
3 databases found starting with O X Social WorkX

Coverage: 1991-current

OECD Health Data was developed jointly by the OECD and IRDES since 1991 and offers the most comprehensive source of comparable statistics on health and health systems across OECD countries.

Combining features of an annotated bibliography and a high-level encyclopedia, the Bibliographies identify the best available scholarship across a wide variety of subjects.  McMaster subscribes to the following subjects:  African American Studies (New), Anthropology, Atlantic History (New), Biblical Studies, Geography, International Relations, Jewish Studies, Literary & Cultural Theory, Philosophy, Political Science, Social Work, and Sociology.

Provides scholarly review articles summarizing current thinking and research in a range of subjects across the humanaities, social sciences, and sciences.  Each handbook offers in-depth introductions to topics and a critical survey of the current state of scholarship.  McMaster's access has expanded to include all 1200 Handbooks.