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Our catalogue is updated regularly with machine-readable, re-usable digital dataset files that can be shared and used to develop applications, visualizations and inform public research.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Open Data, Statistics

Country: Canada

URL: All Users

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The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) launched a new internet based data service for the global user community. It brings UN statistical databases within easy reach of users through a single entry point ( Users can now search and download a variety of statistical resources of the UN system.

Useful features like Country Profiles, Advanced Search and Glossaries are also provided to aid research. The numerous databases, tables and glossaries containing over 60 million data points cover a wide range of themes including Agriculture, Crime, Education, Employment, Energy, Environment, Health, HIV/AIDS, Human Development, Industry, Information and Communication Technology, National Accounts, Population, Refugees, Tourism, Trade, as well as the Millennium Development Goals indicators. 

Data Access: All Users

Type: Open Data, Statistics

Country: Canada, International, US

URL: All Users

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Vital Signs is an annual community check-up conducted by community foundations across Canada. It provides a comprehensive, reader-friendly look at how our communities are faring in key quality-of-life areas.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Open Data

Country: Canada

URL: All Users

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International IDEA is frequently requested to provide information on political participation around the world, and the Voter Turnout Project focuses on one specific dimension of political participation - voter turnout in elections. While elections do not equal democracy, they are without doubt an important and indispensable element.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Open Data

Country: International

URL: All Users

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The WHO Global InfoBase is a data warehouse that collects, stores and displays information on chronic diseases and their risk factors for all WHO member states.

High quality health statistics are essential for planning and implementing health policy in all country settings. The Infobase assembles, for the first time in one place, non-communicable disease (NCD) risk factor data collected from WHO Member States. NCD risk factor data are crucial for predicting the future burden of chronic diseases in populations and also for identifying potential interventions to reduce the future burden. The Infobase online dissemination tool provides not only data but also health information to help users understand health enquiries worldwide and improve the health of nations.

The Infobase is a dynamic and an on-going project. All graphs, maps and data tables are generated by retrieving data from a regularly updated database. 

Data Access: All Users

Type: Open Data

Country: International

URL: All Users

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The WomanStats Project is the most comprehensive compilation of information on the status of women in the world. The Project facilitates understanding the linkage between the situation of women and the security of nation-states. We comb the extant literature and conduct expert interviews to find qualitative and quantitative information on over 310 indicators of women's status in 174 countries. Our Database expands daily, and access to it is free of charge. The Project began in 2001, and today includes six principal investigators at five universities, as well as a team of up to twenty graduate and undergraduate data extractors. Please learn more by clicking First Time Users and watching our Video Tutorials. Or visit our Blog, where we discuss what we are finding, view our Maps, or read our Research reports. USERS MUST CREATE A FREE ACCOUNT.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Open Data

Country: International

URL: All Users

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WBG Finances is a World Bank Group digital platform that provides our clients and partners access to public financial data and portfolio information from across all Group entities in one place.

WBG Finances simplifies the presentation of financial information in an ‘easy to consume’ and in the context of Country and Portfolio across WBG.

All the data presented is available to everybody to analyze, visualize, and share with others. We invite you to explore the numerous tools, build your own visualizations or download the data in multiple formats.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Open Data, Statistics

Country: Canada, International, US

URL: All Users

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The World Values Survey ( is a global network of social scientists studying changing values and their impact on social and political life, led by an international team of scholars, with the WVS association and secretariat headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden.

The survey, which started in 1981, seeks to use the most rigorous, high-quality research designs in each country. The WVS consists of nationally representative surveys conducted in almost 100 countries which contain almost 90 percent of the world’s population, using a common questionnaire. The WVS is the largest non-commercial, cross-national, time series investigation of human beliefs and values ever executed, currently including interviews with almost 400,000 respondents. Moreover the WVS is the only academic study covering the full range of global variations, from very poor to very rich countries, in all of the world’s major cultural zones.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Microdata, Statistics

Country: International, US

URL: All Users

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The Yahoo Webscope Program is a reference library of interesting and scientifically useful datasets for non-commercial use by academics and other scientists.

All datasets have been reviewed to conform to Yahoo's data protection standards, including strict controls on privacy.

Yahoo is pleased to make these datasets available to researchers who are advancing the state of knowledge and understanding in web sciences. The datasets are only available for academic use by faculty and university researchers who agree to the Data Sharing Agreement.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Open Data

Country: International

URL: All Users

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