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(Apr 3/24) Please fix the desk lights underneath the desk shelves. Im sure more than half of these desk lights are broken, and it is very inconvenient
for a student who has to look for desks with no working desk light.
Library response: Thank you for your comments regarding the desk lights. We apologize for the inconvenience caused. Some of our desk lights are
connected through a daisy chain system so if one plug is unplugged from the wall outlet to charge a laptop or phone that has a ripple
effect on the other desks connected to the chain. Please do not hesitate to let the staff at the Services desk on the 1st floor know there's a
problem with the desk lights and which location. They are more than happy to help out. Thanks again for bringing our attention to this
issue. Please do not hesitate to reply here if you have any further problems or questions. (Apr 4/24)
Answered by: Ann Pearce (Supervisor, Information Services, Innis Library)
(Nov 30/23) The Thode meditation room should be soundproof. It only slightly masks sound which is disappointing since its name implies that it would be silent. It’s not much different than just being in the first floor of Thode.
Library response: Thank you for letting us know. Unfortunately, we are unable to make this room completey soundproof but we have been considering renaming it to "Individual Study Space". You are correct in sharing that this room
is not different from the rest of the first floor, which is labelled as "Collaborative Work Space". I appreciate your feedback. (Jan 26/24)
Answered by: Lynne Serviss (Associate University Librarian, User Services and Community Engagement)
(Sep 26/23) The chairs on the second floor are very squeaky and make so much noise
Library response: Thank you for your comments. Since the 2nd floor is a very popular and busy study area I suspect the chairs are squeaking due to wear and
tear. We can look into this and appreciate you bringing this to our attention. Thank you again for your comments. (Sep 27/23)
Answered by: apearce,servisl
(Apr 13/23) Thode is way too hot, and it is making me feel light headed.
Library response: We apologize for the hot and humid conditions in Thode (and Mills). Unfortunately, we do not control the temperatures in our buildings - this can make things very uncomfortable when the weather turns
unseasonably warm. The timing of this hot weather is not great as students are trying to studying for exams in our libraries. On Sunday the temperature looks cooler and snow is even expected next week. There
isn't a lot we can do but wait for a temperature drop. Sorry. (Apr 13/23)
Answered by: Lynne Serviss (Associate University Librarian, User Services and Community Engagement)
(Apr 13/23) The temperature in Thode is unbearable and makes it extremely difficult to concentrate. Would it please be possible to turn on the AC or implement fans on the second floor so there is some form of air flow.
Library response: We apologize for the hot and humid conditions in Thode (and Mills). Unfortunately, we do not control the temperatures in our buildings - this can make things very uncomfortable when the weather turns
unseasonably warm. The timing of this hot weather is not great as students are trying to studying for exams in our libraries. There isn't a lot we can do but wait for a temperature drop - it is supposed to snow next
Tuesday. Sorry. (Apr 13/23)
Answered by: Lynne Serviss (Associate University Librarian, User Services and Community Engagement)
(Mar 6/23) I am frustrated with the noise level in the library, which has significantly increased over the past few weeks. Despite the librarys quiet
policy, it has become difficult to concentrate due to noise from group discussions, loud phone calls, and eating. This is affecting my
academic performance and that of other students who also require a quiet environment to study effectively. I suggest the library
management implement stricter measures, such as designated areas for group discussions or noisy activities, or hiring more security
personnel to enforce the rules. Please address this issue promptly to maintain a conducive environment for studying and research.
Library response: I am sorry that Thode has been so loud that you have not been able to study. This is indeed frustrating! Staff respond to noise complaints
sent via the form or the Quiet email very quickly - you
are welcome to use either of these reporting tools when you notice students being too loud. You can also speak to staff at the front desk.
From the staff side, I can encourage staff to make more frequent walk-arounds in the library as this does help with noise control. We are
also looking at making some improvements with our Quiet signage (adding more signs and making them more visible). We are also
working with a group of students who are investigating alternative ways to report noise complaints. Hopefully these solutions will help
with the noise. Thank you for bring this issue to our attention. (Mar 7/23)
Answered by: Lynne Serviss (Associate University Librarian, User Services and Community Engagement)
(Apr 19/22) Heyo! Since theres a sewing machine in the Thode makerspace, I think it could be cool to also have an embroidery machine! :)
Library response: Great idea! I will pass this along to our new Makerspace Coordinator. (Apr 19/22)
Answered by: Anne Pottier (Associate University Librarian, Library Services/Facilities/Learning Support/Collections)
(Feb 11/19) just posting this to recognize our awesome cleaners at Thode. First rate service.
Library response: Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful compliment with us. We will forward this along to the custodians and their manager! (Feb 11/19)
Answered by: Anne Pottier (Associate University Librarian, Library Services/Facilities/Learning Support/Collections)
(Feb 4/19) Hi,
I have noticed that multiple people continue to vape (smoke) in the middle of the library,
especially all over second floor. It smells gross and I really would rather not breath that
in. Please put signs or something saying no vaping or actually enforce the rules. thanks
Library response: Thank you for your comment. We were not aware this was happening.
We will not post signs since we are at a Smoke Free Campus, so there should be no need for the signage, but we will start monitoring the area on a regular basis and will call Security Services to deal with any offenders who are contravening this policy.
Please do let us know if this continues to happen.
Anne Pottier, Associate University Librarian (Feb 5/19)
Answered by: Anne Pottier (Associate University Librarian, Library Services/Facilities/Learning Support/Collections)
(Apr 16/17) Its burning in Thode on the basement floor. Im dying of heat and trying to concentrate but I
just cant! Please, save me from this boiling hot room and turn on the air condition. Please
dont make me choose between my love of studying in silence and my other love of not dying from
heat. Thanks!
Library response: Our apologies about the warm temperatures in Thode. Campus Facilities started switching buildings over from heating to cooling last week when the outside temperature started soaring, but they have not yet completed this work. We will see if they can move Thode up higher on the list to get switched over.
Good luck on your exams. (Apr 17/17)
Answered by: Anne Pottier (Associate University Librarian, Library Services/Facilities/Learning Support/Collections)
(Mar 20/17) Having Group study rooms in the basement of thode effectively defeats the entire purpose of
the basement environment, which is supposed to be a quiet study area with no talking. When
multiple groups get together in the rooms and talk/laugh very loudly it is disruptive to the
outside environment, even though they may not realize it.
Unfortunately, the only solutions I can think of that involves keeping these rooms as group
study rooms is to properly and professionally sound proof the rooms to allow minimal sound to
escape. Or, staff can conduct patrols to keep the noise down, however, this solution would
waste staff time and resources.
Quiet study is the main reason I come to thode instead of other libraries, but its becoming
difficult with the level of noise in the basement. Any assistance in this matter would be
greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.
Library response: Thanks for sending your comments in.
You are correct, it is not ideal to have Group Study Rooms situated next to Silent Study. We did do some soundproofing in these rooms a couple of summers ago, which helped a bit, but given how the rooms were built we can't do anything more at this point. We have posted signs in these rooms reminding the students using these rooms that they need to keep the noise down.
As you may have noticed, we are starting to do some renovations on the lower floor. When this work is completed there will be an enclosed large Silent Study room on the lower floor. The plan is to build many group study rooms on the 2nd floor. You might consider working in the area outside the Makerspace on the far side of the floor. It is quite quiet there.
Please report any loud groups to - this email is read by the staff at the service desk on the 1st floor and they will come speak to any groups who are making noise.
Our apologies that there is nothing more immediate we can do at this time, but this is a problem we are very much aware of and are working towards resolving as we move forward. (Mar 21/17)
Answered by: Anne Pottier (Associate University Librarian, Library Services/Facilities/Learning Support/Collections)
(Feb 2/17) The Wi-Fi connection is terrible. Getting work done is impossible.
Library response: Hello!
Thank you for your feedback. We are nearing completion of our wireless upgrade to Thode Library: enhancing overall density and throughput. We're actively seeing you feedback and information as we go through this process, but will require more information.
Please fill out this form so we can properly investigate:
And thank you for taking the time to let us know things weren't running the way you needed them to - we'll work on it. (Feb 3/17)
Answered by: mcallic
(Oct 5/16) I find it hot in the silent study room at Thode (B115) and I am not sure if the fan control
switch is working properly.
Library response: Thanks for your message.
We have reported this problem to campus facilities since it is very hot in all areas of Thode. (Oct 5/16)
Answered by: Anne Pottier (Associate University Librarian, Library Services/Facilities/Learning Support/Collections)
(Sep 30/16) Keep Thode open 24/7 all the time please.
Library response: Thanks for your suggestion. Unfortunately we don't have the budget nor the staff to keep any of our libraries open 24/7.
You can use the Mills Learning Commons 24/5 after the Fall Recess period. At the same time Innis Library will start remaining open Monday through Thursday until 3am for Silent Late Night Studying.
The week before exams the Mills Learning Commons and Thode Library move to a 24/7 schedule.
More information about Library Hours, including those at the Health Sciences Library, can be found at
(Sep 30/16)
Answered by: Anne Pottier (Associate University Librarian, Library Services/Facilities/Learning Support/Collections)
(Mar 23/16) While there are printers located outside of the library, can you place one in a space that is
open 24 hrs for students, like the University Centre?
Library response: Thanks for your message. You will find a Sharp device available 24/7 in the lobby of the Mary Keyes residence or on the 1st floor of the Commons building.
The Mills Learning Commons is also open 24 hours per day, Sunday to Thursday, and there are three (3) of these devices there.
More locations can be found at (Mar 23/16)
Answered by: Anne Pottier (Associate University Librarian, Library Services/Facilities/Learning Support/Collections)
(Mar 2/16) The second floor on thode gets really loud, especially during exam time. I understand its a
busy time of year, but sometimes there are people that crowd in big groups and talk really loud
right beside people that are clearly trying to study.
It makes it really hard to concentrate, even while wearing ear plugs
Library response: Thanks for your email. We do realize this floor can get quite noisy, especially given the number of study seats on this floor.
Much of this noise is rising up from the 1st floor in the open area beyond the ends of the 2nd floor balcony. We will be adding acoustic panels on the round brick wall and hanging acoustic clouds from the 3rd floor ceiling to help address this issue, but we won't be able to start this work until the end of this term. We expect this to make a great difference in terms of noise levels on the 2nd floor.
If the noise is being generated by people near you on the 2nd floor, please first ask them to tone it down, but if that doesn't help feel free to send an email to This email is monitored by staff in Mills, Innis and Thode libraries. A staff member will be dispatched to speak to anyone making too much noise, especially as we approach exams. Please make sure to give us enough details to help us identify those making the noise.
Good luck on your exams! (Mar 22/16)
Answered by: Anne Pottier (Associate University Librarian, Library Services/Facilities/Learning Support/Collections)
(Feb 1/16) Hello,
Several suggestions related to the basement of Thode:
There are many broken lights in the basement of Thode, especially in the study rooms. Would
it be possible to repair these?
The furniture (especially tables) in many of the Thode study rooms is decrepit and not
terribly useful/flexible. Would it be possible to either find new tables or redistribute the
existing furniture in a better way?
The capacities of the Thode study rooms listed on the booking website are incorrect. For
example, B106 is listed as 8 but comfortably seats 12. Would it be possible to update these?
The appearance of the entire basement of Thode is rather depressing and looks terrible.
Really, its the ceiling tiles that are the biggest eyesore.There are currently at least 7
missing and 10 with the skin removed that I can see from where I am sitting. Would it be
possible to just remove them wholesale, as was done on the first floor? Instead of throwing
good money after bad? I realize that this would be a significant investment, as the walls of
the study rooms would have to be extended to the concrete ceiling, and the whole basement
would likely have to be painted, but this seems to be the best long-term solution and it
would give the library a more modern look (instead of the current 70s throwback).
Thank you for your consideration.
Library response: Thanks so much for submitting these comments. We agree with you that the overall atmosphere of the basement of Thode Library is basically just awful.
We have recently completed a Library Master Space Plan which will provide us with a roadmap to renovate the rest of Thode Library and much of Mills Library over the next 5-10 years. These plans include replacement of things like ceiling tiles, lights, carpeting, furniture, etc. In fact, we hope to start with some minor renovations to the lower level of Thode this summer. So stay tuned - it will get better!
Great suggestion about updating the capacity numbers for the group study rooms. We will take a look at these rooms and make these changes on the website. (Feb 2/16)
Answered by: Anne Pottier (Associate University Librarian, Library Services/Facilities/Learning Support/Collections)
(Jan 20/16) Blinds should be added to the windows on the second floor, particularly along the south side.
During the day, practically from 11:00 until sundown, the sun shines directly through those
windows and the glare makes the desks situated along that side virtually unusable.
Library response: Thanks for your email. As you will see there are some stationary blinds in this area. Given the size of the windows we can't install blinds which get drawn since these would require significant maintenance over time.
We will take a look at whether it is possible to add film to some of these windows to block some of the glare, but still give us lots of light. (Jan 20/16)
Answered by: Anne Pottier (Associate University Librarian, Library Services/Facilities/Learning Support/Collections)
(Feb 15/15) Hello,
Would it be possible to change to Thode retrieve from storage functionality to work like
the one for Mills/Offsite? For Mills/Offsite its one-click, so long as you are logged in,
but with Thode you have to copy-paste and enter data that is already in the system elsewhere.
The functionality has already been developped and implemented (and is already used at Thode
for Recall requests), so why not tweak the few lines of code it would take to implement one-
click storage retrieval for Thode?
Library response: Thanks for the suggestion. We will check into this to see what we can do to provide similar functionality. As you say, we have done it once so we should be able to do it again. (Feb 17/15)
Answered by: Anne Pottier (Associate University Librarian, Library Services/Facilities/Learning Support/Collections)