Access is available on and off campus to current McMaster University students, faculty and staff.
There is a mobile app for this resource.
IBM's evidence-based clinical tool includes a collection of drug databases from need-to-know drug, pediatric, disease, lab, and toxicology information to comprehensive resources for patient and consumer education. The interface allows users to search by drug, disease, or toxicology. Patient education information such as drug interactions, IV compatibility, drug comparison, and calculators are also available, in addition to the “Ask Watson” feature which allows users to search by asking natural language questions. Micromedex includes: AAPCC Codes in POISINDEX, Alternative Medicine, Detailed Drug Information for the Consumer, DISEASEDEX Emergency Medicine, DISEASEDEX General Medicine, DRUGDEX System, Imprint Codes in Identidex, Index Nominum, Interaction Checking, IV Compatibility, Lab Advisor, P&T QUIK Reports, POISINDEX System, RED BOOK Online, TOMES System, CareNotes, NeoFax, and Pediatrics.