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(Feb 11/08) It is unfair that only students in health sci can book out rooms. Many programs are inquiry based.

Library response: I do sympathize with your need for more group study rooms, especially as more programs move to an inquiry-based format. Be assure that all of the campus libraries are aware of this issue and that the plans for the renovation of Thode Library include the addition of group study rooms. In the meantime, the Health Sciences Library must address the needs of its primary student users in the Faculty who are required to meet as groups to complete their work. We continue to make the rooms available to students only and allow any group of students to use the rooms, just not to book them in advance. When more study rooms become available in Thode we will certainly reconsider this policy. (Feb 13/08)
Answered by: Liz Bayley (Director, Health Sciences Library)
Categories: Study Space  |  Permalink