McMaster has access to several modules within the U.K. Parliamentary Papers database including the House of Commons Parliamentary Papers, 18th Century (also known as Sessional Papers or Blue Books), House of Lords Parliamentary Papers, Public Petitions to Parliament and Hansard.
Reproduced from originals at the U.S. National Archives, this primary sources publication provides a wealth of unique correspondence, reports and analyses, memos of conversations, and personal interviews exploring such themes U.S.-Vatican relations, the Vatican’s role in World War II, Jewish refugees, Italian anti-Jewish laws during the papacy of Pius XII, and the pope’s personal knowledge of the treatment of European Jews. The collection consists of telegrams, despatches, reports, and letters between Myron Taylor (the president's representative to the Vatican) and his staff, the State Department, other U.S. government agencies, the Vatican, and the Italian government. There are materials on political affairs, Jews, refugee and relief activities, German-owned property in Rome, property rights, and the Vatican Bank. In addition, there are materials on Axis diplomats, war criminals, protocols and religious statements, and records of the peace efforts of the Vatican.
Volume I covers major works from North America and Europe, beginning with the first underground comix from the 1950s and continuing through to modern sequential artists. The collection contextualizes these original works with 25,000 pages of interviews, commentary, theory, and criticism from journals, books, and magazines, including The Comics Journal.
Volume II expands on Volume I by providing an additional 100,000 pages of important, rare, and hard-to-find works, scholarly writings, and more. Volume II adds extensive coverage of the pre-Comics Code era horror, crime, romance, and war comics that fueled the backlash leading to one of the largest censorship campaigns in US history. It also contains tens of thousands of pages of non-mainstream, post-code comics and secondary materials from around the world, including the US, Canada, France, Italy, Spain, England, Sweden, Norway, Australia, Korea, Japan, and more.