
Fonds Description

Macmillan Company of Canada fonds: Part IV. Sixth accrual (Accession No. 06-1993). -- 1947-1992.

Manuscripts, Typescripts, Proofs

BOX 381

F.1-16 Baxter, Angus. In Search of Your Roots. Printer’s ts., proofs, page proofs. 1978.
F.17-18 Birnie, Lisa Hobbs. Inside the Parole Board. Photocopy of ts., chapters 13 and 15, March 1989.
F.19-21 Bissoondath, Neil. Photocopy of ts. of short stories, “Goodnight, Mr. Slade”, “Security”, “Things Best Forgotten”, “Life of Goodbyes”, “Kira and Anya”, “The Power of Reason”, “Smoke”, “On the Eve of Uncertain Tomorrows”, and “The Arctic Landscape High Above the Equator”. [1980s?].
F.22 Brack, Pat and Ben. Moms Don’t Get Sick. Ts. 1988.
F.23-25 Collacott, Pam. Pam’s Kitchen. Photocopy of ts. and printer’s ts. 1989-90.

BOX 382

F.1-3 Collacott, Pam. Pam’s Kitchen. Printers ts. and proofs. 1990.
F. 4-6 Dawson, David Laing. Last Rights. Proofs. (not in files, 2 photocopies of ts. titled “Do Not Go Gentle”). 1990.
F.7-17 Doyle, Richard J. Hurly-Burly: A Time at the Globe. Photocopy of ts. and proofs. 1989-90.

BOX 383

F.1-4 Doyle, Richard J. Hurly-Burly: A Time at the Globe. Proofs. 1990.
Empringham, Charlotte. See Box 385, files 15-20.
F. 5-10 Foster, David. The Chocolate Ganongs of St. Stephen, New Brunswick. Printer’s ts. and proofs. 1990.
F. 11-17 Gaston, Bill. Tall Lives. Printer’s ts. and proofs. 1990.
F. 18-24 Gibbon, Ann and Hadekel, Peter. Steinberg: The Breakup of a Family Empire. Printer’s ts. and photocopy. 1990.

BOX 384

F.1-6 Gibbon, Ann and Hadekel, Peter. Steinberg: The Breakup of a Family Empire. Proofs. 1990.
F.7-17 Higgins, Michael W. and Letson, Douglas R. My Father’s Business: A Biography of His Eminence G. Emmett Cardinal Carter. Printer’s ts., photocopy of ts., and proofs. 1990.

BOX 385

F.1-6 Higgins, Michael W. and Letson, Douglas R. My Father’s Business: A Biography of His Eminence G. Emmett Cardinal Carter. Proofs. 1990.
F.7-11 Kendrick, Martyn. Nobody’s Children: The Foster Care Crisis in Canada. Printers ts.; proofs of small number of pages. 1990.
Letson, Douglas R. See Box 384, files 7-17, and Box 385, files 1-6.
F.8-14 McKay, Sharon E. The New Parent Survival Handboook. Printer’s ts., photocopy of ts., and proofs. 1990.
F.15-20 McMaster, Catha and Empringham, Charlotte. More Choice: The Canadian Diabetic Microwave Cookbook. Proofs and printer’s ts. 1991.

BOX 386

F.1-3 Metcalf, John and Thompson, Kent, eds. The Macmillan Anthology. Printer’s ts. 1990.
F. 4-16 North, Dick. Arctic Exodus: The Last Great Trail Drive. Printer’s ts., photocopy, and proofs (outside of file, artwork and mock-up of dust jacket). 1991.

BOX 387

F.1 Robertson, Alastair Howard. “Bread”. Photocopy of ts. 1981.
F.2-9 Schoemperlen, Diane. The Man of My Dreams: Stories. Printer’s ts., proofs (two sets), and disk. 1990.
Thompson, Kent. See Box 386, files 1-3.
F.10-18 Wright, L.R. “States of Exile”. 3 photocopies of ts. (2 untitled). 1989.
F.19-22 Young, Scott. The Boys of Saturday Night. Proofs (including photographs). 1990.

Promotion (includes correspondence, itineraries, reviews, and photographs):
BOX 388
Adams, Claude. See Box 401, files 20-23.
F.1-2 Adler, Bill and Costain, Thomas. The Revenge of the Robins Family. 1984-85.
Ackerman, Jerry. See Box 389, files 20-22.
Agranoff, Ann. See Box 388, file 6.
F.3-5 Amiel, Barbara. Confessions. 1980. See also Box 395, files 30-31, and Box 396, files 1-2.
F.6 Andares, Fred and and Agranoff, Ann. Ice Palaces. 1983-85.
F.7-9 Anderson, Allan and Tomlinson, Betty. Greetings from Canada: An Album of Unique Postcards from the Edwardian Era, 1900-1916. 1978-79.
F.10 Anderson, Allan. Remembering the Farm. 1977-79.
F.11-12 Anderson, Allan. Roughnecks & Wildcatters. Includes reel-to-reel tape. 1982.
F.13 Anderson, Allan. Salt Water, Fresh Water. 1979-80.
F.14 Anderson, Allan. Photographs and biographical information. 1979-80.
F.15 Anderson, Doris. Two Women. 1977-78.
F.16-17 Armstrong, Joe C.W. Champlain. 1987-88.
F.18 Augustyn, Frank. Photos. [198?].
F.19-20 Backhouse, Constance and Cohen, Leah. The Secret Oppression. 1979-80.
F.21 Bain, George. Letters from Lilac, 1965-1973. 1978.
F.22 Baird, Irene. Waste Heritage. 1982-83.
F.23-24 Base, Ron. Splendido. 1988-89.
Batten, Jack. See box 398 file 19.
F.25 Bawden, Nina. Henry. 1988.
F.26-27 Beddoes, Dick. Greatest Hockey Stories. 1990-1991.
F.28-29 Beddoes, Dick. Pal Hal. 1989.

BOX 389

F.1-2 Behrens, Peter. Night Driving. 1987.
F.3 Bickerstaff, Marietta and Isaac [pseud of Don Evans]. What’s the Difference?. 1980-81.
F. 4 Bellow, Saul. To Jerusalem and Back. 1976-77.
F.5-6 Blednick, Patrick. Another Day in Paradise?. 1988.
F.7-8 Bissoondath, Neil. A Casual Brutality. 1988-89.
F. 9-11 Bissoondath, Neil. Digging Up Mountains. 1985-86.
F.12-13 Black, Hawley. Easy Money. 1989-91.
F.14-15 Black, Hawley. How to Sell to the Government. 1989-90.
F.16 Bliss, Michael. A Canadian Millionaire: The Life and Times of Sir Joseph Flavelle, Bart. 1858-1939. [1978].
F.17 Bogarde, Dirk. A Particular Friendship. 1990.
F.18-19 Boyd, Jeff and Hunter, Doug. Trials: Canada I and the America’s Cup. 1984-85.
F.20-21 Brown, J.J. and Ackerman, Jerry. Start with $1000: Do-It-Yourself Investing for Canadians. 1982-83.
F.22 Brown, J.J. and Ackerman, Jerry. The New Start with $1000: Do-It-Yourself Investment Strategies. 1987.
F.23-24 Brown, J.J. Winning the Life Insurance Game. 1985.
F.25 Brown, Robert Craig. Robert Laird Borden: A Biography. 1980.
F.26 Bruce, Harry. Photos. 1977.
F.27-28 Bruce, Harry. Frank Sobey: The Man and the Empire. 1985-86.
F.29 Bruce, Harry. Lifeline: The Story of the Atlantic Ferry Services. 1977-79.

BOX 390

F.1-2 Bruce, Jean. Back the Attack! Canadian Women in the Second World War. 1985-86.
F. 3 Butler, Dougal. Full Moon: The Amazing Rock and Roll Life of the Late Keith Moon. 1981.
F. 4 Callaghan, Morley. General. 1960-76.
F. 5 Callaghan, Morley. A Broken Journey. 1976.
F. 6 Callaghan, Morley. Close to the Sun Again. 1977-83.
F. 7 Callaghan, Morley. A Fine and Private Place. 1975-84.
F. 8 Callaghan, Morley. It’s Never Over. 1972-73.
F. 9 Callaghan, Morley. The Loved and the Lost. 1951.
F.10 Callaghan, Morley. Luke Baldwin’s Vow. 1974.
F.11 Callaghan, Morley. The Many Colored Coat. 1959-83. Includes letter from Callaghan (4 pp.).
F.12 Callaghan, Morley. Morley Callaghan’s Stories. 1970-86.
F.13 Callaghan, Morley. No Man’s Meat and The Enchanted Pimp. 1978.
F. 14-15 Callaghan, Morley. Our Lady of the Snows. 1985.
F. 16 Callaghan, Morley. A Passion in Rome. 1951-66.
F. 17-18 Callaghan, Morley. That Summer in Paris. 1963-87.
F. 19-21 Callaghan, Morley. A Time for Judas. 1983-85.
F. 22 Callaghan, Morley. The Varsity Story. 1948-51.
F. 23 Canada Gazetteer Atlas. 1980.
F. 24 Chong, Elizabeth. Tiny Delights: Cooking Dim-Sum and Simple Chinese Dishes. 1987-88.
F. 25 Cleaver, Elizabeth. Petrouchka. 1980-85. Cohen, Leah. See box 388, files 19-20.
F. 26 Cole, Jean Murray. Exile in the Wilderness. 1979-80.

BOX 391

F.1-2 Coles, Don. The Prinzhorn Collection. 1982-85.
F.3-4 Corcoran, David. The West Coasters. 1986.
F.5-6 Corey, David and Solomon, Stan. Pain: Learning to Live without It. 1988.
Costain, Thomas. See Box 388, files 1-2.
F.7 Crosbie, John S. Crosbie’s Dictionary of Riddles. 1980-81.
F.8 Crosbie, John S. The World’s Worst Puns. 1982-83.
F.9 Cussler, Clive. Raise the Titanic. 1976-77.
F.10 Danby, Ken. Danby: Images of Sport. 1978.
F.11 Davies, Robertson. Awards. 1980-81.
F.12 Davies, Robertson. General articles. 1973-86.
F.13 Davies, Robertson. The Deptford Trilogy. 1983-87.
F.14 Davies, Robertson. Fifth Business. 1958-82.
F.15-9 Davies, Robertson. Lyre of Orpheus. 1988.
F.20 Davies, Robertson. Manticore. 1972. Includes letter from Gordon Sinclair.
F.21 Davies, Robertson. A Mixture of Frailties. 1958.
F.22 Davies, Robertson. One Half of Robertson Davies. 1970-79.
F.23-5 Davies, Robertson. The Rebel Angels. 1981-87.

BOX 392

F.1-3 Davies, Robertson. What’s Bred in the Bone. 1985-86. Includes letter from Davies to Carmel Shaffer.
F.4 Davies, Robertson. World of Wonders. 1975-76. Includes letter from Davies to Nora Clark.
F.5 de la Plante, Allan. Villeneuve. 1982-83.
F.6-7 Dennett, Laurie. A Hug for the Apostle: On Foot from Chartes to Santiago de Compostela. 1987-89.
F.8 Dennis, Charles. The Periwinkle Assault. 1983.
F.9-10 Dennis, Charles. This War Is Closed Until Spring. 1983.
F.11-12 Dennis, Ian. The Prince of Stars in the Cavern of Time. 1988.
F.13 Drabek, Jan. The Golden Revolution: Canadian Retirement Styles for the 1980s. 1982-89.
F.14-15 Drache, Arthur B.C. and Scheider, Susan Weidman. Head and Heart: Financial Strategies for Smart Women. 1987-88.
F.16-17 Drainie, Bronwyn. Living the Part: John Drainie and the Dilemma of Canadian Stardom. 1988-89.
F.18 The Drake International Canadian Secretary’s Handbook. 1983.
Drew, Wayland. See Box 398, files 5-6.
F.19-20 Drobot, Eve and Tennant, Hal. Words for Sale. 1979-83.

BOX 393

F.1-5 Dubro, James. Mob Rule: Inside the Canadian Mafia. 1981-88.
F.6-7 Epp, Frank H. Mennonites in Canada. 1982.
Estrin, David. See Box 403, file 10.
Evans, Don. See Box 389, file 3.
F.8-9 Friedland, Martin. The Trials of Israel Lipski. 1984-85.
F.10 Froud, Brian. Goblins. 1983.
F.11-12 Fry, Alan. Survival in the Wilderness. 1981-82.
F.13-14 Galbraith, John Kenneth. The Scotch. 1985.
F.15-16 Gallant, Mavis. From the Fifteenth District. 1979-87 .
F.17 Gallant, Mavis. Green Water, Green Sky. 1984-86. Includes 2 letters from Gallant to Carmel Shaffer.
F.18-20 Gallant, Mavis. Home Truths. 1981-87. Includes 2 letters from Gallant to Beata Hasznik and photocopies of other letters.
F.21 Gallant, Mavis. The Other Paris. 1986.
F.22-23 Gallant, Mavis. Overhead in a Balloon. 1985. Includes 2 letters from Gallant to Carmel Shaffer.
F.24-27 Gallant, Mavis. Paris Notebooks. 1985-86.
F.28 Gallant, Mavis. The Pegnitz Junction. 1982-83. Includes a post card and a letter from Gallant to Beata Hasznick.
F.29 Gargrave, Anthony and Hull, Raymond. How to Win an Election. 1979.
F.30 Gedge, Pauline. Photographs and biographical sheets. 1977-82.

BOX 394

F.1-3 Gedge, Pauline. Child of the Morning. 1977-87.
F.4-5 Gedge, Pauline. The Eagle and the Raven. 1979.
F.6-7 Gedge, Pauline. Stargate. 1982-83.
F.8-9 Gedge, Pauline. The Twelfth Transforming. 1984-85.
Gibson, J. Douglas. See Box 402, file 21.
F.10-11 Gordon, Charles. The Governor General’s Bunny Hop & Other Reports from the Nation’s Capital. 1985-86.
F.12-13 Gordon, Henry. Extrasensory Deception. 1988.
F.14-16 Govier, Katherine. Random Descent. 1978-79.
F.17-19 Gray, James. Troublemaker!. 1978.
F.20 Gray, John. Fun Tomorrow. 1978.
F.21 Gross, George. Hockey Night in Canada: The 1982-83 Season. 1982.
F.22 Guest, Judith. Ordinary People. 1976.
F.23-24 Gurr, David. A Woman Called Scylla. 1981.
F.25-27 Hall, Hamilton. The Back Doctor: Lifetime Relief for Your Aching Back. 1980-82.
F.28-31 Hamilton, William B. The Macmillan Book of Canadian Place Names. 1978-83
F. 32-33 Hamilton, William B. The Nova Scotia Traveller: A Maritimer’s Guide to His Home Province. 1981.

BOX 395

F.1 Hardy, George. Photographs, biographical information. 1979-80.
F.2 Hardy, George. The Bloodied Toga. 1979-80.
F.3 Hardy, George. The Scarlet Mantle. 1978-79.
F.4 Harris, Catherine. Photographs. 1984.
F.5-6 Harris, Catherine. Cash from Your Kitchen: A Complete Guide to Catering for Your Home. 1984-85.
Harris, Larry. See box 401, files 15-16.
F.7 Heaps, Leo. A Boy Called Nam: The True Story of How One Little Boy Came to Canada. 1984-85.
F.8 Heffron, Dorris. Rain and I. 1982.
F.9 Hémon, Louis. Maria Chapdelaine. 1986-87.
F.10 Herron, Shaun. At The House on Pine Street. 1988-89.
F.11 Heymann, C. David. Ezra Pound: The Last Rower. 1976.
F.12 Hodgins, Jack. Photographs, biographical information. 1978-81.
F.13-14 Hodgins, Jack. The Barclay Family Theatre. 1981-86.
F.15-16 Hodgins, Jack. The Invention of the World. 1977-86.
F.17 Hodgins, Jack. The Resurrection of Joseph Bourne. 1979.
F.18 Hodgins, Jack. Spit Delaney’s Island. 1976-87.
Hull, Raymond. See Box 393, file 29.
F.19 Hunter, J.F.M. Thinking about Sex and Love. 1980-83.
F.20 Hutchinson, Bruce. The Far Side of the Street (photos). 1976.
F.21-25 Jeanpac Series. 1982-86.
F.26-28 Jeanneret, Marsh. God and Mammon: Universities as Publishers. 1988-90.
F.29 Jonas, George. Biographical information. 1977-79.
F.30-31 Jonas, George and Amiel, Barbara. By Persons Unknown: The Strange Death of Christine Demeter. 1977-86.

BOX 396

F.1-2 Jonas, George and Amiel, Barbara. By Persons Unknown: The Strange Death of Christine Demeter. 1977-83.
F.3-4 Jonas, George. Final Degree. 1981.
F.5-7 Jonas, George. A Passion Observed: The True Story of a Motorcycle Racer. 1989-90.
F.8 Jury, Mark and Dan. Gramp. 1976.
F.9 Kain, Karen. Photographs. 1977.
F.10 Keating, Michael. Photographs and biographical information. [1986].
F.11-12 Kendrick, Martyn. Anatomy of a Nightmare: The Failure of Society in Dealing with Child Sexual Abuse. 1988.
F.13-14 Kendrick, Martyn. Nobody’s Children: The Foster Care Crisis in Canada. 1990.
F.15 Kennedy, Betty. Hurricane Hazel (photographs). 1979.
Koenig, Joseph. See box 398, file 1.
F.16-17 Kokin, Morris with Walker, Ian. Women Married to Alcoholics: Help and Hope for Nonalcoholic Partners. 1989.
F.18 Kosoy, Ted. Guide books. n.d.
F.19 Ladell, John and Monica. Inheritance: Ontario’s Century Farms Past and Present. 1979-80.
F.20 Laidlaw, Robert. The McGregors: A Novel of an Ontario Pioneer Family. 1979.
F.21-22 Landsberg, Michele. Women and Children First: A Provocative Look at Modern Canadian Women at Work and at Home. 1982.
F.23 La Rouche, Adelle. Binky and the Bamboo Brush. 1981-83.
F.24 Laurentian Library Series. 1978-79.
F.25-26 Lawrence, Hal. A Bloody War: One’s Memory of the Canadian Navy, 1939-1945. 1979-80.
F.27 Lee, Dennis. Biographical information. 1976-88.

BOX 397

F.1-2 Lee, Dennis. General promotion. 1979-90.
F.3-4 Lee, Dennis. Alligator Pie. 1978-87.
F.5-6 Lee, Dennis. Alligator Pie and Nicholas Knock and Other People. 1974-80.
F.5c Lee, Dennis, Matt Cohen and Hugh Kane, 4 letters, 1974-75 re Cohen possibly leaving M&S for Macmillan.
F.7 Lee, Dennis. The Dennis Lee Big Book. 1985.
F.8-9 Lee, Dennis. The Difficulty of Living on Other Planets. 1987-88.
F.10-12 Lee, Dennis. Garbage Delight. 1977-89. See also Box 401, file 3.
F.13-14 Lee, Dennis. Jelly Belly. 1983-85.

BOX 398

F.1 Levine, Sylvia and Koenig, Joseph. Why Men Rape: Interviews with Convicted Rapists. 1980-81.
F.2-4 Lewis, David. The Good Fight. 1981-82.
F.5-6 Littlejohn, Bruce and Drew, Wayland. Superior: The Haunted Shore. 1983-85.
Low, Gary. See box 399, files 13-15.
F.7-9 Lyon, Jim. Dome: The Rise and Fall of the House That Jack Built. 1982-83.
F.10-17 McCall-Newman, Christina. Grits: An Intimate Portrait of the Liberal Party. 1982-85.
F.18 McClelland, Hugh. The Bold Bad Buccaneers. 1967-68.
F.19 McGreevy, John. Glenn Gould Variations by Himself and His Friends. 1984-85.
F.20 McKay, Heather and Batten, Jack. Heather McKay’s Complete Book of Squash (photos). n.d.
F.21 MacLennan, Hugh. Each Man’s Son. 1950-52. Includes 4 letters from MacLennan to Frank Upjohn and Mary McAlpine.
F.22-24 MacLennan, Hugh. The Other Side of MacLennan: Selected Essays, Old and New. 1967-85. Includes a letter from MacLennan to Leslie MacDonald.

BOX 399

F.1-2 MacLennan, Hugh. Return of the Sphinx. 1967-80.
F.3-4 MacLennan, Hugh. Rivers of Canada. 1974-75. Includes 5 letters from MacLennan to Carolyn Smart and a review (ts.) by George Woodcock.
F.5 MacLennan, Hugh. Royal Bank award (and other awards). 1974-84. Includes letter from MacLennan to Carolyn Smart.
F.6 MacLennan, Hugh. Seven Rivers of Canada. 1951-62. Includes 2 letters from MacLennan to F.A. Upjohn and Mary McAlpine.
F.7 MacLennan, Hugh. Thirty and Three. 1954-72.
F.8 MacLennan, Hugh. Two Solitudes. 1986.
F.9-10 MacLennan, Hugh. Voices in Time. 1980-82. Includes letter from MacLennan to Carmel Shaffer.
F.10 MacLennan, Hugh. The Watch That Ends the Night. 1959-86.
F.11-12 McGowan, Christopher. In the Beginning...: A Scientist Shows Why the Creationists Are Wrong. 1982-83.
F.13-15 Mansell, William and Low, Gary. North American Birds of Prey. 1980-82.
F.16-17 Mathieson, William D. My Grandfather’s War: Canadians Remember the First World War, 1914-1918. 1981-82.
F.18-20 Mitchell, W.O. Dramatic W.O. Mitchell: Five Plays. 1982-84.

BOX 400

F.1-3 Mitchell, W.O. How I Spent My Summer Holiday. 1981-86.
F.4 Mitchell, W.O. Jake and the Kid. 1961-62.
F.5 Mitchell, W.O. The Kite. 1962.
F.6-8 Mitchell, W.O. Since Daisy Creek. 1983-87.
F.9-10 Mitchell, W.O. The Vanishing Point. 1973-80.
F.11-12 Mitchell, W.O. Who Has Seen the Wind. 1947-76.
F.13 Moysey, Joann. Your Move. 1981.
F.14 Munro, Alice. Biographical information and photographs. 1979-86.
F.15-16 Munro, Alice. The Moons of Jupiter. 1982-83.

BOX 401

F.1-2 Munro, Alice. Who Do You Think You Are?. 1978-81.
F.3 Newfeld, Frank. Garbage Delight. 1978-79. See also Box 397, files 10-12.
F.4 Nichols, Ruth. The Left-Handed Spirit. 1978.
F.5-14 Nielson, Erik. The House Is Not a Home. 1989-92.
F.15-16 Nutt, Hans with Larry Harris and Brian Taylor. Escape to Honour. 1984-86.
F.17 Palardy, Jean. The Early Furniture of French Canada. 1963-64.
F.18-19 Paris, Erna. Jews: An Account of Their Experience in Canada. 1980-81.
F.20-23 Pelletier, Jean and Adams, Claude. The Canadian Caper: The Inside Story of the Daring Rescue of Six American Diplomats Trapped in Iran. 1981-83.
F.24 Plimpton, George. Writers at Work. 1977.
F.25 Pyke, Linda. Prisoner. 1979

BOX 402

F.1-16 Radwanski, George. Trudeau. 1978-79.
F.17-18 Roy, Reginald H. 1944: The Canadians in Normandy. 1984-85.
F.19 Sampson, Anthony. The Seven Sisters: The Great Oil Companies and the World They Made. 1975.
Scheider, Susan Weidman. See Box 392, files 14-15.
F.20 Schull, Joseph. Edward Blake: Leader and Exile, 1881-1912. 1976.
F.21 Schull, Joseph and Gibson, J. Douglas. The Scotiabank Story: A History of the Bank of Scotia Scotia, 1832-1982. 1983.
F.22 Sheppard, Robert and Valpy, Michael. The National Deal: The Fight for a Canadian Constitution. 1984.
F.23-25 Shields, Carol. A Fairly Conventional Woman. 1982-85.
F.26 Shield, Carol. A Puli Named Sandor. 1981.
F.27-28 Smith, Donald B. Long Lance: The True Story of an Impostor. 1981-85.
F.29 Snyder, J. Christopher. How to Teach Your Children about Money. 1982.

BOX 403

F.1 Snyder, J. Christopher. How to Teach Your Children about Money. 1982-84.
Solomon, Stan. See box 391, files 5-6.
F.2-4 Synder, J. Christopher. How to Be Sure You Have the Right R.R.S.P. 1978-81.
F.5 Stacey, C.P. Quebec 1759: The Siege and the Battle. 1984.
F.6-7 Stanley, George F.G. The War of 1812: The Land Operations. 1983-84.
F.8-9 Stevenson, William. The Ghosts of Africa. 1980.
F.10 Swaigen, John and Estrin, David. Environment on Trial: A Handbook of Ontario Environmental Law. 1978-79.
F.11-14 Szanto, George. Not Working. 1983-84.
Taylor, Brian. See Box 401, files 15-16.
Tennant, Hal. See Box 392, file 19-20.
F.15 Tomkins, Calvin. The Scene: Reports on Post Modern Art. 1976.
Tomlinson, Betty. See Box 388 files 7-9.
F.16-17 Trofimenkoff, Susan Mann. The Dream of Nation: A Social and Intellectual History of Quebec. 1982-83.
Valpy, Michael. See Box 402, file 22.
F.18-19 Van Bommell, Harry. Defendo: The Total Self-Defense System. 1983-84.
Walker, Ian. See Box 396, files 16-17.
F.20 Wayman, Tom. For and Against the Moon (also Money and Rain: Tom Wayman Live! and Free Time). 1974-78.
F.21 White, Patrick. A Fringe of Leaves. 1977. Executive (Douglas M. Gibson, Linda McKnight).

Author Correspondence: BOX 404

Ackerman, Jerry. See Box 404, files 25-26.
F.1-4 Armstrong, Joe C.W. Champlain. 1984-88.
F.5 Bagnell, Kenneth. The Little Immigrants. 1978-81.
F.6-7 Barfoot, Joan. Dancing in the Dark. 1982-87.
F.8 Batten, Jack. Crang Plays the Ace. 1986.
F.9 Batten, Jack. Judges. 1986-87.
F.10 Batten, Jack. Lawyers. 1978-87.
F.11 Batten, Jack. On Trial. 1986-90.
F.12 Bauer, Steve and Donaldson, Gerald. Steve Bauer on Bicycling. 1988-89.
F.13 Bawden, Nina. The Outside Child. 1988-89.
F.14 Baxter, Angus. In Search of Your European Roots. 1983-89.
F.15 Baxter, Angus. In Search of Your British and Irish Roots. 1982-91.
F.16-17 Baxter, Angus. In Search of Your Roots. 1976-87.
F.18 Beresford-Howe, Constance. The Marriage Bed. 1980-84. Includes 1 letter from Beresford-Howe.
F.19 Beresford-Howe, Constance. Population of One. 1976-79. Includes 2 letters from Beresford-Howe.
F.20 Beresford-Howe, Constance. Night Studies. 1984-85.
F.21 Beresford-Howe, Constance. Prospero’s Daughter. 1987-88.
F.22 Bissoondath, Neil. A Causual Brutality. 1987-89.
F.23 Bissoondath, Neil. Digging up the Mountains. 1982-86.
F.24 Broadfoot, Barry. Re court case with Broadfoot’s agent, Frederick Wooding. 1976-86.
F.25-26 Brown, J.J. and Ackerman, Jerry. Start with $1000: Do-It-Yourself Investing for Canadians. 1981-87.
F.27 Brown, J.J. Winning the Life Insurance Game. 1984.
F.28 Callaghan, Morley. Reprint information. 1981-82.
F.29 Callghan, Morley. Close to the Sun Again. 1976-78.
F.30 Callaghan, Morley. No Man’s Meat and the Enchanted Pimp. 1978.
F.31 Callaghan, Morley. Our Lady of the Snows. 1984-85.
F.32 Callaghan, Morley. A Time for Judas. 1983-84. Includes 2 pp. of ts. marked with corrections.

BOX 405

F.1 Cohen, Dian. Proposed book on financial investments. 1981.
F.2 Coles, Don. Anniversaries and The Prinzhorn Collection. 1978-81.
F.3 Coles, Don. “Collected or Selected Poems”. 1985-86.
F.4 Coles, Don. The Prinzhorn Collection. 1981-85.
F.5 Consumer guide manual. The New Do-It Yourself Manual. 1987-89.
F.6 Cook, Ramsay. Canada and the French-Canadian Question. 1986.
F.7 Copeland, Glenn and Solomon, Stan. The Foot Doctor. 1984-86.
F.8 Davies, Robertson. Deptford Trilogy. 1987.
F.9 Davies, Robertson. One Half of Robertson Davies. 1977-78. Includes 2 letters from Davies.
F.10 Davies, Robertson. Rebel Angels. 1980-82. Includes 8 letters from Davies (plus his replies to Gibson and Elisabeth Sifton’s queries and his summary of the book for the flaps of the dust jacket).
F.11 Davies, Robertson. What’s Bred in the Bone. 1984-89. Includes 3 letters and a card from Davies (plus his replies to Gibson’s queries).
F.12-13 De Villiers, Marq. White Tribe Dreaming: Apartheid’s Bitter Roots, Notes of an 8th Generation Afrikaner. 1986-88.
F.14 de la Plante, Allan. Villeneuve!. 1982-83.
F.15 Dennett, Laurie. A Hug for the Apostle. 1986-89.
F.16 Dennis, Charles. This War Is Closed Until Spring. 1982-83.
F.17 Dickson, Lovat. Wilderness Man: The Strange Story of Grey Owl. 1983-84.
Donaldson, Gerald. See Box 404, file 12.
F.18 Drache, Arthur B.C. and Schneider, Susan Weidman. Head and Heart: Financial Strategies for Smart Woman. 1986-87.

BOX 406

F.1-2 Drache, Arthur B.C. and Schneider, Susan Weidman. Head and Heart: Financial Strategies for Smart Woman. 1986-88.
F.3 Dubro, Jamre. Mob Mistress: How a Canadian Mistress Became a Mafia Playgirl. 1986-88.
F.4-6 Dubro, James. Mob Rule: Inside the Canadian Mafia. 1985-88.
F.7 Dunkelman, Ben. Dual Allegiance. 1976-84.
F.8 Financial Post books project. 1975-79.
F.9 Francis, Diane. Controlling Interest: Who Owns Canada? 1985-87.
F.10 Gage Canadian Dictionary. 1984-86.
F.11 Galbraith, John Kenneth. The Scotch. 1984-85. Includes 2 letters from Galbraith.
F.12 Gallant, Mavis. A Fairly Good Time. 1983.
F.13 Gallant, Mavis. From the Fifteenth District. 1979-86.
F.14 Gallant, Mavis. Green Winter, Green Sky. 1982-83.
F.15 Gallant, Mavis. Home Truths. 1980-85. Includes 4 letters from Gallant.
F.16-17 Gallant, Mavis. The Other Paris. 1983-86. Includes 2 letters from Gallant.
F.18 Gallant, Mavis. Overhead in a Balloon. 1984-1990. Includes an annotated sheet in Gallant’s hand of where the stories first appeared.
F.19-20 Gallant, Mavis. Paris Notebooks: Essays and Reviews. 1986-87. Includes 7 letters and 2 cards from Gallant (and photocopies of other letters).
F.21 Gargrave, Anthony and Hull, Raymond. How to Win an Election. 1976-78.
F.22 Gedge, Pauline. Child of the Morning. 1976-1990.
F.23 Gedge, Pauline. The Eagle and the Raven. 1979-89.
F.24 Gedge, Pauline. Stargate. 1982-83.
F.25 Gedge, Pauline. The Twelfth Transforming. 1984.

BOX 407

F.1 Hémon, Louis. Maria Chapdelaine. 1980-82.
F.2 House, J.D. Book on development of oil industry in Canada. 1979.
Hull, Raymond. See Box 408, file 21.
F.3 James, William C. Book on A.A. Chesterfield. 1982.
F.4 Jones, Donald. Book on walking tours of Toronto. 1975.
F.5 Kerby, Blaik. Biography of Herman Geiger-Torel. 1978-79.
F.6 Kusher, D.J. “The Christmas Tree Watcher”. 1981-82.
F.7 Landsberg, Michele. Children’s books. 1980-83.
F.8 Lawrence, Hal. Anthology of Great Canadian Sea Stories. 1982.
F.9 Mackay, Donald. Book on Macmillan-Bloedel, 1979-80.
F.10 Maclean-Hunter history. 1979.
F.11 McNeil, Bill. Novel on Cape Breton mines. 1979-80.
F.12 McNeill, Norma and Noyes, Joan. Your Child Can Win: Strategies, Activities and Games for Parents of Children with Learning Disabilities. 1981-86.
F.13 Mallory, Enid. “Over the Counter”. 1981-82.
F.14 Marcus, Clare. Who Is My Mother. 1983-84.
F.15 Mathieson, William D. In the Midst of Adventure. 1982.
F.16 Mathieson, William D. We Survived. 1984-86.
F.17 National Hockey League. 1985.
Noyes, Joan. See box 407, file 12.
Schneider, Susan Weidman. See Box 405, file 18, and box 406, files 1-2.
Solomon, Stan. See box 405, file 7.

BOX 408

F.1 “W” miscellaneous. 1977-85.
F.2 Wade, Mason. “Maritime Melting Pot”. 1984-85.
F.3 Webster, Norman. 1980-84.
F.4 Wolfe, Morris. 1978-79.
F.5 “Y” miscellaneous. 1978-81.
F.6 “Z” miscellaneous. 1980-85. Executive (Douglas M. Gibson).

Other Material:
F.7 Burns & MacEachern Ltd. 1978-79.
F.8 Gibson’s expense reports. 1982-85.
F.9-11 Gibson’s personal files. 1978-85.
F.12 Gibson’s Trade Editor Course. 1979-80.
F.13 Illustrators. 1979-85.
F.14 Macmillan U.K. 1978-79.
F.15-19 “Mss. [manuscripts] to Come, A to V”. 1979-83.
F.20 Ontario Arts Council. 1978-585.
F.21 Production. 1978-81.
F.22 Prospective Paperback Titles. 1985-86.
F.23 Western Trip. 1976-83. Executive.

Minutes and Related Documents: BOX 409

F.1-3 Production Minutes. 1988-91.
F.4-13 (Trade) Editorial Meeting Minutes. 1980-84, 1988-92.
F.14-18. Sales Conferences (information on individual books published). 1979-82.
F.19 “New from Macmillan”. 1992.

Contracts, Subsidiary Rights, and Permission (Ann Nelles): BOX 410

Ackerman, Jerry. See Box 410, file 6.
F.1 Armstrong, Joe C.W. Champlain. 1986-88.
F.2-4 Bagnell, Kenneth. Little Immigrants. 1979-88.
F.5 Batten, Jack. The Leafs of Autumn. 1975.
F.6 Brown, J.J. and Ackerman, Jerry. Start with $1000: Do-It-Yourself Investing for Canadians. 1981-88.
F.7 Brown, J.J. Winning the Life Insurance Game. 1983-86.
F.8 Bruce, Harry. Frank Sobey: The Man and the Empire. 1984-88.
F.9 Bruce, Harry. Lifeline: The Story of the Atlantic Ferry Services. 1975-87.
F.10 Chalmers, Floyd S. Both Sides of the Street: One Man’s Life in Business and the Arts in Canada. 1982-83.
F.11 Chernick, Beryl A. and Chernick, Avinoam. In Touch: Putting Sex Back in Love and Marriage. 1981-88.
F.12 Chong, Elizabeth. Tiny Delights: Cooking Dim-Sum and Simple Chinese Dishes. 1987-88.
F.13 Clavell, James. Whirlwind. 1986.
F.14 Clery, Val. La Cucina. 1986.
F.15 Corcoran, David. The West Coasters. 1985-88.
F.16 Dubro, James. Mob Rule: Inside the Canadian Mafia. 1984-86.
F.17 Fathom World Research Inc. Inside Dope: Illicit Drug Activities in Canada. 1988.
F.18 Fazakas, Ray. The Donnelly Album. 1982-87.
F.19 Ferguson, Trevor. High Water Chants. 1983-84.
F.20 Findley, Timothy. The Last of the Crazy People. 1977-83.
F.21 Fine, Diane. Perfect Pies: A Complete Savory and Sweet Fare of Unique Pies. 1985.
F.22 Fraser, Graham. Réné Lévesque & the Parti Québecois in Power. 1982-86.
F.23 Froud, Brian. Goblins. 1983.
F.24 Fry, Alan. Survival in the Wilderness. 1982-86.
F.25-28 Van Bommell, Harry. Defendo: The Total Self-Defense System. 1983-86. (remaining items, company catalogues and others, 1986-1992, not part of any series)

Artwork (photographs, drawings, etc.): BOX 411

F.1 Certificate of excellence for design. 1974.
F.2 Colour photographs and slides (not in file) of dust jackets of books. 1980s.
F.3 Photographs (copies from the National Archives of Canada) for book on German prisoners of war in Canada. [1980s?].
F.4 Photo and internal memos re book on the Gestapo. 1985.
Adams, Claude. See box 412, file 11.
F.5 Amiel, Barbara. Confessions. [1980]. See also box 411, file 24.
F.6 Barfoot, Joan. Duet for Three. 1985.
F.7 Batten, Jack. “In Court” [Lawyers?]. [1978?].
F.8 Batten, Jack. Judges. 1984.
F.9 Batten, Jack. 1987.
F.10 Bruce, Harry. Frank Sobey: The Man and the Empire. [1984?].
F.11 Bruce, Jean. Back the Attack! Canadian Women in the Second World War. 1985.
F.12 Callaghan, Morley. Morley Callaghan’s Stories. 1986.
F.13 Callaghan, Morley. Our Lady of the Snows. 1985.
F.14 Callaghan, Morley. A Time for Judas. 1983.
F.15 Chalmers, Floyd S. Both Sides of the Street: One Man’s Life in Business and the Arts in Canada. 1983.
F.16 Dryden, Ken. The Game. 1983.
F.17 Gruending, Dennis. Emmett Hall: Establishment Radical. [1985].
F.18 Hall, Hamilton. The Back Doctor: Lifetime Relief for Your Aching Back. [1980].
F.19 Harris, Catherine. Cash from Your Kitchen: A Complete Guide to Catering from Your Home. [1984].
Harris, Larry. See box 412, file 10.
F.20 Harron, Don. Debunk’s Guide to the Canadian Establishment. 1984.
F.21 Harron, Don. Yer Last Decadent: A Contemptuary Histry of Canada from Yer Fall of ‘72 to Yer Deekline of ‘82. [1982].
F.22 Heaps, Leo. A Boy Called Nam: The True Story of How One Little Boy Came to Canada. [1984].
F.23 Hodgins, Jack. The Invention of the World. 1986.
F.24 Jonas, George and Amiel, Barbara. By Persons Unknown: The Strange Death of Christine Demeter. 1983.

BOX 412

F.1 Lyon, Jim. Dome: The Rise and Fall of the House That Jack Built. 1983.
F.2 McCall-Newman, Christina. Grits: An Intimate Portrait of the Liberal Party. 1968-83.
F.3 MacDonnell, Tom. Never Let Go: The Tragedy of Kristy McFarlane. [1987].
F.4 MacGregor, Roy. The Last Season. 1983.
F.5 McNeil, Bill. Voice of the Pioneer (vol. 2). 1984.
F.6 McNeill, Norma and Noyes, Joan. Your Child Can Win: Strategies, Activities and Games for Parents of Children with Learning Disabilities. 1982.
F.7 McQueen, Rod. Blind Trust: Inside the Sinclair Stevens Affair. [1987].
F.8 Melady, John. Korea: Canada’s Forgotten War. 1987.
F.8 Morley, Patricia. Kurelek: A Biography. 1986.
F.9 Munro, Alice. The Moons of Jupiter. 1982.
Noyes, Joan. See box 412, file 6.
F.10 Nutt, Hans with Larry Harris and Brian Taylor. Escape to Honour. 1984.
F.11 Pelletier, Jean and Adams, Claude. The Canadian Caper: The Inside Story of the Daring Rescue of Six American Diplomats Trapped in Iran. 1980.
F.12 Ritchie, Charles. My Grandfather’s House: Scenes of Childhood and Youth. [1987].

BOX 413

F.1 Roy, Reginald H. 1944: The Canadians in Normandy. [1984].
F.2 Russell, Andy. Memories of a Mountain Man. 1984.
F.3 Simpson, Jeffrey. The Canadian Guide to Great Britain. 1985.
F.4 Starkins, Edward. Who Killed Janet Smith?: The 1924 Vancouver Killing That Remains Canada’s Most Intriguing Unsolved Murder. 1984.
F.5 Stewart-Patterson, David. Post Mortem: Why Canada’s Mail Won’t Move. [1980s].
Taylor, Brian. See Box 412, file 10.
F.6 Ursell, Geoffrey. Perdue; or, How the West Was Lost. 1984.
F.7 Van Bommell, Harry. Defendo: The Total Self-Defense System. [1983].

Fonds Description

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Finding Aid - Eighth Accrual

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Last Reviewed: March 19, 2009