
F.10 Walt Whitman. 1 b&w halftone magazine print. [Note: removed from frame].
Horace Traubel, Walt Whitmans biographer. 1 mezzotint photo. [Note: removed from frame].
F.11 World of Madness television show description, typescript, 2 pp. 1991.
Series 2
Publications. 1962-2002. 5 cm of textual records. Title based on contents of series.
This series is arranged chronologically and includes publications written by others.
Box 17
F.12 Publications, 1962-1963. Includes photocopies.
F.13 Publications, 2002.
Series 3
Sound recordings. 1955, 1959, 1965. 3 items. Title based on content of series.
Box AV 004
Sing-Along for Mental Health, by Hy Zaret and Lou Singer. 1 vinyl record, 78 rpm. [1955].
Box AV 001
Clare Hincks interviewed by Cyril Greenland. 1 CD. Dec 21, 1959
Dr. Gordon Bates interviewed by J.D. Griffin. 1 CD. Dec. 1965
The following book has been removed from the archive and added to Research Collections monograph collection:
Edward Shorter, ed. TPH: History and Memories of the Toronto Psychiatric Hospital, 1925-1966. Toronto, Ont.: Wall & Emerson. 1996.