Best Bets for Humanities
Not sure where to begin? Try these first.
Cambridge Companions are a series of guides to major writers, artists, philosophers, topics, and periods. With over 600 titles and 4,000 essays, it offers subject or theme based cross-searchable collections, available in three sub-collections: Cambridge Companions to Literature and Classics, Cambridge Companions to Philosophy, Religion and Culture, and Cambridge Companions to Music.
Cambridge Histories is a series reference works of over 400 volumes spanning fifteen subject areas across the humanities and social sciences, with a concentration on political and cultural history, literature, philosophy, religious studies, music and the arts.
Designed for universities and colleges, this collection provides full-length Canadian video programs, documentaries, feature films, short edu-clips, and podcasts. Can-CORE partners with Canadian and Indigenous filmmakers, and provides a growing collection of content from indigenous filmmakers by and about Indigenous peoples and issues. An 'Indigenous Content Only' filter can be used with any keyword or browse search.
Internet Archive Canada (IAC), with its Toronto scanning centre established in 2004 on the campus of the University of Toronto, has worked with more 250 institutions, in providing their unique material(s) with open access and sharing these collections the world over, including texts, collections, images, data, videos and audio. From the Archives of the Sisters of Service to the University of Alberta, IAC has digitized more than 675,000 unique texts. McMaster's collection is also included.
The collection includes more than 100,000 pages of poems, drama, novels, stories, and related material—carefully located and secured from archives and rare book libraries, licensed from local publishing houses, and received from the authors themselves.
More than a million and a half Africans, along with many Indians and South Asians, were brought to the Caribbean between the 15th and 19th centuries. Today, their descendants are active in literature and the arts, producing literature with strong and direct ties to traditional African expressions. This literary connection, combined with the tales of survival, exile, resistance, endurance, and emigration to other parts of the Americas, makes for a body of work that is essential for the study of the Caribbean and the Black Diaspora.
Constellate is a text analysis learning and analysis platform supported by JSTOR Labs and ITHAKA. See full record for access information.