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(Jul 24/17) to all libraries: mills, thode, innis, and HSL. it is much preferred when students are at the desk. they tend to be able to realate more to students and are more knowledgable about research and mcmaster online tools. it is also more comfortable for students to approach students. they should be on the desk longer throughout the day. thanx a bunch

Library response: Thank you for your response. It is true that our student workers are excellent. I'm glad you find them so helpful. In the Health Sciences Library, our full time staff have additional educational credentials above and beyond what our students learn through our regular training programs, so in order to have a full range research supports, we will need to continue to have both full-time and part-time staff working in the library. I will share your comments with the service managers and ask them work on establishing a balance of staff with varying areas of expertise when they make the desk schedule. Please feel free to contact me directly if you have more feedback about our staff and services. Thank You. (Aug 15/17)
Answered by: Jennifer McKinnell (Director, Health Sciences Library)