and Terrain Database for Northeastern Africa
United Nations. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Soil and
Terrain Database for Northeastern Africa: Crop Production System Zones of the
IGAD Subregion. [CD-ROM]. FAO Land and Water Digital Media Series #02. 1998.
Index Description:
Part of a global project to inventory soils. This CD-ROM contains
reports, databases and digital maps for northeastern Africa (covering Burundi,
Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, Rwanda and Uganda).
A digital coverage is available for each country individually, as well as a coverage
containing all ten countries for the whole area (Soil and Terrain Data Map of
East Africa = SEA). The map scale is 1:1,000,000. Projection = Geographic
(decimal degrees). Map file formats: ArcInfo export format (.e00).
Metadata: There are a number of metadata document
files available on the CD-ROM, including: 1) Readme.1st document, which
shows the directory structure and contents of the CD-ROM. 2) The Digital
Soil and Terrain Database of East Africa (SEA): Notes on the Arc/Info Files. (/export/notes.doc),
which explains the attributes in the geospatial boundary files. A paper
copy of all of these documents is available in the Map Collection.
Fields in These Data Files:
Area | Perimeter | Idnumber |
CNTcode | MapUnit | Dom1 | Reliab | Landscape
Sample | Geology
Sample | Vegetation
Sample | Snum1 | Areaperc1 | Snoclass1 | SlopeLow1 | SlopeHigh1 | SlopePlus1 | Textclass1 | Surfafor1 | ParentMat1 | Exterdrai1 | StoneLow1 | StoneHigh1 | StonePlus1 | Crusting1 | EdepthLow1 | EdepthHig1 | EdepthPlu1 | FaoClass1 | Phase1So1 | Ph1Perso1 | Phase2So1 | Ph2Perso1 | Snum2 | Areaperc2 | Snoclass2 | SlopeLow2 | SlopeHigh2 | SlopePlus2 | TextClass2 | Surfafor2 | Parentmat2 | Exterdrai2 | StoneLow2 | StoneHigh2 | StonePlus2 | Crusting2 | Edepthlow2 | Edepthhig2 | Edepthplu2 | Faoclass2 | Phase1so2 | Ph1perso2 | Phase2so2 | Ph2percso2 | Snum3 | Areaperc3 | Sloclass3 | SlopeLow3 | SlopeHigh3 | SlopePlus3 | TextClass3 | Surfafor3 | Parentmat3 | exterdrai3 | StoneLow3 | StoneHigh3 | StonePlus3 | Crusting3 | Edepthlow3 | Edepthhig3 | Edepthplu3 | Faoclass3 | Phase1so3 | Ph1perso3 | Phase2so3 | Ph2percso3 | Snum4 | Areaperc4 | Sloclass4 | SlopeLow4 | SlopeHigh4 | SlopePlus4 | TextClass4 | Surfafor4 | Parentmat4 | Exterdrai4 | StoneLow4 | StoneHigh4 | StonePlus4 | Crusting4 | EdepthLow4 | EdepthHig4 | EdepthPlu4 | Faoclass4 | Phase1so4 | Ph1perso4 | Phase2so4 | Ph2percso4 | Snum5 | Areaperc5 | Sloclass5 | SlopeLow5 | SlopeHigh5 | SlopePlus5 | Textclass5 | Surfafor5 | Parentmat5 | Exterdrai5 | StoneLow5 | StoneHigh5 | StonePlus5 | Crusting5 | EdepthLow5 | EdepthHig5 | EdepthPlu5 | Faoclass5 | Phase1so5 | Ph1perso5 | Phase2so5 | Ph2percso5 | Ucs1 | Ucs2 | Ucns | Prs1 | Prs2 | Pdns | Popytype | Popycoun | Dnpytype | Skarea |
Location: An ArcView project is available as a demo
of this data, on the ArcView workstation in the Map Collection. H:/data
demos/FAO/NE Africa/demo.apr
How to Obtain These Files: 1)
The CD-ROM is available for loan to McMaster researchers and students, with valid
ID. 2) Request the CD-ROM from the Map Collection in Mills Library Room
110. The call number for the CD-ROM is UN9 FA5 98S02.
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