
4 databases found starting with C X ChemistryX

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Contains published crystallographic data on organic, organometallic, and metal complex structures whose 3D structures have been determined using X-ray diffraction or neutron diffraction.  The following search functionality is available in WebCSD: full text and numeric searching, reduced cell searching, 2D substructure searching, and 2D structure similarity searching.  
More complex searches, including 3D substructure searching, can be performed with the desktop client applications (ConQuest, Mercury, Vista, etc).  Contact Jim Britten in the Chemistry department for more information on the client interface.

ChemDraw a leading chemical drawing application. McMaster subscribes to ChemDraw Professional, with tools to quickly create chemically intelligent, publication-ready chemical structures and reactions, or experimental notes and write-ups. Beyond a full set of chemical structure essentials (e.g., rings, bonds, chains, atoms, and functional group tools), ChemDraw Professional also includes 3D clean-up and 3D display improvements,1H and 13C NMR predictions, Name-to-Structure and Structure-to-Name functions, and integrations to SciFinder, Reaxys, and SciFinder-n. Peptide and nucleic acid chemists can also take advantage of the HELM Toolbar to easily represent biomolecules.

McMaster users need to be registered to download the tool and access the cloud applicaitons. Please use the Quick Start Guide to learn how to quickly register and activate your copy of ChemDraw and ChemOffice+ Cloud.

Coverage: 1987 to the present

Key scientific and trade literature are scanned for information on safety and health hazards surrounding chemicals encountered in the chemical and related industries. Topics covered include health and safety, chemical and biological hazards, plant safety, legislation, protective equipment and storage, all relating to the chemical and allied industries.

Search across ten chemistry dictionaries and databases, including the CRC Handbook of Chemistry & Physics. 

Combined chemical dictionary -- Dictionary of commonly cited compounds -- Dictionary of drugs -- Dictionary of inorganic and organometallic compounds -- Dictionary of natural products -- Dictionary of organic compounds -- Dictionary of Food Compounds -- Dictionary of Marine Natural Products -- Polymers, a property database -- Properties of organic compounds