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(Jun 11/08) Overall I would say that the library is fairly efficient for the students. However, I have a couple of really easy suggestions to assure that the staff assists, rather than conflicts, with Mcmaster Students. Firstly, if you have a large sign stating that the library closes at 5pm, close the library at 5pm (not 4:45). If the front desk closes at 4:45, but that in large print (rather than having it lie within the fine print-no one will read that if the large print is explicitly declaring closure at 5pm). Secondly, please fix your book recall system. Many of the students working over the summer are in dire need of specific literature. The system currently in place is not completely successful at recalling. Thirdly, the entire concept of having some books accessible online for 5 mins is rather absurd. E-books should be available for an indefinite time. Fourth, some of the staff has not been trained properly. I have been charged for returning a book on reserve too late, when in reality, a staff member didnt scan the book in the right manner. Really just some simple ideas that would help relieve some tension, and assure satisfaction among library users.

Library response:  Thanks for taking the time to make so many suggestions.  I'm going to pass all of these along to different people in the library since they involve a number of different library operations.
Update: Thanks for your comments about the closing signs in Mills Library. When we prepare to update these signs, we will certainly take this suggestion into consideration. In the meantime, our library hours on our web page give full details about openings and closings, and the closing tapes which start playing 1/2 hour before closing warn our patrons about the clearing of the stacks and study areas starting 15 minutes before the building is closed.Regarding the recalls situation, we're a bit unclear about what the issue actually is from your comment. If these are materials for a course currently in session and your classmates need access, please ask your professor to put these materials on 2 hour reserve. This ensures access for everyone in your class. If this is not the issue, please let us know.Concerning the short viewing time for some e-books: The purpose of the 5 minute time period is to give users a quick look to see if the book appears to be something they would be interested in using for a longer period of time. If so, there is then a choice to borrow the book for a term of 1 or 7 days, or to make a request that the library purchase a copy of the e-book. Loan requests are approved within 24 hours, but often as quckly as minutes after the request is submitted. Using this system permits the library to make an additional 50,000 ebooks available to our users, something we could not do if we have to purchase these outright. Please don't hesitate to let us know if you do encounter any difficulties using these titles. You are welcome to contact our Collections Services Librarian, Wade Wyckoff (  (Jun 11/08)
Answered by: bairdca,millard,pottier