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A project of the Annie E. Casey Foundation, KIDS COUNT is the premier source for data on child and family well-being in the United States. Access hundreds of indicators, download data and create reports and graphics on the KIDS COUNT Data Center that support smart decisions about children and families.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Statistics

Country: US

URL: All Users

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Latinobarómetro is an annual public opinion survey that involves some 20,000 interviews in 18 Latin American countries, representing more than 600 million inhabitants.

Latinobarómetro Corporation is a non-profit NGO based in Santiago, Chile, and is solely responsible for the production and publication of the data.

Latinobarómetro Corporation researches the development of democracy and economies as well as societies, using indicators of opinion, attitudes, behaviour and values. Its results are used by social and political actors, international organizations, governments and the media.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Microdata, Open Data

Country: International

URL: All Users

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The Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS) is a household survey program housed within the Surveys & Methods Unit of the World Bank's Development Research Group that provides technical assistance to national statistical offices (NSOs) in the design and implementation of multi-topic household surveys. Since its inception in the early 1980s, the LSMS program has worked with dozens of statistics offices around the world: generating high-quality data, incorporating innovative technologies and improved survey methodologies, and building technical capacity. The LSMS team also provides technical support across the World Bank in the design and implementation of household surveys and in the measurement and monitoring of poverty.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Open Data, Statistics

Country: International

URL: All Users

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The London Datastore has been created by the Greater London Authority (GLA) as an innovation towards freeing London’s data. We want citizens to be able access the data that the GLA and other public sector organisations hold, and to use that data however they see fit – free of charge.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Open Data, Statistics

Country: International

URL: All Users

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The LISS panel (Longitudinal Internet Studies for the Social sciences) is the principal component of the MESS project. It consists of 5000 households, comprising 8000 individuals. The panel is based on a true probability sample of households drawn from the population register by Statistics Netherlands. Households that could not otherwise participate are provided with a computer and Internet connection. A special Immigrant panel is available in addition to the LISS panel. This Immigrant panel is comprised of around 1600 households (2400 individuals) of which 1100 households (1700 individuals) are of non-Dutch origin.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Open Data

Country: International

URL: All Users

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Statistics on alcohol, drinking & driving, fatalities from Mothers Against Drunk Driving Canada

Data Access: All Users

Type: Statistics

Country: Canada

URL: All Users

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This dataset, a product of the Trade Team - Development Research Group, is part of a larger effort in the group to measure the extent of the brain drain as part of the International Migration and Development Program. It measures international skilled migration by gender.

The methodology is explained in: A gendered assessment of the brain drain, F. Docquier, L. Lowell, and A. Marfouk, Policy Research Discussion Paper (forthcoming), World Bank. 2007.

This data set updates and extends the Docquier-Marfouk data set on international migration by educational attainment. The authors use new sources, homogenize definitions of what a migrant is, and compute gender-disaggregated indicators of the brain drain. Emigration stocks and rates are provided by the level of schooling and gender for 195 source countries in 1990 and 2000. This data set can be used to capture the recent trend in women’s skilled migration and to analyze its causes and consequences for developing countries.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Microdata, Open Data

Country: International

URL: All Users

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By opening its data to everyone, the City of Montreal allows it to be reused for different purposes, including commercial purposes. The results of this reuse can then be shared in the community, which creates a multiplier effect. The data released and reused thus generate benefits in the economic, cultural, social, and technological spheres.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Open Data, Statistics

Country: Canada

URL: All Users

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This website contains UNICEF’s statistical information, including data used in UNICEF’s flagship publications, The State of the World’s Children and Progress for Children. Also here are technical resources for conducting UNICEF-supported Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS), which are a major source of global development data.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Open Data, Statistics

Country: International

URL: All Users

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This page is a portal to the online data dissemination activities of the Division of Vital Statistics, including both interactive online data access tools and downloadable public use data files.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Microdata, Open Data, Statistics

Country: US

URL: All Users

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Between May and August 2011, Statistics Canada conducted the National Household Survey (NHS) for the first time. This voluntary, self-administered survey was introduced as a replacement for the long census questionnaire, more widely known as Census Form 2B.

The NHS is designed to collect social and economic data about the Canadian population. The objective of the NHS is to provide data for small geographic areas and small population groups.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Statistics

Country: Canada

URL: All Users

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This website was created by Rapid Intelligence, a web technology company based in Sydney, Australia. We produce original sites that provide people with unique views of content. All statistics on this site are cited. If you are concerned about authenticity and authorship, please view the "Source:" field, found below each graph. Or when viewing country statistics, click the "View with citations" link below the bottom of the page.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Open Data

Country: International

URL: All Users

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NCHS Data Visualization Gallery: Visualizing the Nation's Health

Data Access: All Users

Type: Data Visualization

Country: US

URL: All Users

More Info/Permalink is a directory of publicly-available, non-personal New Zealand government held datasets. This site does not host data, instead it links to datasets held on other government websites. 

Data Access: All Users

Type: Open Data

Country: International

URL: All Users

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A jointly funded project between the Ontario Council of University Libraries (OCUL) and OntarioBuys provides university researchers with access to datasets in a web-based data extraction system delivered through the Scholars Portal model. The project targets Statistics Canada datasets, datafiles from Gallup Canada and other polling companies, public-domain files such as the Canadian National Election Surveys and selected files from the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR). The files are marked-up using DDI, an international, XML-based metadata tagging system which allows data resource discovery, distributed access, extraction and analysis ... researchers working with opinion polls will be able to search across hundreds of datasets and collections to see trends and historical patterns over time"--summarized from the project page.

Data Access: McMaster Users

Type: Microdata, Statistics

Country: Canada, US

URL: McMaster Users

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Selected indicators for Canada on a variety of topics.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Statistics

Country: Canada

URL: All Users

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The Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) online library of books, reports, working papers, periodicals and statistical data covering a wide range of subjects including agriculture & food, development, economics, education, employment, energy, environment, finance & investment, governance, industry & services,  social issues, migration & health, taxation and transport.  Search by keyword(s) or browse by theme or by country name.

Data Access: McMaster Users

Type: Statistics

Country: Canada, International, US

URL: McMaster Users

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Ontario + Open Data - we like the sound of that. We’re hoping to unleash a new generation of winning ideas, services and applications. Files in KML, XLS and ZIP formats. Topics included: Environment and Energy Arts and Culture Rural and North Driving and Roads Health and Wellness Business and Economy Ministries included: Environment Tourism, Culture and Sport Northern Development and Mines Transportation Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Finance

Data Access: All Users

Type: Open Data

Country: Canada

URL: All Users

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Data Access: All Users

Type: Open Data

Country: International

URL: All Users

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Passport is a global market research database providing statistics, analysis, reports, surveys and breaking news on industries, countries and consumers worldwide. 

The Library subscribes to the following modules in Passport:

  • Countries & Consumers - Provides in-depth analysis on trends impacting consumers and countries around the world. It delivers research and analysis on the evolving economy, business environment, population, and income and expenditure patterns in 210 countries worldwide.
  • Industries - Includes global statistics and analysis for 27 major consumer industries worldwide. Contains historic and forecast market sizes, distribution channel analysis, company and brand share data, company profiles, global industry reports, expert and breaking news & articles and more.
  • Cities - Provides socioeconomic data and analysis on 850 of the world’s largest cities.  
  • Survey - Consists of online consumer survey data  from 16 countries covering consumer habits, attitudes, opinions, values, behaviours and motivations on a variety of topics.
  • Industrials (Canada) - Breaks down the Canadian economy into 177 different industry sectors from a B2B perspective. Data and analysis is provided for Agriculture, Forestry, Mining, Alcoholic Beverages and many other industries. 

Data Access: McMaster Users

Type: Statistics

Country: Canada, International, US

URL: McMaster Users

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The Pew Research Center’s Global Attitudes Project conducts public opinion surveys around the world on a broad array of subjects ranging from people’s assessments of their own lives to their views about the current state of the world and important issues of the day. More than 240,000 interviews in 57 countries have been conducted as part of the project’s work.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Microdata, Open Data, Statistics

Country: International

URL: All Users

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Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the world. We conduct public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other data-driven social science research. We do not take policy positions.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Statistics

Country: Canada, International, US

URL: All Users

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This site features select infographics from past reports, presentations, and commentaries of the Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Open Data

Country: US

URL: All Users

More Info/Permalink aims to make national government data searchable, accessible, and useful, with the help of the different agencies of government, and with the participation of the public.

This website consolidates the datasets of different government agencies, allowing users to find specific information from a rich and continuously growing collection of public datasets. provides information on how to access these datasets and tools, such as infographics and other applications, to make the information easy to understand. Users may not only view the datasets, but also share and download them as spreadsheets and other formats, for their own use.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Open Data

Country: International

URL: All Users

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Population Data BC (PopData) is a multi-university, data and education resource facilitating interdisciplinary research on the determinants of human health, well-being and development.

We offer researchers access to one of the world’s largest collections of health care, health services and population health data, and a comprehensive education and training service on how to best use those data.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Microdata, Open Data

Country: Canada

URL: All Users

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The U.S. data in PRB's DataFinder are from the U.S. Census Bureau's decennial census, American Community Survey, and population estimates.

The international data in PRB's DataFinder are from several Population Reference Bureau data sheets. Additional international indicators were compiled by PRB staff, primarily using national surveys.

Sources for each indicator appear as footnotes for that indicator. More detailed sources are available from PRB.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Open Data, Statistics

Country: International, US

URL: All Users

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Chronic Disease Infobase Data Cubes contain many different types of Chronic Disease health indicator information. The hope is to make available Data Cubes containing data such as mortality, morbidity and risk factor information for chronic diseases, as well as their associated demographic variables (such as age group, gender, and geography).

Data Access: All Users

Type: Open Data, Statistics

Country: Canada

URL: All Users

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Data & Analytics statistics, reports, and tools are an integral part of helping public health professionals make informed evidence-based decisions and take informed action. 

This site provides access to Data Reports (Surveillance and Population Health Assessment Reports), Ontario Health Profile data and Quantitative tools to help researchers in analyzing public health data or generating statistical reports.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Statistics

Country: Canada

URL: All Users

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Open data portal available from Toronto Police Service provides access to Reported Crime data, Traffic data, Boundary Files, Maps etc.

Listed on this webpage is a link to "The Community Asset Portal (CAP)". The Community Asset Portal (CAP) is a web application that shows an up-to-date map of social services such as shelters, community resource navigators, and mental health and youth support services.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Open Data, Statistics

Country: Canada

URL: All Users

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In 2016, the Québec government and the municipalities of Gatineau, Laval, Montreal, Quebec City, and Sherbrooke joined forces to create the new Data Québec open data portal. Several other municipalities then followed suit, and thanks to this collaboration, several hundred datasets are now available. The site contains digital data distributed in a structured way according to a particular method, with an open license guaranteeing their free access and reuse.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Open Data, Statistics

Country: Canada

URL: All Users

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