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(Apr 13/11) Love the 24/7 service at Thode! Hopefully this will be maintained throughout the fall and winter terms, even outside exams. Having somewhere to sit with a table and a healthy supply of outlets is fantastic! Also, definitely keep 1st and 3rd floor as silent study spaces; we have enough noisy places with Mills Learning Commons and the student centre.

Library response: Thank you for your feedback!  The 24/7 hours at Thode are part of a pilot which has been funded by the MSU.  We are glad to hear that you are finding it useful. Although there is no guarantee of continued funding for this service, your feedback and comments are valuable for us to have when we are planning how best to serve our library users in the future.Thanks again!
(Apr 18/11)
Answered by: Lynn Schneider (Supervisor, Circulation & Collection Maintenance, Health Sciences Library)
Categories: Hours, Thode  |  Permalink