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Afrobarometer is an independent, non-partisan research project that measures the social, political, and economic atmosphere in Africa.

Afrobarometer surveys are conducted in more than 30 African countries and are repeated on a regular cycle. Because the instrument asks a standard set of questions, countries can be systematically compared. Trends in public attitudes are tracked over time. Results are shared with decision makers, policy advocates, civic educators, journalists, researchers, donors and investors, as well as average Africans who wish to become more informed and active citizens.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Microdata, Open Data, Statistics

Country: International

URL: All Users

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The database includes a broad set of information in a format intended to facilitate reference and calculation. There is currently data for 50 countries. More to come. Updates once each year.

AMAD Online is available to subscribers for free. 

Data Access: All Users

Type: Statistics

Country: International

URL: All Users

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AidData engages in a variety of data collection and value addition activities to publish its ever-expanding suite of data products. Data collection takes place along two distinct product lines: Aggregate Data (or data represented as a single, composite value) and Project-Level Data (or data consisting of distinct, project activities with accompanying project information). AidData's data is sourced from various locations, including but not limited to the OECD-DAC's Creditor Reporting System (CRS), donor systems (such as official data from individual donor governments), and recipient systems (such as Aid Information Management Systems). Value addition activities include (1) activity and purpose coding, (2) geocoding (to produce our expanding repository of sub-national, geospatial research datasets) (3) data curation (the linking, deduplication and presentation of project records gathered from different sources or data collection activities), and (4) data quality assurance (the transformation and verification of data according to standard AidData practice). AidData also collects official project-level data on the development finance activities of non-OECD bilateral and multilateral donors, as well as data on Chinese development finance, collected using AidData's unique Tracking Under-reported Financial Flows (TUFF) methodology.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Microdata, Open Data, Statistics

Country: International

URL: All Users

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FastStats – Statistics by Topic

The FastStats site provides quick access to statistics on topics of public health importance and is organized alphabetically. Links are provided to publications that include the statistics presented, to sources of more data, and to related web pages.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Open Data, Statistics

Country: US

URL: All Users

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City Mayors is a leading international source for urban statistics.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Statistics

Country: International

URL: All Users

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This site is a first-release of the Commerce Data Hub, a platform to connect data customers with the data they need. Search over 40,000 datasets.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Open Data, Statistics

Country: US

URL: All Users

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The Complex Emergency Database (CE-DAT) is an international initiative that monitors and evaluates the health status of populations affected by complex emergencies.

CE-DAT is managed by the Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED) and was created in 2003 as an outcome of SMART, an interagency initiative to encourage rational, evidence-driven humanitarian decision-making.

CE-DAT is a database of mortality and malnutrition rates - the most commonly used public health indicators of the severity of a humanitarian crisis. Field agencies use mortality and nutrition indicators to identify and measure the severity of needs in order to prioritize human and financial resources. These indicators have also been shown to be useful in monitoring the extent to which the relief system is meeting the needs of vulnerable populations and thus the overall impact and effectiveness of the relief system.

Today, with over 2,000 surveys and 20,000 health indicators, CE-DAT serves as a unique source of field data for monitoring the health status of conflict-affected populations and for the production of trend analyses, impact briefings and policy recommendations.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Open Data, Statistics

Country: International

URL: All Users

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A trusted source for a variety of data and statistics on the US. This website lists statistical information on a wide range of topics from many government agencies in US. You may need to do further research to find out which agency has the information you are looking for.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Data Visualization, Microdata, Open Data, Statistics

Country: US

URL: All Users

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Statistical tables in which sexual orientation is included. Mostly U.S. but some international and Canadian studies as well.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Statistics

Country: Canada, International, US

URL: All Users

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The Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking Data Resource Center provides information on how data are collected and used in the states. Funded by the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the purpose of the Center is to provide information to researchers, practitioners and members of the public interested in finding, using, or understanding domestic and sexual violence and stalking data. Please note that JRSA does not collect data, but is a resource for assisting you to find the information that you need.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Microdata, Statistics

Country: US

URL: All Users

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An Enterprise Survey is a firm-level survey of a representative sample of an economy’s private sector. The surveys cover a broad range of business environment topics including access to finance, corruption, infrastructure, crime, competition, and performance measures. Since 2002, the World Bank has collected this data from face-to-face interviews with top managers and business owners in over 130,000 companies in 135 economies. More detailed information about the Enterprise Surveys can be found on the Methodology page. Since 2005-06, most data collection efforts have been centralized within the Enterprise Analysis Unit; these surveys are conducted using the Global Methodology. To date, over 94,000 interviews in 126 countries have taken place under the Global Methodology.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Statistics

Country: International

URL: All Users

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It is an on-line multilingual database covering statistics on agriculture, nutrition, fisheries, forestry, food aid, land use and population.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Statistics

Country: International

URL: All Users

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The gateway to statistics from over 100 U.S. Federal agencies.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Statistics

Country: US

URL: All Users

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The Census Bureau collects data on fertility in several of its surveys.

An historical perspective showing the cumulative fertility experience of women to date is available in the June Supplement to the Current Population Survey (CPS), which is collected every 2 years. The CPS data are collected from two survey questions asked of women 15 to 44 years old: (1) "How many children have you ever had?" and (2) "What is the date of birth of your last child?"

The Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) includes a Fertility History Topical Module, with detailed questions about fertility of American women and men, children ever born, mothers’ participation in the labor force, and maternity leave. The SIPP has the most detailed information on fertility and it is collected intermittently.

The current fertility experiences of women with a birth in the last year are shown based on data collected from the American Community Survey at the national and state level collected annually. The ACS fertility data are from a single survey question asked of women 15 to 50 years old: "Has this person given birth to any children in the past 12 months?" Some of the tables provide detail by age and/or race. Tables from the American Community Survey (ACS) are available at various levels of geography.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Statistics

Country: US

URL: All Users

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Gapminder is a non-profit venture promoting sustainable global development and achievement of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals by increased use and understanding of statistics and other information about social, economic and environmental development at local, national and global levels.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Statistics

Country: Canada, International, US

URL: All Users

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The Groningen Growth and Development Centre was founded in 1992 within the Economics Department of the University of Groningen by a group of researchers working on comparative analysis of levels of economic performance and differences in growth rates. The activities of the Centre are primarily in the field of research. This research is largely based on a range of comprehensive databases on indicators of growth and development that the Centre compiles and maintains on a regular basis. The participants of the Centre publish papers, articles and books often linked to these databases.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Open Data, Statistics

Country: International

URL: All Users

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Santéscope is an internet tool that facilitates access to information on the health and well being of the Quebec population. Health data are presented from three different perspectives.

A first set of analysis presents time comparisons for Quebec with an emphasis on socioeconomic health disparities, rural versus urban settings and geographic disparities at local and regional levels.

A second set of analysis contrasts Québec with the Canadian provinces, the 50 American states and with OECD countries and France in particular.

Finally, Santéscope presents detailed analyses of major health issues, and provides methodological tools and guides. Links to related publications are also provided.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Open Data, Statistics

Country: Canada, International, US

URL: All Users

More Info/Permalink is your gateway to understanding life outside your home. Use our country comparison tool to compare living conditions in your own country to those of another. Start by selecting a region to compare on the map to the right, and begin your exploration.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Statistics

Country: Canada, International

URL: All Users

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IPUMS-International is a project dedicated to collecting and distributing census data from around the world. Its goals are to:

  • Collect and preserve data and documentation
  • Harmonize data
  • Disseminate the data absolutely free!

Data Access: All Users

Type: Microdata

Country: International

URL: All Users

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IPUMS-USA is a project dedicated to collecting and distributing United States census data. Its goals are to:

  • Collect and preserve data and documentation
  • Harmonize data
  • Disseminate the data absolutely free!

Data Access: All Users

Type: Microdata

Country: US

URL: All Users

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An international consortium of more than 700 academic institutions and research organizations, ICPSR provides leadership and training in data access, curation, and methods of analysis for the social science research community.

ICPSR maintains a data archive of more than 500,000 files of research in the social sciences. It hosts 16 specialized collections of data in education, aging, criminal justice, substance abuse, terrorism, and other fields.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Microdata

Country: Canada, International, US

URL: McMaster Users

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The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) collects, analyzes, and disseminates independent and impartial energy information to promote sound policymaking, efficient markets, and public understanding of energy and its interaction with the economy and the environment.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Open Data, Statistics

Country: Canada, International, US

URL: All Users

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The ISSP is a cross-national collaboration programme conducting annual surveys on diverse topics relevant to social sciences.

Established in 1984 by its founding members Australia, Germany, Great Britain and the US, the ISSP has since included members covering various cultures around the globe. Its institutional members, each of them representing one nation, consist of academic organizations, universities, or survey agencies.

Since its foundation, over one million respondents have participated in the surveys of the ISSP. All collected data and documentation is available free of charge.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Microdata, Open Data

Country: International, US

URL: All Users

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A project of the Annie E. Casey Foundation, KIDS COUNT is the premier source for data on child and family well-being in the United States. Access hundreds of indicators, download data and create reports and graphics on the KIDS COUNT Data Center that support smart decisions about children and families.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Statistics

Country: US

URL: All Users

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The Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS) is a household survey program housed within the Surveys & Methods Unit of the World Bank's Development Research Group that provides technical assistance to national statistical offices (NSOs) in the design and implementation of multi-topic household surveys. Since its inception in the early 1980s, the LSMS program has worked with dozens of statistics offices around the world: generating high-quality data, incorporating innovative technologies and improved survey methodologies, and building technical capacity. The LSMS team also provides technical support across the World Bank in the design and implementation of household surveys and in the measurement and monitoring of poverty.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Open Data, Statistics

Country: International

URL: All Users

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The London Datastore has been created by the Greater London Authority (GLA) as an innovation towards freeing London’s data. We want citizens to be able access the data that the GLA and other public sector organisations hold, and to use that data however they see fit – free of charge.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Open Data, Statistics

Country: International

URL: All Users

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This website contains UNICEF’s statistical information, including data used in UNICEF’s flagship publications, The State of the World’s Children and Progress for Children. Also here are technical resources for conducting UNICEF-supported Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS), which are a major source of global development data.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Open Data, Statistics

Country: International

URL: All Users

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This page is a portal to the online data dissemination activities of the Division of Vital Statistics, including both interactive online data access tools and downloadable public use data files.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Microdata, Open Data, Statistics

Country: US

URL: All Users

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The U.S. Natural Hazard Statistics provide statistical information on fatalities, injuries and damages caused by weather related hazards. These statistics are compiled by the Office of Services and the National Climatic Data Center from information contained in Storm Data, a report comprising data from NWS forecast offices in the 50 states, Puerto Rico, Guam and the Virgin Islands.

Data Access: All Users

Type: Statistics

Country: US

URL: All Users

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A jointly funded project between the Ontario Council of University Libraries (OCUL) and OntarioBuys provides university researchers with access to datasets in a web-based data extraction system delivered through the Scholars Portal model. The project targets Statistics Canada datasets, datafiles from Gallup Canada and other polling companies, public-domain files such as the Canadian National Election Surveys and selected files from the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR). The files are marked-up using DDI, an international, XML-based metadata tagging system which allows data resource discovery, distributed access, extraction and analysis ... researchers working with opinion polls will be able to search across hundreds of datasets and collections to see trends and historical patterns over time"--summarized from the project page.

Data Access: McMaster Users

Type: Microdata, Statistics

Country: Canada, US

URL: McMaster Users

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