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AidData engages in a variety of data collection and value addition activities to publish its ever-expanding suite of data products. Data collection takes place along two distinct product lines: Aggregate Data (or data represented as a single, composite value) and Project-Level Data (or data consisting of distinct, project activities with accompanying project information). AidData's data is sourced from various locations, including but not limited to the OECD-DAC's Creditor Reporting System (CRS), donor systems (such as official data from individual donor governments), and recipient systems (such as Aid Information Management Systems). Value addition activities include (1) activity and purpose coding, (2) geocoding (to produce our expanding repository of sub-national, geospatial research datasets) (3) data curation (the linking, deduplication and presentation of project records gathered from different sources or data collection activities), and (4) data quality assurance (the transformation and verification of data according to standard AidData practice). AidData also collects official project-level data on the development finance activities of non-OECD bilateral and multilateral donors, as well as data on Chinese development finance, collected using AidData's unique Tracking Under-reported Financial Flows (TUFF) methodology.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Microdata, Open Data, Statistics

Country: International

URL: All Users

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There is a lot of data on the site. Some of it is ours and much of it comes from

Data Access: All Users

Type: Open Data, Statistics

Country: Canada, US

URL: All Users

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The Datahub provides free access to many of CKAN's core features, letting you search for data, register published datasets, create and manage groups of datasets, and get updates from datasets and groups you're interested in. You can use the web interface or, if you are a programmer needing to connect the Datahub with another app, the CKAN API.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Open Data

Country: Canada, International, US

URL: All Users

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This site is a first-release of the Commerce Data Hub, a platform to connect data customers with the data they need. Search over 40,000 datasets.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Open Data, Statistics

Country: US

URL: All Users

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The Directorate of Economics and Statistics (DES), an attached office of the Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, collects, disseminates and publishes statistics on diverse facets of agriculture and related sectors required for policy formulation by the Government. 

Data Access: All Users

Type: Open Data

Country: International

URL: All Users

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A trusted source for a variety of data and statistics on the US. This website lists statistical information on a wide range of topics from many government agencies in US. You may need to do further research to find out which agency has the information you are looking for.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Data Visualization, Microdata, Open Data, Statistics

Country: US

URL: All Users

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The Google Public Data Explorer makes large, public-interest datasets easy to explore, visualize and communicate. As the charts and maps animate over time, the changes in the world become easier to understand. You don't have to be a data expert to navigate between different views, make your own comparisons, and share your findings.

Students, journalists, policy makers and everyone else can play with the tool to create visualizations of public data, link to them, or embed them in their own webpages. Embedded charts and links can update automatically so you’re always sharing the latest available data.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Open Data

Country: Canada, International, US

URL: All Users

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The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) collects, analyzes, and disseminates independent and impartial energy information to promote sound policymaking, efficient markets, and public understanding of energy and its interaction with the economy and the environment.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Open Data, Statistics

Country: Canada, International, US

URL: All Users

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The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) seeks sustainable solutions for ending hunger and poverty. IFPRI is one of 15 centers supported by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), an alliance of 64 governments, private foundations, and international and regional organizations.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Open Data

Country: International

URL: All Users

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The ISSP is a cross-national collaboration programme conducting annual surveys on diverse topics relevant to social sciences.

Established in 1984 by its founding members Australia, Germany, Great Britain and the US, the ISSP has since included members covering various cultures around the globe. Its institutional members, each of them representing one nation, consist of academic organizations, universities, or survey agencies.

Since its foundation, over one million respondents have participated in the surveys of the ISSP. All collected data and documentation is available free of charge.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Microdata, Open Data

Country: International, US

URL: All Users

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The Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS) is a household survey program housed within the Surveys & Methods Unit of the World Bank's Development Research Group that provides technical assistance to national statistical offices (NSOs) in the design and implementation of multi-topic household surveys. Since its inception in the early 1980s, the LSMS program has worked with dozens of statistics offices around the world: generating high-quality data, incorporating innovative technologies and improved survey methodologies, and building technical capacity. The LSMS team also provides technical support across the World Bank in the design and implementation of household surveys and in the measurement and monitoring of poverty.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Open Data, Statistics

Country: International

URL: All Users

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The London Datastore has been created by the Greater London Authority (GLA) as an innovation towards freeing London’s data. We want citizens to be able access the data that the GLA and other public sector organisations hold, and to use that data however they see fit – free of charge.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Open Data, Statistics

Country: International

URL: All Users

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The National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) supports research into our world’s frozen realms: the snow, ice, glaciers, frozen ground, and climate interactions that make up Earth’s cryosphere. NSIDC manages and distributes scientific data, creates tools for data access, supports data users, performs scientific research, and educates the public about the cryosphere. 

Data Access: All Users

Type: Open Data

Country: International

URL: All Users

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NBA Player and Team Statistics from 2002 to 2017.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Open Data, Statistics

Country: US

URL: All Users

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NFL Player and Team Statistics from 2002 to 2016.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Open Data, Statistics

Country: US

URL: All Users

More Info/Permalink is a searchable catalog / registry / directory / bibliography of research data repositories

Data Access: All Users

Type: Microdata, Open Data, Statistics

Country: Canada, International, US

URL: All Users

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A group of sites providing both basic and sabermetric statistics and resources for sports fans everywhere. Our aim is to be the easiest-to-use, fastest, most complete sources for sports statistics anywhere.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Open Data, Statistics

Country: US

URL: All Users

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The World Bank has one of the largest repositories of microdata for development which is fully searchable and includes a citation index. The data include census and survey data on a range of development topics. It uses international norms for documenting microdata (DDI, Dublin Core). Currently, it covers 125 countries. Data for all studies listed are available to researchers either through direct download or a more detailed application process.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Open Data, Statistics

Country: International

URL: All Users

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DataBank is an analysis and visualization tool that contains collections of time series data on a variety of topics. You can create your own queries; generate tables, charts, and maps; and easily save, embed, and share them.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Data Visualization, Open Data, Statistics

Country: Canada, International, US

URL: All Users

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The Global Consumption Database is a one-stop source of data on household consumption patterns in developing countries. It is designed to serve a wide range of users—from researchers seeking data for analytical studies to businesses seeking a better understanding of the markets into which they are expanding or those they are already serving.


The data are based on national household surveys, which collect information for a group of households representative of the entire country. For each of the countries covered, the resulting datasets have been used to calculate the share of the population at different levels of consumption.


Four levels of consumption are used to segment the market in each country: lowest, low, middle, and higher. They are based on global income distribution data, which rank the global population by income per capita. The lowest consumption segment corresponds to the bottom half of the global distribution, or the 50th percentile and below; the low consumption segment to the 51th–75th percentiles; the middle consumption segment to the 76th–90th percentiles; and the higher consumption segment to the 91st percentile and above.


The Global Consumption Database is the most comprehensive data source to date on consumer spending patterns in developing countries. It builds on the 2007 report The Next 4 Billion, published by IFC (a member of the World Bank Group) and the World Resources Institute.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Open Data, Statistics

Country: International

URL: All Users

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The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) launched a new internet based data service for the global user community. It brings UN statistical databases within easy reach of users through a single entry point ( Users can now search and download a variety of statistical resources of the UN system.

Useful features like Country Profiles, Advanced Search and Glossaries are also provided to aid research. The numerous databases, tables and glossaries containing over 60 million data points cover a wide range of themes including Agriculture, Crime, Education, Employment, Energy, Environment, Health, HIV/AIDS, Human Development, Industry, Information and Communication Technology, National Accounts, Population, Refugees, Tourism, Trade, as well as the Millennium Development Goals indicators. 

Data Access: All Users

Type: Open Data, Statistics

Country: Canada, International, US

URL: All Users

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