(Nov 18/14) It is unfortunate how many students are disrespectful of the 6th floor silent zone. Every time I use this space I have to tell students to stop talking, which is frustrating because this shouldnt be happening. I have used the quiet@mcmaster email before, however, I wonder if a more effective approach would be to have someone patrol the floor every hour as my email isnt always responded to immediately. Its frustrating to have to ask this. I am baffled by how many students do not respect the quiet zone. I was going to also suggest more posters about how it is the quiet zone, but Im not sure how helpful that would be considering that I have often asked students sitting next to the giant SILENT ZONE letters to stop talking. Any help with this matter would be greatly appreciated!
Answered by: Anne Pottier (Associate University Librarian, Library Services/Facilities/Learning Support/Collections)