
4 databases found starting with H X MarketingX

Coverage: 1867 to the present

Includes the complete runs of the US and UK editions of Harper’s Bazaar, from 1867 to the present (US edition) and 1929-2015 (UK edition). The issues are reproduced as high-resolution color page images and supported by fully searchable text and article-level indexing. The magazine covers over 150 years of American, British, and international fashion, society, and popular culture, facilitating academic research in wide-ranging fields such as women’s studies, fashion, marketing, advertising, material culture, design, and more. It chronicles of some of the most influential work from world-renowned designers, models, photographers,stylists, and illustrators of the period.

Coverage: 2006 to the present

Contains a rich source of original, professionally produced multimedia talks, case studies and interviews, and 20 peer-reviewed, vocational journals. The Collection enables faculty and students to quickly and easily access and incorporate high quality academic and professional insights by many world renowned authorities, to complement and enrich teaching and learning. Some examples of how the content is used include:

Coverage: Current

Hoover's provides management and financial information on over 50,000 public and private companies in the United States and around the world.International coverage tends to focus on larger companies whose stock trades on a U.S. exchange or those that have extensive operations in the U.S.

Coverage: Current

Each snapshot includes an industry overview, the top companies in the industry, associations and organizations, and key people. U.S. focus.