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(Oct 29/08) Hello. I think the Meebo service is great, however, the one person responding to meebo and the myraid of students at the information desk delays a quick response. Also, searching the library catalogue also disconnects me to my meebo conversion, causing great frustration. Perhaps there could be more than one meebo person at Mills, in addition to the one staff member at the information desk on the second floor. Innovation at its Finest

Library response: Thank you for your comment and suggestion.  Our Instant Messaging service is normally provided by library staff who are not providing personal service on the Research Help desk at the same time.  However, there are times when a single staff member must cover both services. We try to limit the times when staff are doing both.  We are sorry you've experienced frustration searching the library catalogue while connected to Meebo.  One suggestion for you to try is to open up another tab, leaving the catalogue in one tab, and Meebo in another. This will keep your chat box live.  It is sometimes a challenge during very busy times to respond immediately to instant message questions.  However, we will continue to monitor response times and make improvements where we can. We appreciate your feedback on our services. (Oct 29/08)
Answered by: Lynn Schneider (Supervisor, Circulation & Collection Maintenance, Health Sciences Library)
Categories: Customer Service, Mills  |  Permalink