Best Bets for General and Multi-disciplinary
Not sure where to begin? Try these first.
A multi-disciplinary database that provides access to current and archived news, business and company information worldwide. The database contains content from more than 30,000 sources from 200 countries in 32 languages.
Provided by the Digital Research Alliance of Canada, the Federated Research Data Repository (FRDR) is a system for researchers in Canada to deposit and share research data and to facilitate discovery of research data through federated searching across over 100 Canadian research data repositories. Anyone can use FRDR to search for and download data, and researchers can use FRDR as a robust repository option into which large research datasets can be ingested, curated, processed for preservation, discovered, cited, and shared.
Some key features include:
Search or browse issues (full page and article images in PDF) of the Financial Times. The archive covers the complete run of the London edition of this internationally known daily business newspaper, from its first issue in 1888 through 2021. Every article, advertisement, and market listing is included—shown both individually and in the context of the full page and issue of the day.
The most current issues of the Financial Times are available in print and online via several databases (with most current month embargoed).
This collection of primary source documents captures the lives, experiences and colonial encounters of settlers and indigenous people living in colonial frontiers of North America, Southern Africa, Australia and New Zealand from 1650-1920. More than 20% of the content is Canadian, with over 1,000 documents drawn from the Hudson's Bay Archive and the Glenbow Museum.