Best Bets for General and Multi-disciplinary
Not sure where to begin? Try these first.
A dictionary of biographical entries for individuals who have contributed to the history of Canada.
Brings together grants, publications, citations, alternative metrics, clinical trials, patents and policy documents to deliver a platform for users to find and access the most relevant information and analyze the academic and broader outcomes of research. Combines a citation database, a research analytics suite, and article discovery and access functionality.
DOAJ provides access to articles from over 14,000 high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals in a wide range of subjects. The directory is curated by the community in an effort to maintain quality.
Includes primary sources, supporting materials, and archives, along with video. The content is not only useful for teaching and research in disability studies, but also in history, media, the arts, political science, education, and other areas where the contributions of the disability community are often overlooked.
Contains citations & abstracts of all McMaster theses submitted to UMI Dissertation Publishing up to 2011. Authorized McMaster users can download full-text PDF versions (if available) of dissertations and theses published by McMaster students, 1970-1996.
Streaming video collection of independent, social-issue and environmental films from renowned leaders in documentary film distribution, including titles from Bullfrog Films, Collective Eye, GOOD DOCS, Women Make Movies, and many others.