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Computers/WiFi/Printers Suggestions for all Libraries

(Jan 19/25) Before COVID, access to computers in the common area of the library was not restricted- no ID or password was required. Many health professionals used those computers. The terminals have diminished in number, and are now password gated. At a minimum temporary day passes should be permitted (if not free access) just as they are given out at other Mc libraries. Restore number of terminals. Please & thank you.

Library response: Thank you for sharing your concerns about the public computers in the Health Sciences Library. We have changed computer access to require a username and password. We have added this layer of security to ensure we comply with the Hospital's and the University's cyber security requirements. If you do not have login credentials, you may obtain a temporary username and password from the Information Desk at the library entrance. The number of public computers is determined based on usage. We have installed software that monitors how frequently the computers are in use. This data is evaluated throughout the year and informs when to add or remove computers. Please feel free to reach out directly if you have more questions about our library computers. Thank you. (Jan 20/25)
Answered by: Jennifer McKinnell (Director, Health Sciences Library)

(Apr 8/22) Itll be great if theres laptop charger service for an hour or 2, especially in mills, it helps a lot!

Library response: Thanks for your message. We do have a selection of laptop chargers you can borrow, from the service desks in both Mills and Thode. Hope this helps! Good luck with your exams. (Apr 18/22)
Answered by: Anne Pottier (Associate University Librarian, Library Services/Facilities/Learning Support/Collections)

(Nov 22/18) Hi! I was wondering if the libraries at MAC are providing any pen scanner? By pen scanner, I mean the scanners that you can run through specific lines on a paperback and the pen will automatically transcribe the lines to your laptop document. I think this will be a great addition to a lot of students, including students with disabilities, undergrad, or grad students! Regards J

Library response: Thanks for this suggestion. I don't believe we have any pen scanners, but will pass this along to our Library Accessibility Services group to consider.  The new Adaptive Technology Centre for use by students with disabilities is located on the 2nd floor of Mills Library. They do have many kinds of assistive technology in this space, but I am not sure this device is part of that. We will definitely look into it. I found some information about this device  which we will look at. Thanks again Anne   (Dec 17/18)
Answered by: Anne Pottier (Associate University Librarian, Library Services/Facilities/Learning Support/Collections)

(Feb 2/18) Since the new wifi was implemented this past September, I have been unable to access any wifi on the 4th and 5th floors of Mills. Is there any way to get this fixed? It makes using the study spaces available incredibly difficult.

Library response: Hello - thank you for your message, and we understand that unreliable wi-fi can really cause a lot of grief in a study space. Although we don't directly manage the Wi-Fi for the building (that's UTS), we are advocating strongly to committees who decide on wireless upgrade priorities to ensure our libraries are better covered. We'll be sure to communicate any wireless upgrade news we receive from campus wireless committees.   (Feb 2/18)
Answered by: mcallic

(Jun 1/17) Hello, Within the last three weeks, I have booked HSL 1B15 (the group study room with the Mondopad) several times. The Mondopad is an excellent resource that my group and I value. However, the USB receiver component of the keyboard and mouse is missing, effectively making the keyboard and mouse unusable. We made it clear to the library staff the first time we noticed and they made it clear that they understood the issue and said that they would fix it. A couple weeks later, we asked the desk to sign out the keyboard and mouse while asking them if it was fixed. They said it was, but unfortunately, it wasnt. If this resource is not repaired, why is it still available to be signed out? Please, I ask that this issue be remedied. Perhaps with a replacement, but this time, perhaps it would be appropriate to make it policy that the USB receiver stay plugged into the Mondopad all the time (even tape it so nobody removes it).

Library response: Thank you for your message. I have connected with our library systems staff and they hope to fix the problem today. I will post another response when I hear from them that issue is resolved. In the meantime, I'd like to learn more about your experience communicating with the Library staff. Please contact me directly if you are willing to discuss this in more detail. Thank you.  (Jun 5/17)
Answered by: Jennifer McKinnell (Director, Health Sciences Library)

Follow-up Comments:

I am happy to report the problem is resolved. (2017-06-08)

(Feb 13/17) The microfilm/microfiche stations are extremely dusty, which makes it really difficult to capture a clean image on the readers. Would it be possible to have the stations dusted more frequently? Also, the plates on the digital readers could use a good cleaning too.

Library response: Thank you very much for your feedback. We will attend to this promptly. (Feb 13/17)
Answered by: mcallic

(Feb 2/17) The Wi-Fi connection is terrible. Getting work done is impossible.

Library response: Hello! Thank you for your feedback. We are nearing completion of our wireless upgrade to Thode Library: enhancing overall density and throughput. We're actively seeing you feedback and information as we go through this process, but will require more information. Please fill out this form so we can properly investigate: And thank you for taking the time to let us know things weren't running the way you needed them to - we'll work on it. (Feb 3/17)
Answered by: mcallic

(Mar 30/16) Connecting to WiFi in the library can be extremely difficult, especially on the higher floors. Specifically the back row of desks on 5th floor Wifi just doesnt work. Is it possible to improve WiFi in Mills? Perhaps adding more routers higher up in the library or stronger ones wherever they currently are could help?

Library response: Thank you for your note! We appreciate the feedback. Tracking down the variables that make wireless access slow can be difficult. That's why this summer we'll be running some tests and determining if we need to approach campus IT about deploying additional wireless hardware. Thank you for your message. (Apr 4/16)
Answered by: mcallic

(Mar 23/16) While there are printers located outside of the library, can you place one in a space that is open 24 hrs for students, like the University Centre?

Library response: Thanks for your message. You will find a Sharp device available 24/7 in the lobby of the Mary Keyes residence or on the 1st floor of the Commons building.   The Mills Learning Commons is also open 24 hours per day, Sunday to Thursday, and there are three (3) of these devices there. More locations can be found at (Mar 23/16)
Answered by: Anne Pottier (Associate University Librarian, Library Services/Facilities/Learning Support/Collections)

(Jan 12/16) Hello, I would like to suggest that the reference manager, Mendeley, be installed on the computers and/or laptops of the HSL library. The software is very useful as it allows for the addition of citations and references quickly to Word, as well as their storage online so that they can be retrieved from any computer with the software. Its a great alternative to RefWorks, which has now be phased out. Thank You!

Library response: Hello - thank you for submitting your request. At the moment, web access to Mendeley is supported, and recently they added the ability to add documents (2015-07) via their website interface: (Jan 12/16)
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(Mar 17/15) I was sitting at the second floor computers yesterday and was heavily disappointed by the state of the computers. Not only are they running outdated operating systems, the scroll wheel on the mouse wasnt working and the keyboard was sticky and looked like it hadnt been cleaned in years - there was brown-ish dust and gunk all over it.

Library response: Thank you for sharing the feedback on the computers. We are actively investigating where we have public computers and refreshing them around a strategy of making computing a bit more invisible. When things get older (and filthier) they are the opposite of being invisible. We'd like to fix this. Are you referring to the computers in the Learning Commons - or near the bookstacks? (Mar 18/15)
Answered by: pottier,mcallic