
Fonds Description

Hamilton and District Labour Council

Hamilton and District Labour Council. Second accrual. 1957-1994. – 7.9 m of textual records and graphic material.

Series 1
Correspondence. –1968-1993. – 3.2 m of textual records and graphic material. – Title based on content of series. – Order of series is chronological. Occasionally files contain more than one year; those exceptions are noted. The government files contain letters from prime ministers and premiers such as Pierre Trudeau, Joe Clark, Brian Mulroney, William G. Davis and Bob Rae, as well as many cabinet members and opposition leaders such as Robert L. Stanfield, Edward Broadbent and Stephen Lewis.

Box 122
F.1 Conferences–Urban Development, Housing, and Taxation

F.2 George Burt Testimonial Banquet
F.3 Charitable donations
F.4 Conferences–IAPA-Labour
F.5 Government–federal and provincial
F.6 Labour College of Canada
F.7-8 Miscellaneous–non-union
F.9 Miscellaneous–union
F.10 National Labour Co-operative Committee
F.11 New Democratic Party
F.12 Ontario Federation of Labour
F.13 Ontario Welfare Council
F.14 Other Labour Council
F.15 United Appeal

F.16 Steele Commission

F.17 Addiction Research Foundation
F.18 Affiliates
F.19 Canadian Labour Congress
F.20 Charitable donations
F.21 Education
F.22 Employment standards
F.23 Glue sniffing
F.24 Government–federal and provincial
F.25 Government–local
F.26 Hamilton Board of Education
F.27 Hamilton, 125th anniversary
F.28 Hamilton Spectator

Box 123
F.1 Labour College
F.2 Labour Committee for Jobs
F.3 Miscellaneous–non-union
F.4 Miscellaneous–union
F.5 New Democratic Party
F.6 Ontario Federation of Labour
F.7 Ontario Welfare Council
F.8 OPIEU, labour negotiations, 1971-1978
F.9 Other labour councils
F.10 Per capita
F.11 Pollution and recycling
F.13 United Appeal
F.14 United Farm Workers

F.15 Unemployment

F.16 Affiliates
F.17 Bell Canada rate increase
F.18 Canadian Labour Congress
F.19 Chile–petitions
F.20 Conference on Full Employment
F.21 Conferences–various
F.22 Charitable donations
F.23 Government–federal and provincial
F.24 Government–local
F.25 Government–local, municipal election
F.26-7 Miscellaneous–non-union
F.28 Miscellaneous–union
F.29 New Democratic Party
F.30 Ontario Federation of Labour
F.31 Ontario Federation of Labour–strikebreaking
F.32 Per capita
F.33 Senior Citizens
F.34 Strikebreaking
F.35 Unemployment Insurance
F.36 Workman's Compensation Board

Box 124
F.1 Affiliates
F.2 Canadian Labour Congress
F.3 Charitable donations
F.4 Chile
F.5 Conferences
F.6 Government–federal and provincial
F.7 Government–local
F.8 Hamilton Place
F.9 Human rights
F.10 Nancy McDonald
F.11 Miscellaneous–non-union
F.12 Miscellaneous–union
F.13 Mt. Hope airport
F.14 New Democratic Party
F.15 Ontario Anti-Poverty Organization
F.16 Ontario Federation of Labour
F.17 Per capita
F.18 Roll back prices
F.19 Task force
F.20 United Way

F.21 Affiliates
F.22 Beverage containers
F.23 Canadian Labour Congress
F.24 Canadian Labour Congress–pensions
F.25 Canadian Labour Congress–wage and price controls
F.26 Charitable donations
F.27 Chile
F.28 Coalition to Save Cootes Paradise
F.29 Conferences
F.30 Full employment
F.31 Government–federal and provincial
F.31 Government–local
F.33 International Women's Year
F.34 Miscellaneous–non-union
F.35 Miscellaneous–union
F.36 New Democratic Party
F.37 Ontario Anti-Poverty Organization
F.38 Ontario Federation of Labour
F.39 Per capita
F.40 Social Planning and Research Council
F.41 Unemployment Insurance–Board of Referees
F.42 Union of Injured Workers
F.43 United Way

Box 125
F.1 Affiliates
F.2 Anti-Wage Control Rally, 1976-1977
F.3 Canadian Labour Congress
F.4 Canadian Peace Congress
F.5 Canadian Consumer
F.6 Central Housing and Mortgage Corporation
F.7 Charitable donations
F.8 Government–federal and provincial
F.9 Government–local
F.10 Hamilton Labour Temple Association
F.11 Miscellaneous–non-union
F.12 Miscellaneous–non-union
F.13 Ontario Anti-Poverty Organization
F.14 New Democratic Party
F.15 Ontario Federation of Labour
F.16 per Capita
F.18 Social Planning and Research Council
F.19 Telegrams sent
F.20 Unemployment Insurance
F.21 Union of Injured Workers
F.22 United Senior Citizens
F.23 United Way

F.24 Affiliates
F.25 Canadian Labour Congress
F.26 Canadian Peace Congress
F.27 Charitable donations
F.28-9 Government–federal and provincial
F.30 Government-local
F.31 Government–provincial re Bill 139. Includes list of Hamilton and area union locals.
F.32 Hamilton Pan-Am games
F.33 Industrial Training Council
F.34 Miscellaneous–non-union
F.35 Miscellaneous–union
F.36 New Democratic Party
F.37 Ontario Federation of Labour
F.38 Per capita
F.39 SEIU, Local 681
F.40 Social Planning and Research Council
F.41 Telegrams
F.42 United Way

Box 126
F.1 Affiliates
F.2 Canadian Labour Congress
F.3 Charitable donations
F.4 Government–federal and provincial
F.5 Government–federal re the pipeline
F.6 Government–local
F.7 Government–local, labour alderman
F.8 Hamilton Academy of Medicine
F.9 Miscellaneous
F.10 Miscellaneous–non-union
F.11 Miscellaneous–union
F.12 New Democratic Party
F.13 Ontario Federation of Labour
F.14 Per capita
F.15 Royal Commission on Pensions
F.16 Telegrams, 1978-1981
F.17 Unemployment Insurance changes

F.18 Affiliates
F.19 Canadian Centre on Occupational Health and Safety
F.20 Canadian Labour Congress
F.21 Charitable donations
F.22 Government–federal election
F.23 Government–federal and provincial
F.24 Government–local
F.25 Miscellaneous
F.26 Miscellaneous–non-union
F.27 Miscellaneous–union
F.28 New Democratic Party
F.29 Ontario Federation of Labour medicare campaign

Box 127
F.1 Affiliates
F.2 Canadian Labour Congress
F.3 Donations to Trade Unions
F.4 Donations to HDLC
F.5 Harry Greenwood, 1980-1981
F.6 Government–federal and provincial
F.7 Government–local
F.8 New Democratic Party
F.9 Ontario Federation of Labour
F.10 Ontario Can Work rally. Encl. 2 colour photographs
F.11 Miscellaneous–non-union
F.12 Miscellaneous–union
F.13 U.I.C. Board of Referees, 1980-1981

Note: Beginning in this year almost all original file folders were no longer extant and contents from many years were mixed together. Some reconstruction based on the structural organization of previous years has been done. However, it was not possible to identify affiliates from non-affiliates so those files could not be reconstructed.

F.14 Canadian Labour Congress
F.15 Canadian Labour Congress–demonstration in Ottawa
F.16 Government–federal and provincial
F.17 Government–local
F.18 Government–provincial, election
F.19 Miscellaneous–non-union
F.20 Miscellaneous–union
F.21 New Democratic Party
F.22 Occupational Health, 1981-1982
F.23 Ontario Federation of Labour
F.24 Ontario Federation of Labour–day care
F.25 Ontario Federation of Labour–racism
F.26 Public forum on high interest rates
F.27 Solidarity
F.28 South Africa

F.29-30 Incoming (not sorted)
Note: Files 31-41 contain both incoming and outgoing correspondence
F.31 Canadian Labour Congress
F.32 Government–federal and provincial
F.33 Government–local
F.34 Government–local, candidate endorsement
F.35 McMaster University
F.36 Miscellaneous–non-union
F.37 Miscellaneous–union
F.38 New Democratic Party
F.39 Ontario Federation of Labour
F.40 Ontario Federation of Labour–registration forms
F.41 South Africa

Box 128
F.1 Canadian Labour Congress
F.2 Government -- federal and provincial
F.3 Government–local
F.4 Hamilton Disarmament Coalition
F.5 Hamilton Union of Unemployed
F.6 Help Centre
F.7 Miscellaneous–non-union
F.8 Miscellaneous–union
F.9 Ontario Federation of Labour
F.10 Ontario Federation of Labour–Affirmative Action
F.11 Ontario Federation of Labour–New Era
F.12 South Africa
F.13 Special Task Force on Employment Strategy

F.14 Sidney L. Blum scholarship
F.15 Canadian Labour Congress
F.16 Government–federal and provincial
F.17 Government–local
F.18 McMaster University
F.19 Miscellaneous–non-union
F.20 Miscellaneous–union
F.21 New Democratic Party
F.22 Ontario Federation of Labour
F.23 Peace Petition Caravan
F.24 Telegrams
F.25 South Africa

F.26 Canadian Labour Congress
F.27 Government–federal and provincial
F.28 Government–federal and provincial
F.29 Government–local
F.30 Miscellaneous–non-union
F.31 Miscellaneous--non-union

Box 129
F.1 Miscellaneous--union
F.2 Miscellaneous–union
F.3 New Democratic Party
F.4 Ontario Federation of Labour
F.5 Social Planning and Research Council
F.6 South Africa
F.7 Telegrams

F.8 Canadian Labour Congress
F.9 Government–federal and provincial
F.10 Government–federal and provincial–Hamilton Challenge
F.11 Government–local
F.12 Hamilton Housing Social Coalition, 1986-1987
F.13 Miscellaneous–non-union
F.14 Miscellaneous–union
F.15 Miscellaneous–union
F.16 New Democratic Party
F.17 Ontario Federation of Labour
F.18 Social Housing, 1986-1987
F.19 South Africa
F.20 Telegrams
F.21 United Farm Workers, 1986-1994

F.22 Canadian Labour Congress
F.23 Government–federal and provincial
F.24 Government–local
F.25 Miscellaneous–non-union
F.26 Miscellaneous–non-union
F.27 Miscellaneous–union
F.28 New Democratic Party
F.29 Ontario Federation of Labour
F.30 McMaster University

Box 130
F.1 Canadian Labour Congress
F.2 Government–federal and provincial
F.3 Government–local
F.4 McMaster University
F.5 Miscellaneous–non-union
F.6 Miscellaneous–union
F.7 New Democratic Party
F.8 Ontario Federation of Labour
F.9 Canadian Labour Congress
F.10-2 Government–federal and provincial
F.13 Government–local
F.14 McMaster University
F.15 Miscellaneous–non-union
F.16 Miscellaneous–union
F.17 New Democratic Party
F.18 Ontario Federation of Labour
F.19 Canadian Labour Congress
F.20 Government–federal and provincial
F.21 Government–local
F.22 McMaster University
F.23 Miscellaneous–non-union
F.24 Miscellaneous–union
F.25 Ontario Federation of Labour
F.26 Social Planning and Research Council
F.27 Canadian Labour Congress
F.28 Government–federal and provincial
F.29 Government–local

Box 131
F.1 McMaster University
F.2-3 Miscellaneous–non-union
F.4 Miscellaneous–union
F.5 New Democratic Party
F.6 Ontario Federation of Labour
F.7 Canadian Labour Congress
F.8 Government–federal and provincial
F.9 Government–local
F.10 McMaster University
F.11-2 Miscellaneous–non-union
F.13-4 Miscellaneous–union
F.15 New Democratic Party
F.16 Ontario Federation of Labour
F.17 Canadian Labour Congress
F.18 Government–federal and provincial
F.19 Government–local
F.20 McMaster University
F.21 Miscellaneous–union
F.22 Miscellaneous–non-union
F.23 New Democratic Party
F.24 Ontario Federation of Labour

Series 2
Council and its committees. – 1957-1993. – 3.7 m of textual records and graphic material. – Title based on content of series. – Files usually, but not always, contain agendas and minutes of meetings, correspondence and reports. – Arrangement is chronological. Most committees wrapped up their business each year but sometimes committees ran over more than one year; these exceptions are noted. – As in series 1, many files had to be reconstructed.

Box 132
F.1 Political Action Committee minute book. Note: For attendance book of this committee see Box 146, F.28
F.2-3 Council
F.4 Education committee
F.5 Education committee–CLC Institute evaluation forms
F.6 Education committee–general interest course in labour studies
F.7 Education committee–weekend institute
F.8 Education committee–weekend institute, registration forms
F.9 Executive committee
F.10 Executive committee–agendas
F.11 Joint committee on citizenship month
F.12 Labour Day committee
F.13 Labour Day committee–donations, draw
F.14 Labour Day committee–dance
F.15 Legislative committee
F.16-7 Political Action committee

F.18 Education committee
F.19-20 Education committee–Weekend Institute
F.21 Education committee–Special UEI seminar

Box 133
F.1 Joint committee on full employment
F.2 Political action committee
F.3 Labour Day committee, minute book, 1972-1977
F.4-5 Labour Day committee
F.6 Labour Day committee–dance
F.7 Labour Day committee–draw
F.8 Labour Day committee–parade
F.9 Labour Day committee–park
F.10 Legislative committee
F.11 Council
F.12 Executive committee
F.13 Executive committee–reports to council and minutes
F.14 Human rights committee
F.15 Labour Day committee
F.16 Legislative committee
F.17 Political action committee
F.18 Council
F.19 Education committee
F.20 Education committee–certified course in labour studies
F.21 Education committee–reports to council
F.22 Education committee–Weekend Institute
F.23 Executive committee
F.24 Executive committee–reports to council
F.25 Full employment committee

Box 134
F.1-2 Labour Day committee
F.3 Municipal affairs committee
F.4 Legislative committee
F.5 Political action committee
F.6 United Farm Workers boycott committee
F.7 Council
F.8 Anti-wage control committee, 197-1978
F.9 Executive committee
F.10 Community services committee
F.11 Community and social services committee
F.12 Education committee
F.13 Education committee–reports to council
F.14 Education committee–union council program. Includes 17 b&w photographs
F.15 Education committee–Weekend Institute
F.16 Full employment committee
F.17 Grape boycott committee
F.18 Human rights committee
F.19 Joint committee, labour studies, 1975-1979
F.20-1 Labour Day committee
F.22-3 Legislative committee
F.24 Political action committee
F.25 Roll back prices committee

Box 135
F.1 Anti-wage control committee
F.2 Boycott committee
F.3 Education committee
F.4 Education committee–reports
F.5 Education committee–secondary schools
F.6 Education committee–Weekend Institute
F.7-8 Executive committee
F.9 Full employment committee
F.10 Human rights
F.11 Joint committees
F.12 Labour Day committee
F.13-4 Legislative committee
F.15 Legislative committee (housing)
F.16 Occupational health and safety
F.17 Political action committee
F.18 Political action committee (brief to Blair Commission)
F.19 Political action committee–municipal election
F.20 Political action committee, minute book, 1976-1980
F.21 Social and community services committee

Box 136
F.1 Anti-wage control committee
F.2 Education committee
F.3 Education committee–union counselling
F.4 Education committee–Weekend Institute
F.5 Executive committee
F.6 Full employment committee
F.7 Human rights committee
F.8 Labour Day committee
F.9 Legislative committee
F.10 Legislative committee (disposable containers)
F.11 Political action committee
F.12 Social services committee, 1977-1978
F.13 Anti-wage control committee
F.14 Bank workers committee
F.15 Community employment strategy committee
F.16 Education committee
F.17 Education committee–union counselling
F.18 Education committee–Weekend Institute
F.19-20 Executive committee
F.21 Full employment committee
F.22 Human rights committee
F.23 Human rights committee, 1978-1980
F.24 Labour Day committee
F.25 Legislative committee
F.26 Political action committee
F.27 Social services committee
F.28 Special task force

Box 137
F.1 Education committee
F.2 Education committee–Education Institute
F.3 Education committee–Weekend Institute
F.4 Executive committee
F.5 Full employment committee
F.6 Human rights committee
F.7 Labour Day committee
F.8 Legislative committee
F.9 Occupational health and safety committee
F.10 Political action committee
F.11 Political action committee, 1979-1981
F.12 Sudbury strike committee
F.13 Education committee
F.14 Education committee–labour studies
F.15 Education committee–union counselling
F.16 Education committee–Weekend Institute
F.17 Executive committee
F.18 Full employment committee
F.19 Labour Day committee
F.20 Legislative committee
F.21 Political action committee–municipal election
F.22 Occupational health and safety committee
F.23 Human rights committee, 1980-1983
F.24 Social services committee
F.25 Better Living Show committee
F.26 Education committee
F.27 Education committee–Weekend Institute
F.28-9 Education committee
F.30 Full employment committee
F.31 Labour Day committee
F.32 Political action committee
F.33 Social services committee

Box 138
F.1 Education committee
F.2 Education committee–union counselling
F.3 Executive committee
F.4 Full employment committee
F.5 Human rights committee
F.6 Labour Day committee
F.7 May Day committee
F.8 Occupational health and safety committee
F.9 Political action committee
F.10 Social services committee
F.11 Women's committee
F.12 Education committee
F.13 Education committee–union counselling, 1983-1984
F.14 Education committee–Weekend Institute
F.15 Executive committee
F.16 Full employment committee
F.17 Human rights committee
F.18 Labour Day committee
F.19 Legislative committee
F.20 May Day committee
F.21 Occupational health and safety committee
F.22 Political action committee
F.23 Social services committee
F.24 Women's day committee
F.25 Council
F.26 Bi-Centennial committee
F.27 Education committee
F.28 Education committee–Weekend Institute
F.29 Executive committee–agendas
F.30 Executive committee–minutes
F.31 Executive committee–reports to Council
F.32 Full employment committee
F.33 Health and safety committee
F.34 Labour day committee
F.35 Legislative committee
F.36 May Day committee
F.37 Political action committee
F.38 Women's committee
F.39 Council
F.40 Education committee
F.41 Education committee–Weekend Institute

Box 139
F.1-2 Executive committee
F.3 Fairness committee
F.4 Full employment committee
F.5 Legislative committee
F.6 Political action committee
F.7 Peace committee
F.8 Health and safety committee
F.9 Human rights committee
F.10-1 Labour Day committee
F.12 Social services committee
F.13 Women's committee

F.14 Deregulation committee, 1986-1987
F.15 Education committee
F.16 Education committee–Weekend Institute
F.17 Executive committee
F.18 Full employment committee
F.19 Health and safety committee
F.20-1 Human rights committee
F.22-3 Labour Day committee
F.24 Legislative committee

Box 140
F.1 May Day committee
F.2 Political action committee
F.3 Political action, Social services, and Full employment joint committee
F.4 Peace committee
F.5 Race relations committee
F.6 Social services committee
F.7 Strike support committee
F.8-9 Women's committee
F.10 Council
F.11 Education committee
F.12 Education committee–Ontario Skills
F.13 Education committee–Weekend Institute
F.14-5 Executive committee
F.16 Health and safety committee
F.17 Human rights committee
F.18-9 Labour Day committee
F.20 Legislative committee
F.21 Political action committee
F.22 Peace committee
F.23 Social services committee
F.24 Strike support committee
F.25 United May Day committee
F.26 Women's committee

Box 141
F.1 Education committee
F.2-3 Education committee–Weekend Institute
F.4 Executive committee
F.5 Health and safety committee
F.6 Health and safety committee (evaluation questionnaire)
F.7 Human rights committee
F.8 Labour Day committee
F.9 Labour/Community services committee
F.10 Legislative committee
F.11 May Day committee
F.12 Political action committee
F.13 Peace committee
F.14 Social services committee
F.15 Women's committee
F.16 Council
F.17 Education committee
F.18 Executive committee
F.19 Health and safety committee
F.20-1Human rights committee
F.22-3 Labour Day committee
F.24 Legislative committee
F.25 May Day committee
F.26 Peace committee
F.27 Political action committee
F.28 Social services committee
F.29 Strike support committee
F.30 Women's committee

Box 142
F.1 Council
F.2 Education committee
F.3-4 Executive committee
F.5 Health and safety committee
F.6 Human rights committee
F.7-8 Labour Day committee
F.9 Legislative committee
F.10 Political action committee
F.11 Social services committee
F.12 Strike support committee
F.13 United May Day committee
F.14 Women's committee
F.15 Education committee
F.16 Executive committee
F.17 Health and safety committee
F.18 Human rights committee
F.19-22Labour Day committee
F.23 May Day committee
F.24 Political action committee
F.25 Social services committee
F.26 Strike support committee
F.27 Women's c
1992 F.28 Council

F.29 Education committee F.30 Executive committee

Box 143
F.1 Health and safety committee
F.2-3 Labour Day committee
F.4 Political action/Full employment/Legislative committee
F.5 Social services committee
F.6 Special events committee
F.7 Women's/Human rights/Legislative committee
F.8 Council
F.9 Education committee
F.10-1 Executive committee
F.12 Health and safety/WCB/Environment committee
F.13-4 Labour Day committee
F.15 Political action committee/Full employment/Legislative committee
F.16 Social services committee
F.17 Special events committee
F.18 Women's/Human rights/Peace committee

Series 3
Annual, delegate and other reports; special projects. – 1968-1994. – 34 cm of textual records and graphic material. – Title based on content of series. – Annual meeting files contain notes, agendas, minutes, sometimes correspondence, and the final report. Delegate reports consist of reports made by HDLC members who attended conventions or other gatherings. Special project files contain briefs, notes, and correspondence.

F.19 Annual report, 1971; encl. 11 b&w photographs; negatives
F.20 Annual report, 1972
F.21 Annual report, 1973
F.22 Annual report, 1974
F.23-4 Annual report, 1975
F.25 Annual report, 1976
F.26 Annual report, 1977

Box 144
F.1 Annual report, 1978
F.2 Annual report, 1979
F.3 Annual report, 1980
F.4 Annual report, 1982
F.5 Annual report, 1983
F.6 Annual report, 1984
F.7 Annual report, 1985
F.8 Annual report, 1986
F.9 Annual report, 1987
F.10 Yearbook, 1994
F.11 Delegates' reports, 1976
F.12 Delegates' reports, 1977
F.13 Delegates' reports, 1978
F.14 Delegates' reports, 1980
F.15 Delegates' reports, 1981
F.16 Delegates' reports, 1982
F.17 Delegates' reports, 1983
F.18 Delegates' reports, 1985
F.19 Delegates' reports, 1986
F.20 Delegates' reports, 1987
F.21 Delegates' reports, 1988
F.22 Delegates' reports, 1990
F.23 Delegates' reports, 1991
F.24 Report on labour broadcasts on the radio, 1969
F.25 Report on the Help Centre, 1979
Special projects:
F.26-8 Housing project, 1968-1969
F.29 Public transportation (COST), 1982

Series 4
Briefs and submissions, motions and resolutions, policy statements and the constitution. – 1966-1993. – 18 cm of textual records. – Title based on content of series. – Briefs and submissions are to various external organizations from HDLC. Motions and resolutions are presented to and, if passed, agreed to by the HDLC Council. Policy statements are issued by HDLC.

F.30 Briefs and submissions, 1968-1973
F.31 Briefs and submissions, 1971
F.32 Briefs and submissions, 1974
F.33 Briefs and submissions, 1975
F.34 Briefs and submissions, 1978
F.35 Briefs and submissions, 1979-1986
F.36 Briefs and submissions, 1981
F.37 Briefs and submissions, 1983
F.38 Briefs and submissions, 1988
F.39 Briefs and submissions, 1989
F.40 Briefs and submissions, 1990

Box 145
F.1 Motions, 1974
F.2 Motions, 1975
F.3 Motions, 1976
F.4 Motions, 1977
F.5 Motions, 1978
F.6 Motions, 1979
F.7 Motions, 1980
F.8 Resolutions, 1981
F.9 Resolutions, 1982
F.10 Resolutions, 1983
F.11 Resolutions and motions, 1984
F.12 Resolutions, 1985
F.13 Motions, 1986
F.14 Motions, 1987
F.15 Motions and resolutions, 1991
F.16 Motions and resolutions, 1992
F.17 Motions, 1993
F.18 Policy statements, 1971
F.19 Policy statements, 1974
F.20 Policy statements, 1975
F.21 Policy statements, 1976
F.22 Constitution, 1966
F.23 Constitution, 1980
F.24 Constitution, 1989

Series 5
Press releases, circulars, and other material. – 1964-1993. – 22 cm of textual records and graphic material. – Title based on content of series.

F.25 Press releases, 1971
F.26 Press releases, 1975
F.27 Press releases, 1981
F.28 Press releases, 1982
F.29 Press releases, 1985
F.30 Press releases, 1986
F.31 Press releases, 1987
F.32 Press releases, 1988
F.33 Press releases, 1989
F.34 Press releases, 1990
F.35 Press releases, 1991
F.36 Press releases, 1992
F.37 Press releases, 1993
Circulars sent to union locals affiliated with HDLC
F.38 Circulars, 1971
F.39 Circulars, 1981
F.40 Circulars, 1982
F.41 Circulars, 1983
F.42 Circulars, 1984
F.43 Circulars, 1985
F.44 Circulars, 1986
F.45 Circulars, 1987
F.46 Circulars, 1988
F.47 Circulars, 1989
F.48 Circulars, 1990
F.49 Circulars, 1991
F.50 Circulars, 1992; list of affiliated union locals
F.51 Circulars 1993

Box 146
Other material:
F.1 Biographical sketches of two members of the HDLC, John Morgan and Hugh W. Usher, and of various guests speakers sponsored by HDLC, 1964-1971, with correspondence
F.2 Speech by Joe Morris, 1976
F.3 Labour Review, 1977, cover art work

Series 6
Finance, credentials, attendance. – 1960-1991. – 32 cm of textual records. – Title based on content of series. – Financial records include dues cards, statements, cheque stubs, and expense forms. – Credentials are for affiliates of HDLC. – Attendance records are mainly for individuals but do include one committee.

Union local affiliated dues cards
F.4-8 1968-1983
Financial statements
F.9 1974-1975
F.10 1978-80
F.11 1984
F.12 1991
Cheque stubs
F.13 1978
F.14 1979-1980
Expense forms
F.15 1979-1980
Per capita remittance statement
F.16 1986

Credential forms for union locals affiliated with HDLC with correspondence
F.17 1962-1973
F.18 1971
F.19 1973
F.20 1974
F.21 1974-1975
F.22 1974-1979
F.23 1976
F.24 1977-1983

Attendance records for individual members of HDLC
F.25 1970-1971
F.26 1973-1978
F.27 1973
F.28 Political action committee, bound attendance book, 1960-1982.

Finding Aid - First Accrual

Fonds Description

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Contact: archives@mcmaster.ca
Last Reviewed: April 29, 2004