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Hours Suggestions for all Libraries

(Oct 15/23) How are there no libraries open during normal hours on weekends? Where are students supposed to study for a quiet space?

Library response: Thank you for reaching out. Thode and Mills Library are opened on Saturday from 10:30am to 5:30pm. On Sunday, the Learning Commons is opened from 8am to 11pm and Mills and Thode are opened from 3pm to 11pm. We are slowly rolling into extended hours and around mid-November, you will find Thode and the Learning Commons opened past midnight and then we move into 24/7 during exams. You can find more information on our Library Hours page During Reading Break, we shorten our hours as many students are not on campus. If you have suggestions on how we can improve our hours during the weekend, please let us know. We always love hearing from our students! (Oct 18/23)
Answered by: Lynne Serviss (Associate University Librarian, User Services and Community Engagement)
Categories: Hours  |  Permalink

(Sep 12/22) Can we have a 24/7 place to study? right now anyone who wanna study at night have to place to go: class room(if lucky no one ask you to leave) and student centre(SC). But: Finding a suitable classroom was time-consuming; all the people were talking in the SC, making the place difficult to stay and study without headphones(and the light is broken, seat are limited). Also, most of the Universities have a 24/7 library/studyArea through the Fall/Winter term. So, could we have one at MacU?

Library response: Thanks for your message. We do typically offer late night studying, farther into the term, as demand increases. This usually extends to 24.7 studying for the exam period. Mills and Thode libraries are open until 11pm on weekdays, with Health Sciences Library open until 9pm. Watch for changing hours on our websites - (Sep 12/22)
Answered by: Anne Pottier (Associate University Librarian, Library Services/Facilities/Learning Support/Collections)
Categories: Hours  |  Permalink

(Oct 3/21) I have a daughter who likes studying in libraries because it helps her focus and maximize her every minute of the time. But all libraries are closed during weekends and during fall terms they are operating with reduced hours, especially health science library is only open 11 am to 4pm Monday to Friday due to COVID. But most of students and staff got vaccinated and most of our lives are back to normal with safety measures. Even though the university wants to avoid congregations of students inside buildings by reducing hours, in really students are gathering outside of school, eg) having homecoming parties, watching foot ball games held by McMaster. Keeping libraries closed would prevent COVID spread? I dont think so. Students need a space to study. Its very frustrating. Closing libraries during weekends and 4pm during weekdays... where do you think Students should go and study?

Library response: Thank you for your suggestion. We have been ramping up library hours over this 1st month or so of the term, as both students and staff adjust to being back on campus, adding evening and Sunday hours in Mills Library just this past week. Hours will reduce over Reading Week, but will revert to almost full regular hours after that. Keep an eye on for our most recent hours, including those in the Health S ciences Library. (Oct 3/21)
Answered by: Anne Pottier (Associate University Librarian, Library Services/Facilities/Learning Support/Collections)
Categories: Hours  |  Permalink

(Apr 6/19) It is quite inconvenient that the library closes at 5:45 on the weekend. Shall we just stop studying at 5:45? Considering how few decent places with natural light there are on campus, this is just one more disappointment at McMaster. I dont understand why the library study areas cant be open 24 hours, as they should be at a major research university with 30 thousand students.

Library response: Thanks for taking the time to share your concerns. Unfortunately, for patient safety reasons, the HSL will never be able to provide 24 hour access without major renovations. I'm happy to share the details of the issue if contact me directly. In terms of evening hours, we have been working with student leadership to determine whether or not there is a demand for extended Saturday hours. Because we are working with a limited budget, any additional hours we add on Saturday evenings will have to be taken from somewhere else in the week. We are investigating opening later on Sundays in order to come up with the necessary funds. I hope this will help with your studies next Fall. (Apr 8/19)
Answered by: Jennifer McKinnell (Director, Health Sciences Library)
Categories: Hours, Health Sciences  |  Permalink

(Mar 28/18) Can Innis please be open on Saturday during exam season? Although its small, Innis is by far the cleanest and friendliest library and the defacto best place to study on campus!(<- a fact, not an opinion) Wed all really appreciate more of this librarys hours.

Library response: Thank you for your kind comments about Innis Library, I'll pass them along to the Innis staff.  I'll also pass along your comments to our hard working cleaning staff.  I'm sure she'll be happy to hear one of our users notices the work she does each day to keep Innis clean. I have great news!  Innis Library does extend its hours during exam time to include Friday night and during the day on Saturday.  Innis will also be open late night hours from 8:30am - 1:45am Monday to Thursdays starting Monday, April 9th.  You can access our Library hours here: Thank you again for your comments and good luck on your exams!   (Mar 29/18)
Answered by: Ann Pearce (Supervisor, Information Services, Innis Library)
Categories: Hours, Innis  |  Permalink

(Feb 8/18) Please extend Innis Library hours. The late hours are very useful and appreciated. This library is the best and favorite study area for many of us. Thank You

Library response: Thank you for your submission to our online suggestion box regarding late night hours at Innis Library after Reading Week.    Last term, Thode Library began offering late-night studying hours earlier in the term, immediately after Reading Week, the same as Innis Library.  The impact of the availability of this additional study space on the use of Innis was significant.  Innis saw its number of users drop dramatically as Thode’s numbers rose, dropping down to more than half of the previous year’s numbers.  As a result, we found it wasn’t feasible to keep Innis open for late-night studying this term.    However, we will be opening our space for late-night studying during the coming exam period.  You will find more details posted on the Hours section of the Library website.  We will continue to review our late-night studying offering for the 2018 – 2019 academic year.   (Feb 9/18)
Answered by: Ann Pearce (Supervisor, Information Services, Innis Library)
Categories: Hours, Innis  |  Permalink

(Feb 4/18) We had booked a study room in Mills library until 6pm on Saturday. We were told to vacate it by staff at 5:45pm due to closing procedure but were not aware of this since our booking said till 6pm nor had we heard the announcement. Could a change be made to the online booking schedule to be until 5:45 instead of 6?

Library response: Thanks for submitting your comment. I am sure this was frustrating for you. We will adjust the times for the last booking of these rooms to reflect the 15 min earlier closing. Have a good day (Feb 5/18)
Answered by: Anne Pottier (Associate University Librarian, Library Services/Facilities/Learning Support/Collections)
Categories: Hours, Mills  |  Permalink

(Sep 30/16) Keep Thode open 24/7 all the time please.

Library response: Thanks for your suggestion.  Unfortunately we don't have the budget nor the staff to keep any of our libraries open 24/7. You can use the Mills Learning Commons 24/5 after the Fall Recess period. At the same time Innis Library will start remaining open Monday through Thursday until 3am for Silent Late Night Studying. The week before exams the Mills Learning Commons and Thode Library move to a 24/7 schedule. More information about Library Hours, including those at the Health Sciences Library, can be found at   (Sep 30/16)
Answered by: Anne Pottier (Associate University Librarian, Library Services/Facilities/Learning Support/Collections)
Categories: Hours, Thode  |  Permalink

(Feb 4/16) I have been really surprised at how all the McMaster libraries close at the same time during the school year at 10:45pm. At my undergraduate university, which had only about 7000 students, the main library was open until 2am every day. The situation at McMaster really makes it difficult to find study space at night when I personally am very productive. I have actually found that there are usually a good number of people forced to leave at the end of every night especially during midterms. In addition, there are likely many students who do not come to the library because of their early closing time. I understand that running all libraries past a specific time is expensive. The Learning Commons are traditionally open much later, however they can be very noisy. I suggest that one of the major libraries like Mills, Thode or Health Sciences be open until 2am during the school year. This will allow students who get more work done late at night to study without distractions. Many of us including myself find it difficult to concentrate at home so study in the library.

Library response: Thanks for submitting your comments. Each term we roll out extended hours as demand and use dictates im Mills, Innis and Thode libraries. The Health Sciences library determines its own hours. For the first couple of weeks of each term we provide standard hours since late night studying is not something students want or require. Once we get past the 1st month or so, we start providing late night hours, Sunday to Thursday until 2am and Friday and Saturday until 10pm, in the Mills Learning Commons. The next milestone is reading week each term - the Learning Commons goes 24/5 at this point, Sundays to Thursdays. Last term we introduced Quiet Late Night Studying in the Innis Library (KTH-108) Mondays to Thursdays, staying open until 3am. We will be doing this again starting the Monday after the spring Reading Week. Finally, as we approach exams, we move into 24/7 in the Mills Learning Commons and Thode Library, and the main part of Mills Library and Innis Library go into extended hours, 8am to 11pm, 7 days per week. We will continue the Quiet Studying at Innis until 3am, Mondays to Thursdays. We re-evaluate our hours, based on statistics from previous semesters, and make changes as required. Complete details about Library Hours can be found on the library website.  (Feb 5/16)
Answered by: Anne Pottier (Associate University Librarian, Library Services/Facilities/Learning Support/Collections)
Categories: Hours  |  Permalink