
2 databases found starting with V X eBooksX

Launched by Oxford University Press in 1995, Oxford's Very Short Introductions series offers concise and original introductions to a wide range of subjects. Each volume provides an authoritative and engaging assessment of a concept, field, or body of work, drawing out the central ideas, themes, and approaches. Expert authors combine facts, analysis, new insights, and enthusiasm to make often challenging topics highly readable to develop your core knowledge. All subjects across Arts and Humanities, Law, Medicine and Health, Science and Mathematics, and Social Sciences are now available online in an easily discoverable, fully cross-searchable, and highly accessible format.

Coverage: 1830-1930

The goal of the Victorian Women's Studies Writers Project is to produce highly accurate transcriptions of works by British women writers of the 19th century, encoded using the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) and/or Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) Guidelines. The collection represents an array of genres - poetry, novels, children's books, political pamphlets, religious tracts, histories, and more.