All Suggestions for Mills Library
(Jan 27/24) The chairs/couches in Mills are absolutely filthy and smell. In one of the fourth floor chairs in Mills I found a used tampon wedged between the cushions. There are empty drink bottles, take out containers, used tissues, and chip bags littered in the book stacks that have been there for months. It looks like they are never vacuumed or cleaned in any way. Im concerned about bringing home bedbugs because of the lack of concern for cleanliness demonstrated at McMaster.
Answered by: Lynne Serviss (Associate University Librarian, User Services and Community Engagement)
(Dec 7/23) The 2nd floor commons and 3rd floor study rooms are always freezing. Especially 2nd floor commons, even with so many people around. I need my fingers to be able to type without getting frost bite, please consider increasing the temperature for winter!
Answered by: Lynne Serviss (Associate University Librarian, User Services and Community Engagement)
(Aug 14/23) 4th floor Mills - study space in the stacks near the window overlooking the centre plaza between MUSC and Mills - the outlets near the study desks are not working. Considering how limited study space is on campus, this becomes a problem for students who cannot reliably use these spaces to work when they need to charge their devices. Please address.
Answered by: Lynne Serviss (Associate University Librarian, User Services and Community Engagement)
(Apr 15/19) Hi! The Grad study room in Mills has some great high desks at the windows, but not enough high chairs to fill them - might it be possible to get a couple more?
Answered by: Anne Pottier (Associate University Librarian, Library Services/Facilities/Learning Support/Collections)
(Mar 24/19) This year I have noticed an increase in 2 issues that have made Thode more and more unfriendly to study in. Number 1 There has been a huge increase in the lack of respect for the quiet study areas and staff are less and less responsive to complaints. Number 2 There has been an explosion in the number of people vaping inside the library. It was bad enough when people were doing it outside despite McMasters status as a non-smoking campus but for it to now have spread to inside a university building makes it look like the new rule only made things worst
Answered by: Anne Pottier (Associate University Librarian, Library Services/Facilities/Learning Support/Collections)
(Mar 19/19) It would be helpful if the upcoming events were more visible on the library website.
Answered by: Anne Pottier (Associate University Librarian, Library Services/Facilities/Learning Support/Collections)
(Mar 19/19) There is an awful buzzing noise in Mills Commons which makes it quite distracting/annoying when Im trying to get work done there. The buzzings been going on for a couple of weeks and gives me a headache Im there for long - could you kindly look into remedying the situation?
Answered by: Anne Pottier (Associate University Librarian, Library Services/Facilities/Learning Support/Collections)
(Sep 5/18) The sixth floor in Mills is suppose to be a silent study area, yet every time i come here there is always 1 group that is not mindful of others. It may be a good idea to have a worker regularly monitor the floor throughout the day to make sure that people are respectful of others and follow the rules.
Answered by: Anne Pottier (Associate University Librarian, Library Services/Facilities/Learning Support/Collections)
(Jul 6/18) My name is Dustin Burlet and I am a PhD student at McMaster Divinity College (Old Testament). I have received your email via your business card that was given to me by Kim at the McMaster Mills Library here at McMaster University. I expressed to Kim my concern about the BS section of the library on the fifth floor, in particular, the moveable stacks and the high degree of usage that that section receives. I voiced a desire to see if it might be possible to put these items in a non-moveable stack section of the library and Kim informed me that you, Anne, were the person to speak to with respect to this matter, hence this email. I wonder Anne, what might possibly be able to be done to help to facilitate a change in this area. I do not wish to petition the library, nor do I wish to start a campaign or a flood of emails and such. I only wish to know what possibly might be able to be done to begin (and expedite) the process of transferring the BS items on the fifth floor to a non-moveable stack section. Thank you very much for reading this email Anne and for any consideration that you might give to this request. Have a great day, Sincerely and with respect, Dustin Burlet
Answered by: Anne Pottier (Associate University Librarian, Library Services/Facilities/Learning Support/Collections)
(May 2/18) Is it just me or has the 5th floor been super stuffy? I think MacPherson is an oven at this time of the year
Answered by: Anne Pottier (Associate University Librarian, Library Services/Facilities/Learning Support/Collections)
(Feb 4/18) We had booked a study room in Mills library until 6pm on Saturday. We were told to vacate it by staff at 5:45pm due to closing procedure but were not aware of this since our booking said till 6pm nor had we heard the announcement. Could a change be made to the online booking schedule to be until 5:45 instead of 6?
Answered by: Anne Pottier (Associate University Librarian, Library Services/Facilities/Learning Support/Collections)
(Feb 2/18) Since the new wifi was implemented this past September, I have been unable to access any wifi on the 4th and 5th floors of Mills. Is there any way to get this fixed? It makes using the study spaces available incredibly difficult.
Answered by: mcallic
(Dec 6/17) Hi! The 6th floor Silent Study area is very warm and none of the windows open.
Answered by: Anne Pottier (Associate University Librarian, Library Services/Facilities/Learning Support/Collections)
(Oct 12/17) Hello, I am very confused with the new catalogue on library computer. It only seems to show e-books and the regular library catalogue is blocked for some reason. Normally Id just go on my phone to the library catalogue, but the wifi coverage in the upper floors of Mills that even this is frustrating. Thank you
Answered by: Wade Wyckoff (Associate University Librarian, Collections)
(Jul 20/17) Hello fellow Marauders, I was wondering whether the university would invest in something like this: . If McMaster wants to see itself as a top-tier university, it should try to invest in these material things which are both beneficial to the end-user, i.e. students, and positively influence the place. Thanks for reading. Best Regards, Mohamed Mirza
Answered by: Anne Pottier (Associate University Librarian, Library Services/Facilities/Learning Support/Collections)
(Apr 25/17) Mills 6th is too warm again, and its very difficult to find comfortable quiet study space. Would very much appreciate if the temperature was dropped a bit!
Answered by: Anne Pottier (Associate University Librarian, Library Services/Facilities/Learning Support/Collections)
(Apr 17/17) Its too cold on the third floor of never used to be this cold the entire year but during exam season the temperatures are too low.
Answered by: Anne Pottier (Associate University Librarian, Library Services/Facilities/Learning Support/Collections)
(Feb 13/17) The microfilm/microfiche stations are extremely dusty, which makes it really difficult to capture a clean image on the readers. Would it be possible to have the stations dusted more frequently? Also, the plates on the digital readers could use a good cleaning too.
Answered by: mcallic
(Dec 8/16) can we please get standing desks installed somewhere as it improves health and studying
Answered by: Anne Pottier (Associate University Librarian, Library Services/Facilities/Learning Support/Collections)
(Oct 3/16) 6th floor Mills is boiling right now. Its really hard to focus when I feel like Im melting. Please turn on a/c!
Answered by: Anne Pottier (Associate University Librarian, Library Services/Facilities/Learning Support/Collections)
(May 20/16) The grad study room is unreasonably cold. I spent 8 hours in there yesterday and went home with an actual chill - it took me hours to feel warm again. Today, my smartphone read the room at 15°. Please please PLEASE turn up the temperature in that room!
Answered by: Anne Pottier (Associate University Librarian, Library Services/Facilities/Learning Support/Collections)
(Apr 18/16) Please turn the A/C on in Mills! 6th floor is a sauna!
Answered by: Anne Pottier (Associate University Librarian, Library Services/Facilities/Learning Support/Collections)
(Mar 30/16) Connecting to WiFi in the library can be extremely difficult, especially on the higher floors. Specifically the back row of desks on 5th floor Wifi just doesnt work. Is it possible to improve WiFi in Mills? Perhaps adding more routers higher up in the library or stronger ones wherever they currently are could help?
Answered by: mcallic
(Mar 21/16) Spaces that are labelled silent study such as the sixth floor are not being used by students in this way. There should be a better way to monitor this such as putting cameras or something to ensure that students are using this space appropriately.
Answered by: Anne Pottier (Associate University Librarian, Library Services/Facilities/Learning Support/Collections)
(Apr 10/15) The 6th floor at mills has varying temperatures; It is getting unreasonably hot for some reason. I asked around, and people feel the same. Its been like this for the past couple of days that Ive come here. If something can be done to maintain a normal room temperature, that would be nice. Thank you.
Answered by: Anne Pottier (Associate University Librarian, Library Services/Facilities/Learning Support/Collections)
(Mar 17/15) Most of the couches on the upper floors of Mills are worn through - the leather is cracked and/or broken completely and the filling is often showing. This is unpleasant to look at but also uncomfortable to sit on. Please do something!
Answered by: Anne Pottier (Associate University Librarian, Library Services/Facilities/Learning Support/Collections)
(Mar 17/15) I was sitting at the second floor computers yesterday and was heavily disappointed by the state of the computers. Not only are they running outdated operating systems, the scroll wheel on the mouse wasnt working and the keyboard was sticky and looked like it hadnt been cleaned in years - there was brown-ish dust and gunk all over it.
Answered by: pottier,mcallic
(Jan 14/15) 6th floor mills is freezing again. It was warm yesterday but right now it is very cold. Please turn up the heat.
Answered by: Anne Pottier (Associate University Librarian, Library Services/Facilities/Learning Support/Collections)
(Jan 8/15) Its freezing on 6th Floor Mills would it be possible to turn the heat on because I can feel a vent with cold air coming out of it and I cant work when my hands are literally frozen!
Answered by: Anne Pottier (Associate University Librarian, Library Services/Facilities/Learning Support/Collections)
(Nov 24/14) The elevator doors open and close repeatedly when the elevator remains stationary on the 6th floor of Mills. This is a nuisance on the silent study floor. Please fix this asap.
Answered by: Anne Pottier (Associate University Librarian, Library Services/Facilities/Learning Support/Collections)
(Nov 18/14) It is unfortunate how many students are disrespectful of the 6th floor silent zone. Every time I use this space I have to tell students to stop talking, which is frustrating because this shouldnt be happening. I have used the quiet@mcmaster email before, however, I wonder if a more effective approach would be to have someone patrol the floor every hour as my email isnt always responded to immediately. Its frustrating to have to ask this. I am baffled by how many students do not respect the quiet zone. I was going to also suggest more posters about how it is the quiet zone, but Im not sure how helpful that would be considering that I have often asked students sitting next to the giant SILENT ZONE letters to stop talking. Any help with this matter would be greatly appreciated!
Answered by: Anne Pottier (Associate University Librarian, Library Services/Facilities/Learning Support/Collections)
(Nov 17/14) 6th floor is very cold. Is there any way at all to turn up the heat??
Answered by: Anne Pottier (Associate University Librarian, Library Services/Facilities/Learning Support/Collections)
(Nov 12/14) 6th floor mills is absolutely frigid. Is there any way at all to turn down the cooling system? Not only is it very cold, which shouldnt be the case at this time of the year, the system is also very loud as it blows frigid air.
Answered by: Anne Pottier (Associate University Librarian, Library Services/Facilities/Learning Support/Collections)
(Nov 7/14) Hello, There is no heat coming into the graduate student room on the 4th floor of Mills. I am growing concerned as we are already in the winter season and its only going to get colder. Can we please get this fixed as soon as possible? Thanks.
Answered by: Anne Pottier (Associate University Librarian, Library Services/Facilities/Learning Support/Collections)
(Oct 2/14) Id like to thank the McMaster employees or subcontractors responsible for communicating the importance of noise reduction to events in the Mills-MUSC square. This is certainly an improvement! Thanks again.
Answered by: Anne Pottier (Associate University Librarian, Library Services/Facilities/Learning Support/Collections)